Dark Matter Descends on Denver


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Dark Matter Descends on Denver

This is the show from Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012.


* Meet us at 11:30am Wed. Oct 3 at University & Evans: Bob was unavailable at airtime due to a prior engagement (in the executive suite with his personal hair stylist), so co host Doug McBurney welcomes Personhood warrior Susan Sutherland in studio to invite Christians to gather outside “Issues Alley” near the D.U. campus. Colorado Right to Life and Personhood USA are prepared to shine the Light of God’s Truth into the darkness with signs, literature and debate for all the people coming out for the presidential debate. So come on out to University and Evans at 11:30 on Wednesday and add your voice to ours!

* Deace Deals the Dirt on GOP Dissent: Iowa’s most influential conservative, (and America’s hottest conservative talk show host) Steve Deaceconcludes his insightful Buisiness Insider interview with a dire warning for the progressive leadership of the GOP.

* Reason # 164: After hearing Doug recount the story of a Michigan State University Calculus professor’s meltdown, Bob discusses the woeful shortcomings of the government education system, (including the fact that at the University of Denver, host of the presidential debate, affectionately known around town as DU, or as we like to say “DUh…, one of the most popular courses is remedial English). Doug's theory on the Michigan professor... Pot + Atheism + Academic Career=Inevitable Psychological Meltdown.

* Another College in the Dark: Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile, (or is it Cecil) Richards, Senator Michael Bennett and Representative Diana DeGette coordinate their descent upon Denver at the Auraria college campus to scream for more abortions and birth control pills.

Oct. 3 Update: Bob is at the DU Presidential Debate Center: At the University of Denver debate center during the run up to the Romney v. Obama debate, Steve Kelly with Denver's AM 710 KNUS interviewed Colorado's personhood amendment co-sponsor Rosalinda Lozano. KHOW interviewed Colorado RTL's Susan Sutherland. A Getty Images photographer took photos (though we've yet to see a published image of the great 20-foot long personhood sign). Bob, Leslie Hanks, and a team of personhood activists were invited to participate in DU's Debate Fest today, and joined other pro-lifers leafletting and holding a 20-foot Personhood banner in view of the heavy traffic at University and Evans. Bob and the team were interviewed by 7News, 9News, and by foreign journalists including from Denmark and Uganda. We distributed a lot of great literature and probably had at least 100 conversations with students and journalists and Bob had a couple great talks with DU professors including a physicist. Six students from China enjoyed our booth, yet when we asked if any of them had brothers or sisters, we were saddened, as they were, that the answer was no.