Crow's Pick 9-12-04

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:first:POTD Shadowx!

:bow: :bow: :bow:

Originally posted by Shadowx

so, my question is.
what is a Christian?
is it not to be Christ like?

A few questions..given your definition of "Christian"

Wilber, who killed king Herod in the NT? I mean if we are to be Christ like, then it wouldn't necessarily be a sin to kill a wicked king would it? Or did God the father kill Herod against the teachings of Jesus Christ and thereby became un-Christlike? :chuckle:

Would it be wrong..for someone to take away the sight of a pagan trying to turn another away from faith in Christ? Would that be un-Christlike? Would Jesus condemn that...?

Would you have a problem if I made a whip and ran some heathens out of YOUR house? You know, maybe they are trying to rape your kids or something...

Is Godly Criminal Justice for today?

When a Christian cop guns down a maniac who is shooting up a school yard full of Children..Is Jesus mad at him for not "turning the other cheek"? Is he a criminal or a hero in God's eyes?

CONTEXT :crow2:
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