Originally posted by Turbo
So? Knight is an open theist and you are not. Are you therefore not fond of TOL or Knight?
Your logic is quite flawed. One can disagree with a doctrine or theory without transferring that disagreement to a lack of fondness for an individual. Of course many people
do hate, or at a minimum show a lack of fondness toward, those who disagree with their theoretical ideas. This is easily seen here by noticing the venom directed toward me simply because I happen to believe that what is written in the Bible, and what has traditionally been what people have understood it to be saying, is true.
- Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned. Titus 3:10-11
the LORD hates...one who sows discord among brethren. Proverbs 6:16, 20.
I suggest you follow this advice in addition to giving it to others.
I assume Dr. Kennedy is a Calvinist, since he's the pastor of a Presbyterian church. But unlike many other Christian radio programs, I don't pick up any overtly Calvinistic doctrine on "Truths That Transform." If it weren't for the name of his church, I wouldn't know whether he were a Calvinist or an Armenian.
The idea that a person must agree with all doctrines of a denomination in order to be a member has been out of favor in America for quite some time now. I doubt if many Christian consider the views of Christian leaders to be as infallible as Catholics do regarding their Pope, although some might. Calvin had many good ideas, but some were better than others. I am sure Dr. Kennedy knows and agrees with this.
If I didn't know better I might think you are deliberately sowing discord among the brothers.