Crow's Pick of --the most shameful POTD 8-7-05

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:down: by lovemeorhateme

Why some people shouldn't judge--because the wicked will judge wickedness to be good. They encourage others in their vile practices.
lovemeorhateme said:
flogger said:

Have you ever bought something on a Sunday? Have you ever been jealous of somebody else's possessions? Have you ever not being loving toward somebody (when you make God your own and nobody else's you aren't worshipping God-you are worshipping an idol)? Have you ever used the word God, YHWH, Jehovah, etc. to not glorify God? In anger, have you ever thought anything bad about your mother or father? Have you ever stolen anything?

If you have done any of these things you have committed worse sin than any homosexual could ever commit. You have defied the Ten Commandments which Jesus says summed up mean to "Love the Lord Your God with all your hear, soul, mind, and strength" and "Love your neighbour as you love yourself!"

Remove the log from your own eye...




:down:CONTEXT :vomit:


Active member
This is actually it's second nomination. Poly got it, as well. It may yet go one to take the top prize this year. Good for flogger! Shoot for the moon, I always say.


Active member
I take that back. The original post was nominated. I missed the Lovemeorhateme response. So, this is the second nomination inspired by flogger's post. Oh well.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
BillyBob said:
I'm sure whoever gave LMOHM a gift membership is having second thoughts about it....:noid:
Unless it was another homo or Dave Miller.


Well-known member
Ok, I shouldn't have put that post up. I apologise if I have offended anyone. Bloody hell, this seems to have been blown out of all proportions.


Maximeee's Husband
Honestly, I encourage judgment on myself from friends and family. It helps me to walk the straight and narrow. I prefer that the people I love, love me enough to point out when I'm in the wrong. I guess some people prefer the ignorance is bliss walk...


New member
lovemeorhateme said:
Ok, I shouldn't have put that post up. I apologise if I have offended anyone. Bloody hell, this seems to have been blown out of all proportions.
What do you mean you shouldn't have put that post up? Does that mean you realize your err? Or do you regret that post because you think you might have offended someone?


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Dread Helm said:
What do you mean you shouldn't have put that post up? Does that mean you realize your err? Or do you regret that post because you think you might have offended someone?

Exactly what I said. I see where the context of the original post was wrong, so I shouldn't have put that post up agreeing with it. Why is it though that it is my agreement that has been picked on for worst post, not the original post? And, yes, this has been blown out of all bloody proportion.


New member
The original post was selected for the Wacked out post of the Day. Yours was picked for shameful because that is exactly what it is when one Christian gives encouragement to another who is attempting to build a justification for wickedness.


Well-known member
Crow said:
The original post was selected for the Wacked out post of the Day. Yours was picked for shameful because that is exactly what it is when one Christian gives encouragement to another who is attempting to build a justification for wickedness.

Well, I could see where they were coming from. I wouldn't have called it necissarily building a justification for wickedness.

However, I see where I was wrong. But, why oh why, has it been blown to this much proportion?



Hey LMOHM! Now would be a great time to shorten your extremely long username. I suggest simply 'hateme'.

Perfect! :thumb:
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