Could the recount actually be the end of the Democratic Party?


New member
If the election is overturned by this recount and Hillary Clinton becomes president I don't think it will go as well for the democrats as they think it will. Too many people can see through the fraud and will se the recount as fraud. No one trusts the mainstream media anymore. People will see Hillary's hypocrisy in not accepting the results of the election. People will feel ignored and under tyranny. No one will vote for a democrat if they overturn the election.

Right now republicans have the house and senate for sure. If Hillary ends up getting the White House no one will work with her. In two years many democrat seats in the house and senate are up for grabs. Do they really think they will regain their seats if they screw over The People?!

I hope to God this recount doesn't go anywhere. But if it does. If it changes the presidency The People may have had enough of the Democratic Party and destroy it.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Its probably much ado about nothing, and I had better be right because because the silent majority will rise finally if I am wrong.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i'm getting my coverage of this from the canadians, but seems they're only interested in recounting states where trump won narrowly, is that right?

no interest in recounting states where hillary won narrowly?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Green Party Fleeces Sheeple and Files for Recount in Wisconsin…

"............While Stein’s effort this week may have spurred hope among disappointed supporters of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the chances of such recounts – if they take place – overturning the overall result from the Nov. 8 election are extremely slim, given Trump’s margins of victory in the three states.

Since launching the recount campaign on Wednesday, Stein has raised more than $5 million. The Green Party said it wants to raise $7 million for the recounts, including the cost of legal fees.

The Green Party has said that despite the millions it has raised to fund the recounts, it could not guarantee any would occur and that if its requests were denied or there were surplus funds, it would use the money to push for voting system reforms


New member
Its probably much ado about nothing, and I had better be right because because the silent majority will rise finally if I am wrong.

I doubt it will go anywhere.

But if I am wrong - YOU - will be doublely wrong, as usual.

The silent majority will make a fuss for a minute, and then cave in once more...

The very idea that so many so blindly cling to - that someone like a Trump or a Clinton - or just about every other Politician - will look out for his fellow man - proves my point.

We've become a country of sheep - who beh, heh, heh, for a minute, and then back into our corral we allow ourselves to be herded into, once more.

You - your kind - are too self-deceived to see that.

You and your endless kind went and watched the movie The Matrix, turned it into a huge, huge hit by your massive numbers, never ever pausing to reflect on the fact that it's depiction of the self-deceived, was about you and your endless kind.

Of course, to point this out to your endless kind, is to be met with the word of the extremist - the word "traitor."

Click whirr...


If the election is overturned by this recount and Hillary Clinton becomes president I don't think it will go as well for the democrats as they think it will. Too many people can see through the fraud and will se the recount as fraud. No one trusts the mainstream media anymore. People will see Hillary's hypocrisy in not accepting the results of the election. People will feel ignored and under tyranny. No one will vote for a democrat if they overturn the election.

Clinton has received 2 million more votes than Libertarian Republican for a day Donald Trump, what makes you think that they'll turn on her?

BTW, it's the Republican Party that won't last much longer if they continue to put liberals like Donald Trump into office.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Clinton has received 2 million more votes than Libertarian Republican for a day Donald Trump, what makes you think that they'll turn on her?

BTW, it's the Republican Party that won't last much longer if they continue to put liberals like Donald Trump into office.

You're yesterday's news, Knucklehead!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Green Party Fleeces Sheeple and Files for Recount in Wisconsin…

"............While Stein’s effort this week may have spurred hope among disappointed supporters of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, the chances of such recounts – if they take place – overturning the overall result from the Nov. 8 election are extremely slim, given Trump’s margins of victory in the three states.

Since launching the recount campaign on Wednesday, Stein has raised more than $5 million. The Green Party said it wants to raise $7 million for the recounts, including the cost of legal fees.

The Green Party has said that despite the millions it has raised to fund the recounts, it could not guarantee any would occur and that if its requests were denied or there were surplus funds, it would use the money to push for voting system reforms

They could ask for more money from George Soros. He stated: The happiest time in his life was helping his Father collaborate with the Nazi's. He and his Father would collect the valuables the Jews left behind when they were taken away to the Extermination camps. He was so happy, then.


Hillary is not going to be President. It's the progressives' last attempt at being virtual enemies to their countrymen before they are kicked back to the last century where they belong.

Those people are so full of crap that it wouldn't be hard for me to get violent if I was approached by them, so I wouldn't see it panning out too well either in a scenario where they took Trump's election.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Hillary is not going to be President. It's the progressives' last attempt at being virtual enemies to their countrymen before they are kicked back to the last century where they belong.

Those people are so full of crap that it wouldn't be hard for me to get violent if I was approached by them, so I wouldn't see it panning out too well either in a scenario where they took Trump's election.

If anything, this is further turning independents off to Democrats. As usual they are their own worst enemy.


New member
No, because people do not care how corrupt a candidate is or what policies they support. The Democrats stood behind the most corrupt person in the country, and the Republicans stood behind a total left wing liberal.

These two parties are so entrenched, they aren't going anywhere. The masses absolutely do NOT care. They will vote for absolutely anyone. That's both parties. If Hitler and Stalin were the candidates, the Democrats and Republicans would tell you to choose one so the other doesn't win.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
No, because people do not care how corrupt a candidate is or what policies they support. The Democrats stood behind the most corrupt person in the country, and the Republicans stood behind a total left wing liberal..........
Change your avatar dude. Your bald-faced lies to set well with that Bible. Trumps positions are conservative, excellent, and laid out on his website. Former Reagan man and economist Larry Kudlow praises Trump's tax plan. And like Reagan Trump will bring back our military and security. All you are doing is spewing out MSM crap.


New member
Change your avatar dude. You bald-faced lies to set well with that Bible. Trumps positions are conservative, excellent, and laid out on his website. Former Reagan man and economist Larry Kudlow praises Trump's tax plan. And like Reagan Trump will bring back our military and security. All you are doing is spewing out MSM crap.

I don't really care what some Reagan guy said. Trump is a life long liberal Democrat, Nancy Pelosi donor, and is now promoting a trillion dollar spending bill, increasing the minimum wage, capping student loan payments, mandatory paid maternity, and a number of other government interventions into the economy. You prove my point that it simple does not matter what Trump does. He can promote numerous government interventions in the economy, ones that would cause outrage if suggested by a Democrat, and you will find a way to defend it or pretend it isn't true. Unlike you, I have principles. I'm not in a personality cult lead by a big government, life long Democrat leftist.