:bannana:POTD Sozo!:first:
CONTEXT :crow2:
Originally posted by Sozo
From a Calvinist perspective, I'm beginning to see the big picture.
God is like a rich eccentric loser who has no friends, so he sits in his study pouring over his chess pieces which he carved with his own hands. He is, of course, white, and his imaginary enemy is black. He manipulates all the pieces on the board, while carrying on a conversation with his inanimate white pieces concerning his strategy to defeat the enemy (whom he controls anyway). He even goes as far as to jot down a rule book on how the game shall be played, and reads it allowed to both teams, but of course, in his mind the rules are simply a trick to the black team, and only of benefit to his white pieces. He decides to kill off one of his main pieces, but it was simply a covert move to give the black team a false sense of security, because the white team was destined to win from the beginning.
He makes a few strategic moves, removing all hope from the black team, tilts his head back and bellows out a big laugh, and then makes his final move and proclaims...
Checkmate you suckers!
After he is finished he walks into the other room and greets his servant who asks...
"What have you been doing sir?"
Playing another game.
"Did you win?"
Why, yes, of course I did!
"Well, good for you, sir!"
CONTEXT :crow2: