Crow's pick 12-02-03

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New member
POTD, geralduk!:first:

:thumb: You hit that nail right on the head!:thumb:

Originally posted by geralduk

(I took the liberty of editing somewhat, I hope you don't mind, geralduk)

The accusation even if it was true is hardly an 'argument'!
And profits no one.

For am I to believe this or that of a person because someone accuses them of it?
Or would I perhaps read what he says to find out if it was true?
And by so doing if true waste my time and if ignorant perhaps get taken in with their argument rather than another's accusation of him.

Are we not to contend for THE faith rather than bandy accusations at one another?
If then we speak the truth concerning the gospel then those who love the truth or who seek it will they not recognize it when they see it and will not if it is not?
And if men know the truth will they then not know error because of it?
Better then to speak the truth clearly so that all can understand it who have a mind and heart to.
And those who ARE in error then have the opportunity to think again in the light of it rather than get defensive because of an accusation.
For did we not ourselves know not the truth as guilty of error as they though maybe not in the same way?
And was it not the mercy and grace of God who LED us to a knowledge of the truth?
If then we do not give as freely as we received it and with the same grace and mercy, what then are we, who say we know and have the truth!?
Were we not all 'heretics' at one time?
Without God and with no hope in this world?
And if some pervert the gospel and seek not the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness but rather glory in mens flesh then it is to God they will have one day to answer not to us.
Are we not; if His, to then with the same patience that God dealt with us deal with those we meet also?
For if they still refuse to accept our words then it is they who are at fault but who knows what is sown in patience will not reap its reward?
"But we are to cast our bread upon the waters............."
So if you disagree with what another says.
Then if moved to do so 'ARGUE' it but with enough of the truth and the patience as you can muster.
And if having none or not enough would it not be better to keep silent?
And let their own foolishness reveal itself as it will sooner or later.


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