Crow's pick 5-13-03

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:thumb:POTD, Berean Todd!:first:

Berean Todd posted this:
Originally posted by Berean Todd

And what did He tell them? Go and sin no more. If you have been saved you will turn from your sins, and homosexuality is absolutely a sin, and an abomination in God's eyes. Should we take the gospel to queers? Absolutely. Should unrepentent homo's be allowed as members of the church? Absolutely not. If one has not repented and turned he should not be allowed to join, and if a member is living that lifestyle he would be subject to the course of church dicipline laid out in Matthew 18 and Gal 6.

in response to this:
Originally posted by jaguar_prince

To whom did Jesus extend forgiveness and healing?

To people who were sinning.

Thank you Berean Todd! I am so sick of hearing Christ's forgiveness and mercy used to justify Christians who live an immoral lifestyle. It's one thing to struggle and stumble with a weakness, but another thing entirely to continue in immorality with no intent whatsoever to change one's ways. That old unpopular repentance thing, y'know. :crow2:

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