Creation vs Evolution

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patrick jane

Welcome to the New and Improved Creation vs Evolution Thread !!!! Michael obviously hasn't tried his hardest to be there for us all as he takes his toys and goes home.

Ben Masada

New member
We can't be held hostage to every whim of Michael, who gets frustrated every other week and closes his thread - this thread will never be closed - feel free to post about creation or evolution

Why creation OR evolution and not creation aka evolution? When HaShem created man from the dust of the earth, He said, "grow and multiply" which is the same as grow and evolve. (Genesis 1:28) When the Lord caused the universe to exist, since then, expansion took place which is the same as evolution.


Why creation OR evolution and not creation aka evolution? When HaShem created man from the dust of the earth, He said, "grow and multiply" which is the same as grow and evolve. (Genesis 1:28) When the Lord caused the universe to exist, since then, expansion took place which is the same as evolution.

Because acceptance of creation, at least here on TOL, requires a literal acceptance of Genesis and the entire Bible.

patrick jane

Why creation OR evolution and not creation aka evolution? When HaShem created man from the dust of the earth, He said, "grow and multiply" which is the same as grow and evolve. (Genesis 1:28) When the Lord caused the universe to exist, since then, expansion took place which is the same as evolution.
Excellent Ben, that's a little more what I think, that if evolution is true as they say, then God created it.


Excellent Ben, that's a little more what I think, that if evolution is true as they say, then God created it.

But then the question is whether or not "evolution is true". To get to that point you have to accept time periods much longer than a literal Genesis allows or believe your deity set the natural world up to look differently than he really created it.


New member
Mitchellmckain said:
Rational human beings judge everything by their own knowledge? It is only the childish, blind, irrational, and ignorant which simply accept what they are told without thought and discernment. There is nothing impossible about a virgin giving birth according to science. All birth of a boy requires is fertilization of an egg by a single male sperm in conception. So I certainly believe that Jesus had a human biological father.
You illustrate the compromise made on the gospel, when you pick and choose what to believe from God.
Mitchellmckain said:
Suffering pain and death is a part of life; life simply would not and cannot exist without these things.
The Bible explains that sufferring, pain and death are a result of sin. Your god seems cruel creating through a process of death. The God of the Bible refers to death as the enemy.

Mitchellmckain said:
What the Bible story explains is why a the creation of a perfectly good God can have evil in it.
Yes! "When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned." Rom. 5:12
Mitchellmckain said:
The use of scientific techniques to justify what people already believe is not science -- that is pseudoscience.
Then surely you agree that all the failed arguments of evolutionism represents that it is psuedoscience? (Junk DNA, psuedogenes, useless organs, poor design arguments <as in vertebrate eyes>, false and even fraudulent claims on transitional humans < as in Neandertals and Piltdown>).
Mitchellmckain said:
God chose love and freedom over power and control to create the universe designed to support the self-organizing process of life in order for us to have free will and thus be His children (an end in ourselves) rather than simply tools (a means to an end).
That sure isn't in the Bible most Christians have... you must have written that in yourself? My Bible talks about God speaking creation into existence in six literal days demonstrating His omnipotence and omniscience .
Mitchellmckain said:
Evolution is the finding of science and this is the theoretical grounding of modern biological science.
Nonsense... don't be so gullible. Biological science is grounded in genetics, sexual selection, mutation rates, adaptation etc. Your beliefs in common ancestry have a history of delaying scientific progress (and harming people)

Mitchellmckain said:
No theory of science has more evidence than this one does.
You are a baloney salesman. First of all...stop with the fallacy of equivocation trying to sell your beliefs. If by the word 'evolution', you mean adaptation, variation etc...then you are talking about observable 'science' that everyone agrees on I by the word, 'evolution' you mean your common ancestry beliefs, then your statement is silly.

Mitchellmckain said:
Only those who indulge in the willful ignorance of blind faith ignore the objective evidence in such an unreasonable way (they are the modern manifestation of the Flat Earth society).
We agree... but we don't seem to agree on the fact it is evolutionism which is the blind faith system.

BTW... the president of the flat earth society, Daniel Shelton is an evolutionist.

Mitchellmckain said:
This is why the majority of Christianity

accepts the theory of evolution as scientific fact
The favorite argument of evolutionists is 'ad populum'. As Christians we should believe something because God says it to be true and not because of popular opinion


New member
Jesus is a descendant of Adam and Eve and they were the only people on earth and everyone came from them. Woops, Where did other races come from? When your pastor gets to Noel he or she start telling you that each one of Noel's sons produced a different race. If that doesn't sound like evolution, what does?


New member
Jesus is a descendant of Adam and Eve
The first prophecy in the Bible tells us that Satan would be defeated by THE SEED OF A WOMAN. You and I are descendants of Adam born with a sin nature...not Jesus. Jesus is not the seed of Adam.
New International Version
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned--

New Living Translation
When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.

English Standard Version
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—

Woops, Where did other races come from?
Evolutionism is racist in nature. Science agrees with God's Word that all humanity is one blood. We are not different races of people, but instead there are different people groups. People having varying amounts of melanin giving us different colors is easily explained within God's Word. However, teaching that people evolved from rocks, or from monkeys is heretical.


New member
The first prophecy in the Bible tells us that Satan would be defeated by THE SEED OF A WOMAN. You and I are descendants of Adam born with a sin nature...not Jesus. Jesus is not the seed of Adam.
New International Version
Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned--

New Living Translation
When Adam sinned, sin entered the world. Adam's sin brought death, so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.

English Standard Version
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—

Evolutionism is racist in nature. Science agrees with God's Word that all humanity is one blood. We are not different races of people, but instead there are different people groups. People having varying amounts of melanin giving us different colors is easily explained within God's Word. However, teaching that people evolved from rocks, or from monkeys is heretical.

In 2000 years there has not been a new race added, color is not the only difference in a race.

As I recall, in other posts, you don't believe anything a scientist says about evolution but here you state they say a race change, which is more than a color, is probable and that would be since Noah, about 4000 years ago.

When one reads the bible they see that God was very particular about to whom his people married.

The truth is, God created human beings in day 6 and he told them to go into all the world. In Gen 2 God formed Adam and Eve and put these two people in a garden. We know there is a difference between the whole world and a garden. Also, Cain was booted out of the garden and he was afraid he would be slayed. By whom?, at that time, you believe, there would only be Adam and Eve that might kill him, Seth had not even been mentioned at that time.


6: today only creationist's suggest, ala Kent Hovind et al., that humans evolved from monkeys. You should probably make an effort to understand evolutionary theory before you pontificate.


New member
The first prophecy in the Bible tells us that Satan would be defeated by THE SEED OF A WOMAN. You and I are descendants of Adam born with a sin nature...not Jesus. Jesus is not the seed of Adam.

Mary was from the seed of Adam, and the man Jesus was also.


New member
6: today only creationist's suggest, ala Kent Hovind et al., that humans evolved from monkeys. You should probably make an effort to understand evolutionary theory before you pontificate.
You've got this wrong, I don't believe in evolution, but you do in order to believe that all races came from Adam!


New member
Mary was from the seed of Adam, and the man Jesus was also.
That's not what the Bible says.
Galatians 4:4 God sent forth His Son, made of a woman
Rom. 5:12, 17,19 Seems to tell us that our sin nature is passed down through the dad.
Of every person throughout history, there is only One who was born 'seed of a woman'. Gen. 3:15


New member
iamaberean said:
6days said:
Evolutionism is racist in nature. Science agrees with God's Word that all humanity is one blood. We are not different races of people, but instead there are different people groups. People having varying amounts of melanin giving us different colors is easily explained within God's Word. However, teaching that people evolved from rocks, or from monkeys is heretical.
In2000 years there has not been a new race added, color is not the only difference in a race
Once again.... you seem to believe in scientic racism. ( google it) We are the human race...all one blood. Science has disproven old evolutionary ideas of different race s that Darwin promoted.
iamaberean said:
As I recall, in other posts, you don't believe anything a scientist says about evolution but here you state they say a race change, which is more than a color, is probable and that would be since Noah, about 4000 years ago.
You are a wee bit dishonest and misrepresent what I have said. Also you don't seem to understand science, but push evolutionism. (Eg. How many mutations would it take to make the extra fold of skin above the eye in many Asians?) IOW... slight difference in eye shape, skin colour, bone density, height etc has nothing to do with common ancestry beliefs. And...those differences between people groups are easy explained by science within the Biblical account of isolated people groups after Babel.

Like it or not... the Bible was correct about humanity being one blood. (Your genome may be as close to an African pygmy, as to your next door neighbor... there is ONE race) Evolutionists were wrong in beliefs that some humans were more highly evolved than others. Science continually confirms the truth of God's Word.
iamaberean said:
When one reads the bible they see that God was very particular about to whom his people married.
Haha... that is your defence of racist ideas? No, you can't rationalize your beliefs with God's Word. God's Word never refers to different races of people. However, God does want us to marry someone who is willing to plough in the same direction as ourselves. God did forbade marriage to people of nations who didn't worship the true God... nothing to do with racism.

iamaberean said:
6days said:
Evolutionism is racist in nature. Science agrees with God's Word that all humanity is one blood. We are not different races of people, but instead there are different people groups. People having varying amounts of melanin giving us different colors is easily explained within God's Word. However, teaching that people evolved from rocks, or from monkeys is heretical.
In2000 years there has not been a new race added, color is not the only difference in a race
Once again.... you seem to believe in scientic racism. ( google it) We are the human race...all one blood. Science has disproven old evolutionary ideas of different race s that Darwin promoted.
iamaberean said:
As I recall, in other posts, you don't believe anything a scientist says about evolution but here you state they say a race change, which is more than a color, is probable and that would be since Noah, about 4000 years ago.
You are a wee bit dishonest and misrepresent what I have said. Also you don't seem to understand science, but push evolutionism. (Eg. How many mutations would it take to make the extra fold of skin above the eye in many Asians?) IOW... slight difference in eye shape, skin colour, bone density, height etc has nothing to do with common ancestry beliefs. And...those differences between people groups are easy explained by science within the Biblical account of isolated people groups after Babel.

Like it or not... the Bible was correct about humanity being one blood. (Your genome may be as close to an African pygmy, as to your next door neighbor... there is ONE race) Evolutionists were wrong in beliefs that some humans were more highly evolved than others. Science continually confirms the truth of God's Word.
iamaberean said:
When one reads the bible they see that God was very particular about to whom his people married.
Haha... that is your defence of racist ideas? No, you can't rationalize your beliefs with God's Word. God's Word never refers to different races of people. However, God does want us to marry someone who is willing to plough in the same direction as ourselves. God did forbade marriage to people of nations who didn't worship the true God... nothing to do with racism.

iamaberean said:
6days said:
Evolutionism is racist in nature. Science agrees with God's Word that all humanity is one blood. We are not different races of people, but instead there are different people groups. People having varying amounts of melanin giving us different colors is easily explained within God's Word. However, teaching that people evolved from rocks, or from monkeys is heretical.
In2000 years there has not been a new race added, color is not the only difference in a race
Once again.... you seem to believe in scientic racism. ( google it) We are the human race...all one blood. Science has disproven old evolutionary ideas of different race s that Darwin promoted.
iamaberean said:
As I recall, in other posts, you don't believe anything a scientist says about evolution but here you state they say a race change, which is more than a color, is probable and that would be since Noah, about 4000 years ago.
You are a wee bit dishonest and misrepresent what I have said. Also you don't seem to understand science, but push evolutionism. (Eg. How many mutations would it take to make the extra fold of skin above the eye in many Asians?) IOW... slight difference in eye shape, skin colour, bone density, height etc has nothing to do with common ancestry beliefs. And...those differences between people groups are easy explained by science within the Biblical account of isolated people groups after Babel.

Like it or not... the Bible was correct about humanity being one blood. (Your genome may be as close to an African pygmy, as to your next door neighbor... there is ONE race) Evolutionists were wrong in beliefs that some humans were more highly evolved than others. Science continually confirms the truth of God's Word.
iamaberean said:
When one reads the bible they see that God was very particular about to whom his people married.
Haha... that is your defence of racist ideas? No, you can't rationalize your beliefs with God's Word. God's Word never refers to different races of people. However, God does want us to marry someone who is willing to plough in the same direction as ourselves. God did forbade marriage to people of nations who didn't worship the true God... nothing to do with racism.


New member
How then is Jesus the Son of Man? It's not by his Father.
Jesus is the Son of man... He was not a genetic son of 'a' man. Son of man is a title telling us about the humanity of Christ. Likewise, Son of God' is a title telling us about the divinity of Christ... It does not mean Jesus is a genetic son.


New member
Jesus is the Son of man... He was not a genetic son of 'a' man. Son of man is a title telling us about the humanity of Christ. Likewise, Son of God' is a title telling us about the divinity of Christ... It does not mean Jesus is a genetic son.

Are you saying Jesus was not a genetic Son of David?

The geneology of Jesus says differently.
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