Crow's Pick 4-19-05

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New member
:first:POTD, justabeliever!:up:

Excellent first post! :bow:

justabeliever said:
Goodness me there has been a lot of discussion here about what should be a forgone conclusion. Whilst I am a bit rusty on all my references these days, I did spend three years a bible college and spent nearly all my time ready the bible and or theological texts. The issue of the Godhead/trinity whilst not refered to in such terms is obvious from a straight forward reading of scripture and understanding of the nature and purposes of God. I think the most obvious statement of distinct personalities within the God head are the Gospel of John 1:1 recognizing that Jesus and The Father are distinct personalites but one being, a divine mystery. I would certianly like to know how this achieved as I could stay home and go to work all at the same time!

However, both the OT and the NT both have many displays of the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit each operating in their seperate ministies. e.g. Jesus makes plain "I do nothing except that which my Father has revealed to me", God the Father "This is my Son in whom I am most pleased", The Spirit in Acts 8: 29 tells Phillip an early apostle to go a stand near the chariot of a Ethiopian Eunuch where the opportunity to discuss Christ became available.

Now these are 3 very basic examples but in the short time I have (because I really should be working!) they point toward a much larger truth. I hope and pray that all of become closer to God in your quest for biblical truth.
I know that it is hard for people to sometimes alter their positions due to a resistence to change, but I know that when the World Wide Church of God's leader changed his position on the trinity and embraced it, I met a whole lot of people who were very excited about what it meant for them. I know not everyone accepted the change and splinter groups formed, but I tell you I was amazed at what God did in the form of the gifts of the Holy Ghost in lives of those who made the transition and accepted the trinity.

I am sure that someone will now come in a tear my position to threads and quote every scripture under the sun to back up their position!! Good luck to you if you have got the time to do so!

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