CRTL Hits Trump Admin with Constructive Criticism in Wash Times


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CRTL Hits Trump Admin with Constructive Criticism in Wash Times

This is the show from Monday, January 23rd, 2017


* For the First Monday that Donald Trump Woke Up in the White House: (post-show update) See the full-page Washington Times ad run by Colorado Right To Life to urge the Congress, the Supreme Court, and the new Trump administration, to learn what is right and to do what is right, by the most innocent among us.

President Trump...

Click to see the Trump ad in context of the full edition of the Times or for just the ad, click on this tear sheet header:

* Today's Program: Bob Enyart reports today's news including a biblical analysis of the three executive orders that Donald Trump signed today, and a report on Colorado Right To Life's advertorial on page A3 of the Washington Post warning the president to do right by the innocent children that as of right now he is otherwise planning to kill. Two programming notes: Tomorrow, Bob will report on Colorado RTL keeping all 100,000 of Denver's Women's March from desecrating the steps of the Capitol (we leave it to the legislators to do that). And on Saturday at 9 a.m. Bob will be speaking at CRTL's 2017 March for Life at Denver's abortion mill at 38th and Pontiac. Please come on out if at all possible!