Crow's Pick 8-14-05

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:first:POTD SOTK!:thumb:

SOTK said:
lovemeorhateme said:

So here's one for everyone. Now, the choice is, right wing or left wing. Sure, Left-Wing is definitly more liberal. And Right-wing is far more conservative.

The thing is, for all you right-wingers out there, particularly right-wing Christians, what about the way that right-wing governments beat up the poor and help the rich? I mean, the current US Governent, they give tax-breaks to rich people. People with a lot of money, that don't need it. They help corporations. However, when it comes to the poor people in society, the US government treats them like crap. How can that be a Christian attitude? Aren't Christians supposed to be helping the people that need it the most?

Left -wing policies help to build a far fairer society than right-wing policies. Although, I do disagree with abortion, which, yes, is a left-wing thing.

But, when it comes to equal rights regardless of sex, religion, race, disability status, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender orientation, hiv status. They are all left-wing. And I think that EVERYONE should be treated equally under law.

In which case, how can any Christian claim to be a right-winger?


Sorry, I just have to respond to your opening post. I'm gonna have to momentarily change my status from lurking to contributing. ;)

This may have already been stated in this thread, but I consider myself a "Right-Winger" as a Christian more for moral reasons than socio-economic ones. For example, I detest homosexuality, abortion, affirmative action, feminist rights nonsense, etc. Basically, as a Christian, I feel being a right-winger is aligning myself with the Word of God which means standing up for righteousness. Left-Wingers are generally God-hating, Bible-loathing, and immoral people.

While I do agree with a lot of the politics of the "Right", I am a Right-Winger purely because I believe the "Right" to be more moral. I find being conservative a logical occurence as a Christian, and for the life of me, I can not even begin to understand how a Christian could not consider themselves a Right-Winger. I would never quite come out and say it, but I often wonder if the Christians who state they are liberal are actually Christians. That's just how I see it. They must be reading a different Bible than the one I am reading.

A rep-worthy post! :bannana:



Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Crow said:
:first:POTD SOTK!:thumb:

A rep-worthy post! :bannana:
I have to spead some first but I agree!
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