Could Obama Be Secretly Gay?!

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, according to venerated and scholarly accredited historian Pastor Scott Lively, he may very well be...


aCW, take note...



I see that Art Brain's sick infatuation with Scott Lively (LGBTQueer public enemy #2, God being LGBTQueer public enemy #1) continues.

Well, according to venerated and scholarly accredited historian Pastor Scott Lively, he may very well be...

aCW, take note...


You rainbow flag waving Brits must not get American news very quickly, as it was reported years ago by those in the Chicago LGBTQueer so-called "community" that Barack Hussein Obama was a practicing sodomite.

The Horn

Don't ever take Scott Lively seriously . This guy is a crazed homophobic bigot who has colluded with the government of Uganda and other African countries to make laws requiring the execution of gay people , or at least imprisoning them for long sentences . He has also done the same in Russia, encouraging Putin and the Russian Orthodox church to deny right to and persecute gay people there .
He does nothing but spread hatred and fear of gay people wherever he goes and spreads all kinds of ridiculous false rumors about them. His book "The Pink Swastika ", about gays under the Nazis , was immediately revealed as a giant pack of lies when it was first published several years ago .
And even if Obama IS gay , so what ? Big deal? Who cares ? But it looks extremely unlikely .
All kinds of idiotic false rumors have been spread about Barack and Michelle Obama, including the unbelievably ludic ours one about her supposedly being originally a man who had a sex change .
Alex Jones posted this poppycock as if it were the gospel truth .
Scott Lively has deservedly been pursued by the International Court in the Hague for crimes against humanity , and deserves to have the book thrown at him . He is a phony Christian - the kind who gives Christianity a bad name .
He is a piece of work, and the lowest scum on earth .


People who obsessively support and venerate gay people are gay.

Contextually speaking :chuckle:

All that boom just to shovel gay sex on people's doorsteps :rolleyes:

Much larger percentages of society are ignored for much larger and debilitating issues, and the only recognizance they received pre-election were being so called homophobic bigots.

There is a pink swastika- and you all are it's flyers.
It's becoming progressively easier to damn liberals nowadays. I guess Newton's laws aren't just physical :BRAVO:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I see that Art Brain's sick infatuation with Scott Lively (LGBTQueer public enemy #2, God being LGBTQueer public enemy #1) continues.

You rainbow flag waving Brits must not get American news very quickly, as it was reported years ago by those in the Chicago LGBTQueer so-called "community" that Barack Hussein Obama was a practicing sodomite.

Jerome R Corsi?!
