Crow's POTD 9/29/05

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:first:POTD VAQUERO 45!:bannana:

Vaquero 45 said:
Bob E---When you tell people that their physical healing is an inheritance of their salvation and then they don't get healed, they tend to doubt their salvation. And that's a direct result of a false teaching.

That is it in a nutshell. It is why Benny H and the rest of the miracle pimps make me ill. These guys tell people God has "promised you healing and wealth", therefore he owes it to you! You yell "jump", and God asks "how high?". One guy on the same station as Bob constantly pimps "giving for miracles", or, "giving to get". You've heard it, "plant a seed", and get a physical or financial miracle. Usually they base the healing part on Isaiah, or 1 Peter, "with His stripes we are healed" and tie it directly to salvation. They love to say, "you are as healed as you are saved". Well, as Bob pointed out so clearly and as I have thought a hundred times myself, what about people who claim to be saved and have physical problems? The blind person and the wheelchair bound person at Benny's alter call left the alter saved presumably... but also blind, and in a wheel chair. (and they didn't switch places... :hammer: LOL!! Bob kills me) So we must ask, were they really saved, or is the teaching of healing going hand in hand with salvation wrong? One or the other! Especially in THIS case! God's first string, all-star, hall of fame, "anointed" healer was right there!!! What could possibly go wrong???
Then when they aren't healed, the excuses are: (to quote the guy on the same station again) "you don't have faith for it", "Are you in the word everyday?", "Are you tithing faithfully?", "Do you have unconfessed sin in your life?", "You need to study our Power Pack", LOL. Hold it! If salvation equals healing then all these excuses for why you aren't healed also mean you aren't saved!
Bob also pointed out the result miracles usually produced in the Bible, which is fascinating the first time you see it. Far as I'm concerned the issue is put to bed. Great show Bob!

:) Sorry, I'll jump down now. This is an issue that comes up often for me.



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Of all of the stupidities commonly perpetuated by Christians and so-called Christians, this is the one which burns me up the worst.

I spent most of my life apart from Him because I was deceived by this one and it's twin sister--God causes evil things to happen to us because it somehow suits His purposes.

People I love have chosen the path to hell because Christians misled them. Christians, not atheists nor agnostics, smothered their desperate hopes and trampled their faith with false promises that failed. Christians were the ones who deceived them with gross misreprestentations of God and convinced them that He was either evil, non-existant, or a blatant liar. Christians blamed the absence of a miracle on some lacking in the person who hung their hopes on His intervention.

There are no decent words for how angry I feel about these deceptions.

Each person is responsible for his own choice. Each person makes a freewill decision whether he will accept or reject Christ. But the road to hell has been steeply canted and thickly greased, and the main contributers to this slippery ramp to ruin are Christians.
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