da Pope finally gets one right, msm ignores it

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Pope Francis says gay couples cannot be considered a family.

The media know he said this, but with few exceptions, they refused to run this story. The blackout, it is easy to prove, was intentional.

On June 16, Pope Francis spoke to an Italian family association, and following his scripted remarks, he made some unscripted comments. He denounced those couples who screen for abnormalities in the womb, likening the decision to a Nazi-like tactic. “Last century,” he said, “the whole world was scandalized by what the Nazis did to purify the race. Today, we do the same thing but with white gloves.”

The following media outlets covered this story:
AP, UPI, ABC Online, NBC NY, CNN, Chicago Tribune, New York Times, Orlando Sentinel, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Portland Press Herald, Sun Sentinel, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post.

In the same spontaneous address, Pope Francis said only heterosexuals can form a family. “It is painful to say this today: People speak of varied families, of various kinds of family,” but “the family [as] man and woman in the image of God is the only one.”

With the exception of CNN, UPI and the Wall Street Journal, the media outlets that covered the pope's remarks on abortion had nary a word to say about this comment (CNN downplayed its significance), to my knowledge. Were it not for a few foreign sources—led by the German media outlet, Deutsche Press-Agentur—most of us would not know of this admission by Pope Francis.

This matters not simply because of media bias, but because of something much more important: the manipulation of public opinion in the run-up to the World Meeting of Families. This Vatican event will take place in Ireland August 22-26. Gay activists are desperately trying to redefine the family to include homosexual couples. Pope Francis has just thrown a monkey wrench into their agenda. This is why the media decided to censor his remarks.

Kudos to Pope Francis for speaking truth to power, and shame on the media for engaging in a widespread cover-up.




Although I am not a Roman Catholic and I greatly disagree with Catholics. I do fully respect the rights Of all Roman Catholics here in the United States to practice their faith in accordance with the U.S. law.

I agree with the Vatican Primate Francis's statement but I do not believe that He truly means what He is saying but that He simply is making pronouncements to hide and continue to cover up what The Roman Catholic Church has been doing behind the scenes..

It is such an unspeakable shame that a grown capable man wants to take from women and pretend to take the place of a woman.
Women who are career mothers and even future potential mothers have a special, important role in the taX system and in the family.
Gays do not produce or bear children. The woman's beautiful body is designed and specialized and made designed and set up - specifically for the miracle of conception, growth, development, and birth of making a little baby. - REPRODUCTION.
And the gay community ignores the fact that women's bodies are set up and designed differently than a man's body.
Women are not working the jobs of males and the Gay community knows this.

The Gay community still demands that they have the right to marry other males and have the tax breaks and privileges of a Woman and a marriage situation. The Gay community has really truly disgusted most of the world.

The Vatican Pontiff knows that a hiuge problem eXists as - The Roman Catholic Church worldwide has physiclly and literally handed The KEYS to the CHURCH over to the Gay and Lesbian community. The Homosexual community worldwide and here in America has been handed the very KEYS to The Roman Catholic Church - and the gays have stuck the rest of the Catholic community and also the general taX payers - with all of the bills.

The bills of paying for their sexual gay pleasures, adventures and sexual gay joys, raptures and experiences with innocent, beautiful little precious baby boys. The homosexual community worldwide did not lift a hand or bat an eye to help or support the thousands of victims of the Gay priests who raped, molested and hurt thousands of little kids. And The Catholic Church has placed the Keys To The Church right in their hand. Thousands of Gay men were allowed to use their positions and power and status as a ROMAN CATHOLIC PRIEST to conduct a personal literal Gay Quest. Billions and Billions of dollars in OUR AMERICAN TAXES and DONATIONS CHARITIES. - - OUR TAXES and DONATIONS and GIFTS contributions, presents and handouts and offerings. Billions have been lost and thrown away - Money, property and land and buildings that The Catholics across the planet have lost that could have been used to help the poor and needy- Even could have helped the dreamers and undocumented children immigrants of DACA.

But instead, the billions have all been thrown away into the legal system to pay the seXual bills and fees, fines and court costs and settlements for the seXual adventures and pleasures of the Gay Community worldwide. Having sex with a child can be very, very expensive and the Gay community eXpects You and me to pay this bill.

There are many, many Roman Catholics, Muslims, Hindus and peoples of many faiths and ATHEISTS TOO, who are caring, concerned, moral and great people of all faiths and types of people.

Christians should realize that Gays legally have the right but realize that Gays overall don't care a rip about the rights of children or the reality of the sacred, special role and rights of women.\ and the need for a tax bracket to be set up to pay women what they deserve for being a woman in a marriage working on savings and getting the benefit of tax breaks for being the wonder that they are, a Woman.

A Gay who is a full grown man - with the capability to work just like another man is stealing and hijacking the rights and privileges and needs of the woman.

By demanding the same tax breaks of a woman. These guys who expect this, care not about the importance of Family and women.

Not all gays are this way, some are very kind and considerate.
This is not a family friendly organization.

The Horn

Yeah, like this is going to stop any woman anywhere from having an abortion . It won't . And why is the Catholic church opposed to contraceptives, they best way to PREVENT abortions ? This is unbelievably stupid and disastrously counterproductive .
The Catholic church has been blocking access to contraceptives for so long in poor countries where abortion is illegal . This has done nothing but cause who knows how many poor pregnant women to die from botched illegal abortions . An enormous number of poor children have also been left without mothers . The Vatican has blood on its hands !
Contraceptives don't cause abortions. They PREVENT them !


It is causing problems around the world.

It is not just a case that is centered around Italy or the Islamic territories. The catholislamic governments demand that their problematic laws and mandates be followed in ever country on earth while demanding assistance, aid, help and finantual support for the failed policy that is wrecking havock in every Catholic and Muslim society.

Catholics and Muslims deserve the right to freedom of choice and the right to govern their own families and reproduction. The bible further continues to command for seX to be even enjoyed.

Pro 5:18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth.

Pro 5:19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe;

let her breasts satisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravished always with her love.

The original Hebrew word for thy fountain means in Hebrew 4726 מקור

major flowing; also of tears, blood semen fountain, issue,

The original Hebrew word for RAVISHED Hebrew 7686 שׁגה shâgâh Shaw-gaw' intoxication) to reel, be enraptured:

Enjoy seX, use seX , for pleasure, enjoy your Wife’s Breasts,

Be intoxicated reeling and TAKEN be enraptured: with having seX. And enjoying

having seX ............JUST for the sake of enjoying and having pleasure....alone

and being comforted BY your WIVES.

Pro 5:19 Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe;

let her breasts satisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravished always with her love.

Pro 5:18 Let thy fountain be blessed: congratulated

and rejoice with the wife of thy youth

The Bible is clear, Christians are to have all the seX they want in marriage for enjoyment, pleasures and delight and fun. Roman Catholics project their perversity onto the Bible and make up fake unbiblical laws that pervert Gods plan and His word.
The condoning the use of barrier methods of contraception would be fully condoning casual sex which is the very CORE and eXistence and an intrinsic part of Gods marriage plan.
Casual sex, for enjoyment, is exactly what God advises His people to have.

The Catholic Church and Islam - not allowing the use of barrier contraception for married people is the major problem that has destroyed entire CATHOLISLAMIC COMMUNITIES around the world. Not only does Islam and The Pope ban and prohibit and OUTLAW birth control - - they also outlaw condoms and this has caused a worldwide epidemic and disaster of Millions upon Millions of infected people in Catholic Communities.

The only difference between the Catholic and Muslim communities is that the Roman Catholic communities are filled with homoseXuals and the Aids epidemic is on a massive scale. However, in Islam where homoseXuals are banned and not allowed, the Aids problem does not eXist like it does in the Catholic world.

The artificial world of the Pope completely defines who and eXactly what He is. FAKE.
The Pope hides the fact that the Roman Catholic world is completely immoral, very perverted and the Catholic world is a world of misbegotten children. Most of the Catholic Mothers and Fathers have moved on to 4 to 8 new sexual partners while the Pope sits back and demands a high taX for them all to get a divorce.

This is exactly how Catholicism works- It is a total failure, fraud and a destroyer of the working class. If they use a condom, then they are beginning to commit horrible sin.