Crow's Pick 10-07-04

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:thumb: POTD philosophizer!
Originally posted by philosophizer
I get what you're saying and I partially agree. It's not cool if a husband or wife prizes their own time or money above their family. But just because someone doesn't want a large family doesn't mean that the reason must be selfishness (and it's not just men, women can also want small families).

Different people have different abilities, tendencies, and desires. People are called to do different things in life. I don't blame someone for not wanting to be a fireman. It's a very dangerous job and it takes a special kind of courage. I know I couldn't do it. I'd be too frightened. My wife, at one point, wanted to go into social work but she decided that it would bother her too much. I can certainly understand that, and I am glad that there are people who are more suited for that kind of work and can handle the things that would have bothered my wife.

I don't think I'm selfish for not joining the firehouse. But, if necessity called in a situation, I would run through a burning building to save someone. Same goes with parenting, I think. Some people are fully able to have tons of kids are raise a large family. Some are better suited for a few kids. Some people are better off not reproducing at all.

No matter what our inclinations are, we gotta be ready for whatever God gives us. But that doesn't mean that we must desire a big family. And that doesn't mean that any kind of birth control is evil (though some definitely are).

But if you desire a big family, then I completely agree that it would be best if your husband did also. :)

:first: CONTEXT :bannana:
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