Curses of the man and woman:

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Curses of the man and woman:

How some of you can continue to question whether or not Jesus was ever “MARRIED” and not just “espoused”, and maybe had a child while he lived on the earth is proof of your absolute lack of learning. -- Some of you continue to call yourselves “Christians” and continue to attempt to teach when your “apt” / aptitude of knowledge of God can’t be “APPROVED” of Christ; leaving you lost as all the other lost. ----- 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV – “STUDY TO SHEW THYSELF APPROVED unto God, A WORKMAN that needeth not to be ASHAMED”. ----- Shame on most of you in your lack of STUDY!

I say again: - Jesus could not have taken part in any of the curses of the man and the woman that were given in the Garden of Eden. --- To the woman – Genesis 3:16 KJV --- To the man -- Genesis 3:19 KJV --- Jesus did not take part in either curse. Jesus did not marry and have a child, and he did not do any labor or work of any kind in the slightest degree. Jesus did not even draw his own water, or gain the first coin in anything he did. – “Jesus did not take part in any curse that was given to man or woman in the Garden”. Jesus did not plow, plant, or harvest anything, ever. - Jesus was not a shepherd! – Had Jesus EVER done anything for gain of any kind; he would have been cursed as are all of you who justify the things you do for any gain. --- You cannot show from Scriptures where Jesus gained in any way. – Jesus didn’t even defend himself which would have been “GAIN” for him. Jesus never gained anything but eternal life; for not gaining anything carnal. ----- If you claim to have been married, and have children, or condone it; - (you who you ARE in Christ); you remain lost because of taking part in the curse to the woman. -- If you; (who you are in Christ), have anything from gaining from your “WORK”, you remain lost. – Everything you have belongs to Christ / the needy, and not YOU. – Your lack of learning is condemned of Christ by his own word. – “Study to show thyself approved”. - Approval is to be made a CHRISTIAN. - Disapproval is to remain LOST.

If you are entered into God’s REST, you rest from all your labors, - ALL LABORS. You have no gain and you are not married. ----- Mark 12:25 KJV – “For when they shall rise from the dead, THEY NEITHER MARRY, NOR ARE GIVEN IN MARRIAGE; BUT ARE AS THE ANGELS which are in heaven”. ----- The rise from the dead is accomplished in “BAPTISM”. ----- Romans 6:3-4 KJV - Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ WERE BAPTIZED INTO HIS DEATH? 4- Therefore we are BURIED WITH HIM BY BAPTISM INTO DEATH: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk”. ----- That’s what the TRUTH says. -- You with all your WISDOM from philosophy gains you no eternal life to WALK with Christ, but eternal death. --- That’s why Jesus did not take part in any curse of the Garden, in the slightest way, but you all scoff at it.

This is the FIRST DAY; - the eternal Day of the Lord; the day of the Lord’s REST. - This first day is the eighth day, after the works of the Lord; the day of circumcision. – Romans 2:29 KJV - But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and CIRCUMCISION IS THAT OF THE HEART, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God”. -----
None of you will ever prove me wrong in this. You will only hide or call me names.

Your total lack of love of the TRUTH shall be your and your country’s and world’s judgment that is coming upon you without the end. – You can see and read and hear of it daily. – Read my Threads; - “Judgment without the end” starting 05/11/07. ---- “There is nothing that any of you can do about it. – The lost do not have the right of prayer to stop it. ----- John 9:31 KJV – “Now WE KNOW THAT GOD HEARETH NOT SINNERS: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth”. -----

You churches of Christ members have come so close to the Truth, but you stop with just WATER baptism, and don’t carry baptism any farther to the whole Truth. Therefore, Shame on you also!

There is little more obvious than the so called “Christians” who do not have the “APT” / APTITUDE of the Word of God to teach, and continue to attempt to teach and is applauded in their foolish effort. -- Therefore, continue to teach that one can be counted under the curses of God, and still be justified or saved. --- One is taken out from the curses through Christ. – You think you KNOW you’re justified or saved regardless of what you are “APT” to teach. - You can change the Word, and leave the Word out in order to teach anything you want the Word of God to say.

Jesus did not do anything in the slightest that was covered by the curses of the Garden of Eden.

Paul – 102810


Well-known member
Our Lord Jesus (Emanuel) took part in this particular point of the curse. God cursed the "ground." These particular particles that were cursed were the elements of creation that God had used to form Adam a body. When the elements of Adam's body were cursed ... Adam became a mortal being and death began its reign.

When our Lord was manifested in flesh and came forth though the appropriate portal into this world (aka Woman) ... he took on - partook of - the curse of man's mortal flesh. If he had not, then he could never have tasted death through his body. Of course, God cannot die ... but he was able to experience death of the flesh through His temporary association with it.


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Hall of Fame
It belongs to the needy, not me, then I would be needy and it would flow back to me. I think there is a song there somewhere :think:


New member
Our Lord Jesus (Emanuel) took part in this particular point of the curse. God cursed the "ground." These particular particles that were cursed were the elements of creation that God had used to form Adam a body. When the elements of Adam's body were cursed ... Adam became a mortal being and death began its reign.

When our Lord was manifested in flesh and came forth though the appropriate portal into this world (aka Woman) ... he took on - partook of - the curse of man's mortal flesh. If he had not, then he could never have tasted death through his body. Of course, God cannot die ... but he was able to experience death of the flesh through His temporary association with it.

The flesh of Jesus was formed of the WORD OF GOD, not from the dust of the Ground. – When Jesus died, he poured his blood out ON THE Ground, cleansing it for the future man in his Kingdom / Body the Church. – Therefore, even our bodies / carnal bodies are formed from the purified dust of the ground and we, even there don’t take part in the curse of the ground, and through Jesus we do not take part in any curse of the Garden of Eden. – We, as it were, are formed from that dust mingled with the blood of Jesus Christ. That is the clay of which we are formed. - Purified ground, and the Blood of Jesus Christ = CLAY, and Jesus is the potter. – SORRY!

Paul – 102910


TOL Subscriber
Our Lord Jesus (Emanuel) took part in this particular point of the curse. God cursed the "ground." These particular particles that were cursed were the elements of creation that God had used to form Adam a body. When the elements of Adam's body were cursed ... Adam became a mortal being and death began its reign.

When our Lord was manifested in flesh and came forth though the appropriate portal into this world (aka Woman) ... he took on - partook of - the curse of man's mortal flesh. If he had not, then he could never have tasted death through his body. Of course, God cannot die ... but he was able to experience death of the flesh through His temporary association with it.

Christ did not suffer the "curse" in His birth . . . He substitutionally suffered the "curse" for His people on the cross.

The "curse" was not against being flesh, but a result of sin committed in the flesh.

Considering flesh to be the "curse" is gnostic and erroneous.

For justified Christians do continue in the flesh, but are freed from the "curse" of sin through the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross.



New member
Christ did not suffer the "curse" in His birth . . . He substitutionally suffered the "curse" for His people on the cross.

The "curse" was not against being flesh, but a result of sin committed in the flesh.

Considering flesh to be the "curse" is gnostic and erroneous.

For justified Christians do continue in the flesh, but are freed from the "curse" of sin through the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross.


With Satan, God cursed the ground. - What Ps82 it referring to is I suppose is that IF Christ's Body / FLESH was also formed from the dust of the Ground that was cersed, his flesh would have been cursed also, but he wasn’t. - Jesus’ flesh was formed from the Word, and nothing else; therefore, Christ couldn’t have taken part of any curse at the Garden of Eden if the Word was made flesh of the Anointed.

Paul – 103110


Well-known member
Christ did not suffer the "curse" in His birth . . . He substitutionally suffered the "curse" for His people on the cross.

The "curse" was not against being flesh, but a result of sin committed in the flesh.

Considering flesh to be the "curse" is gnostic and erroneous.

For justified Christians do continue in the flesh, but are freed from the "curse" of sin through the atoning work of Jesus Christ on the cross.


I agree that our Lord submitted himself in order to take on our infirmities and to rid us of our sinful state. In order to do this he took upon himself our sin - ful state. This means that he took on mortality ... and mortality in man's flesh had resulted from the 'fall' in the garden and the resulting curse upon the ground from which our bodies were taken. Therefore, Jesus took upon himself the cursed body of humanity so that he could suffer, bleed, and die for the work of perfecting our broken condition.

Yes, we have been freed of the curse ... and it came through the WORKS of Jesus while he was appearing IN OUR STATE.

Have you ever wondered why in the days of Moses that a bronze dead serpent was hung upon a stick and raised up so the people could look upon it to be healed of their poisonous snake bites?

My thoughts are:
It is us humans that became snake bitten in the "Garden," and in order for us to be healed of our snake bitten condition(sin and mortality), then Jesus Christ had to take on our same snake bitten condition in order to fix every thing that was wrong with us.

That dead bronze serpent represented our stricken savior, because he did take our affliction (aka our humanity, our mortality, our afflictions, our curses), in order to provide the necessary cure (such as - the anti-venom) needed to heal us.

Only our creator could come into the very midst of our affliction; be tempted in every way that pertains to mankind; and suffer even unto death in order to provide the WAY of healing for us ... and to provide the WAY for us to follow his healed-example into perfection and into his eternal kingdom.

The analogy is like ONE providing the anti-venom for the snake bitten victims.

Another analogy that can be drawn from the bronze dead serpent was that Christ defeated that old serpent, Satan, as well as cured the snake-bitten suffers, when he took on their condition and died to provide the cure.


Well-known member
The flesh of Jesus was formed of the WORD OF GOD, not from the dust of the Ground. – When Jesus died, he poured his blood out ON THE Ground, cleansing it for the future man in his Kingdom / Body the Church. – Therefore, even our bodies / carnal bodies are formed from the purified dust of the ground and we, even there don’t take part in the curse of the ground, and through Jesus we do not take part in any curse of the Garden of Eden. – We, as it were, are formed from that dust mingled with the blood of Jesus Christ. That is the clay of which we are formed. - Purified ground, and the Blood of Jesus Christ = CLAY, and Jesus is the potter. – SORRY!

Paul – 102910

Actually, I think the Bible says that the Christ WAS The WORD ... not that his flesh was the WORD. Share your scripture where it says that the flesh of Christ consisted of the WORD.

Yes, Christ's blood was spilled to cure the WORLD, which includes mankind ... but the only way God could taste our suffering even unto death ... was that he took on our state of humanity and mortality.

Mortality came unto mankind when the ground was cursed by God in Gen.3. Mortality was the result of the curse; therefore, if God was able to taste mortality in his body, then he must have put on our condition of sin and death.

This is the miracle that God was able to do in order to save us. While he submitted himself to our imperfections, and while he was tempted in every way ... and while he tasted suffering and death through his mortal flesh ... God was able to exist in this state without ever committing any sins ... and he was able to overcame death in the mortal body and raise it again.

His ability to raise his human body was the miracle God did in order to provide THE WAY for the rest of us to follow his example.

Excuse me if I am redundant. I'm very tired this evening. It was a busy day.


New member
Actually, I think the Bible says that the Christ WAS The WORD ... not that his flesh was the WORD. Share your scripture where it says that the flesh of Christ consisted of the WORD.

Yes, Christ's blood was spilled to cure the WORLD, which includes mankind ... but the only way God could taste our suffering even unto death ... was that he took on our state of humanity and mortality.

Mortality came unto mankind when the ground was cursed by God in Gen.3. Mortality was the result of the curse; therefore, if God was able to taste mortality in his body, then he must have put on our condition of sin and death.

This is the miracle that God was able to do in order to save us. While he submitted himself to our imperfections, and while he was tempted in every way ... and while he tasted suffering and death through his mortal flesh ... God was able to exist in this state without ever committing any sins ... and he was able to overcame death in the mortal body and raise it again.

His ability to raise his human body was the miracle God did in order to provide THE WAY for the rest of us to follow his example.

Excuse me if I am redundant. I'm very tired this evening. It was a busy day.

John 1:14 KJV - "The (Word was made flesh) and dwelt among us". and we beheld his glory".

Paul -- 110110


New member
Galatians, Cursed is everyone that is hanged on a Tree (Cross)

Cursed by who? - Not God, but the fools that hung Jesus on the tree. God never hanged anyone on the Cross. Jesus yealded to the cross himself to fulfill the Gospel for US.

Paul -- 110110


New member
I am very confused by the idea that a human being is formed by words of the Bible.

How hard is it for you to believe God? - It's not I that said it, but God.

John 1:12-14 KJV – “As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: 13- WHICH WERE BORN, NOT OF BLOOD, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD. 14- AND –( THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH )-, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth”.

Paul – 110210
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