Danger to the World


Leaders overseas don't know when they can believe what Chump says; how can anyone negotiate with a President like that?

Americans at home have learned, like Pavlov's dogs, to meet his lies and wild accusations with a shrug (and a growing sense of dread, if they're liberals) or with enthusiastic salivation (if they're members of Trump's reactionary base).

It doesn't matter whether Trump is intentionally deceitful, cognitively impaired, or simply has never suffered consequences from his stated falsehoods and so doesn't care enough to bother with truth.

An American president who cannot be taken at his word is a danger to the world.


efusing to applaud an idea you disagree with is one of the most basic expressions of free speech, itself a fundamental American value, right there in the very first amendment to our Constitution.


What a sad state we're all in, when we've accepted this as normal from our leader -- and when, worst of all, Republicans go right along with the madness and the lies, patting our little boy President on the head and telling him he's doing a good job.

patrick jane

Leaders overseas don't know when they can believe what Chump says; how can anyone negotiate with a President like that?

Americans at home have learned, like Pavlov's dogs, to meet his lies and wild accusations with a shrug (and a growing sense of dread, if they're liberals) or with enthusiastic salivation (if they're members of Trump's reactionary base).

It doesn't matter whether Trump is intentionally deceitful, cognitively impaired, or simply has never suffered consequences from his stated falsehoods and so doesn't care enough to bother with truth.

An American president who cannot be taken at his word is a danger to the world.
It sounds like you're believing all the lies that ours and your media are feeding you. The world loves Trump, the leaders are nervous and the world's people love him. The smart people, I should say. There's nothing that's help you by railing against Trump for 7 more years of life. Trump has no effect on your country or your beloved pension. At least you HAVE a pension. You should be blaming your system and your invasion of muslims and liberals in the UK. Wake up zed.


It sounds like you're believing all the lies that ours and your media are feeding you. The world loves Trump,
You sound like a complete dipstick. The world loves Homer Simpson 1000 times more than dick-head.

the leaders are nervous and the world's people love him. The smart people, I should say.
Yeah, nervous as hell of a posse-canon with Aspergers syndrome. BTW Smart people do not love a loser. And chump boy has just lost another wife.

There's nothing that's help you by railing against Trump for 7 more years of life.
Railing? Chump is the best comic show since the Muppets. Especially, with the Muppets we had to wait a week for the next show. With Chump, every day is a farce.

Trump has no effect on your country or your beloved pension. At least you HAVE a pension. You should be blaming your system and your invasion of muslims and liberals in the UK. Wake up zed.
Huh, Vee have dam gut comies, e.g Corbynchov zed who stuf us up big time. Zo not as much crapinov a Chumpinov.


Hey Pat

How many Americans do you want to die needlessly in a Trump war with Iran, just to take media attention off his incompetence?

Hint: Zero is the correct answer.

patrick jane

Hey Pat

How many Americans do you want to die needlessly in a Trump war with Iran, just to take media attention off his incompetence?

Hint: Zero is the correct answer.
Well zed, fortunately Trump doesn't decide when or if we go to war, Congress does. Unfortunately, the real decisions are probably made by the banks and the military industrial complex. Among others.

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Well zed, fortunately Trump doesn't decide when or if we go to war, Congress does. Unfortunately, the real decisions are probably made by the banks and the military industrial complex. Among others.

In true "Trumpian" fashion, "patrick jane" has once again demonstrated that he is long on rhetoric, but short on facts!

Since its inception, the US Congress has voted 11 times to declare war, the most recent example being at the start of WW2!

The fact remains that an American president, particularly ones with majorities in both Houses of Congress, can and have committed the nation to what is referred to as an "authorization to use military force", " without receiving a formal declaration of war from the legislative branch!

Once the president commits the military, Congress is then placed under extreme pressure to do its "patriotic" duty by providing the troops with the necessary funding - even if they disagree with the actions od the President!

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Hall of Fame
What a sad state we're all in, when we've accepted this as normal from our leader.

Two things: "We" haven't ...
He is not "our" leader. Always remember he is only president to a little over 30% of American voters.


Hall of Fame
Hey Pat

How many Americans do you want to die needlessly in a Trump war with Iran, just to take media attention off his incompetence?

Hint: Zero is the correct answer.

Correct you are ... but unfortunately, it is going to take a major calamity to prompt the GOP to take action against the guy who is a multiple draft dodger.


Two things: "We" haven't ...
He is not "our" leader. Always remember he is only president to a little over 30% of American voters.

Thanks for the reminder. The amount of noise he makes it is easy to forget.



In true "Trumpian" fashion, "patrick jane" has once again demonstrated that he is long on rhetoric, but short on facts!

Since its inception, the US Congress has voted 11 times to declare war, the most recent example being at the start of WW2!

The fact remains that an American president, particularly ones with majorities in both Houses of Congress, can and have committed the nation to what is referred to as an "authorization to use military force", " without receiving a formal declaration of war from the legislative branch!

Once the president commits the military, Congress is then placed under extreme pressure to do its "patriotic" duty by providing the troops with the necessary funding - even if they disagree with the actions od the President!


Is this how Bush pushed past the facts that all the UN inspectors on the ground in Iraq could not find anything but piles of rubble. Did the US have a dodgy dodder cobbled to gather like Tony Blair?

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Leaders overseas don't know when they can believe what Chump says; how can anyone negotiate with a President like that?

Of course you believed Obama when he said this:

You can keep your health plan. Period!

You can keep your doctor. Period!


Of course you believed Obama when he said this:

You can keep your health plan. Period!

You can keep your doctor. Period!

I am a foreigner remember. Obama had HUGE respect word wide. And still does. Trump is a sad spectacle. Not even funny, so I did note say 'joke'.