Crow's Pick 6-11-04

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POTD! Turbo!:first:

Originally posted by Turbo

Originally posted by jaguar_prince
People wouldn't have to steal if material goods were distributed fairly and more or less equally among all men. Capitalism breeds envy and ultimately theft and violence.

You mean, people wouldn't have to steal if only the government would do it for them. Capitalism is freedom. Communism and socialism are theft.

Originally posted by jaguar_prince
Adultery exists because polygamy is no longer allowed and because society has become absurdly repressive in matters of sexuality.

Society is anything but "absurdly repressive in matters of sexuality" these days.

Why is adultery forbidden in the Exodus criminal code? Why outlaw something that is non-existent?

By the way: Women can commit adultery too. Is your solution that a woman have multiple husbands?

Originally posted by jaguar_prince
The three examples that you give, specially murder and theft, are not comparable to homosexuality since homosexuality between consenting human beings does no harm to anybody and doesn't deprive anybody of his property or life.

Do you likewise condone prostitution?

Is it ok for a man to lust after a married woman in his heart? No one gets hurt, right?

You said you oppose capitalism. Don't two consenting adults have the right to come to an agreement over work and pay? Doesn't an adult have the right to sell a product or service to those consenting adults who are willing to pay the price he is asking?

Originally posted by jaguar_prince
The sole reason for condemning homosexuality seems to be God's whims as expressed in a peice of legislation dating from the fifth century BC plus the prejudices of a first century Jewish convert who also taught that the end of the world was at hand, that it is shameful for men to have long hair, that God doesn't care about animals, that all authorities are appointed by God, that the Jewish race is a God-elect race and that slavery is okay.

If you rejext the authority of the Old Testament and Paul's epistles, upon what do you base your faith in Christ? Is any of the Bible trustworthy, and inspired by God?

Originally posted by jaguar_prince
For what is more detrimental to a healthy family concept than to decree that a son is equal, yeah superior to his father? What is more obnoxious to a stable family life than to spread lies about a man being born without a father?

I have never heard any Christian assert that the Son is superior to the Father.

  • Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God[/b], but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:5-7

CONTEXT :thumb:


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I guess that it shows that it doesn't hurt to throw pearls at the pigs. The pigs don't appreciate them, but the rest of us have enough sense to know what they're worth.
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