Cops beat up and shoot Christian street witnesses


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The account I read is that the family was attempting to use the men's room all at once (if they live in that truck, probably trying to bathe). An employee went in to check and was shoved to the ground by one of the sons. The cops were called. This is the result.

All these cops should just be charged with murder.

One of the cops took a round in the leg because one of the boys had ahold of his gun. That's when the other came up and capped him.


New member
The account I read is that the family was attempting to use the men's room all at once (if they live in that truck, probably trying to bathe). An employee went in to check and was shoved to the ground by one of the sons. The cops were called. This is the result.


This is the result when WALMART is allowed to become the most powerful lobby in politics.


Well-known member
Cops are paid to investigate assaults. That's what they were attempting to do. The family did not comply.

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Greatest poster ever

The family had gathered outside their older model Chevrolet Suburban when officers arrived. The confrontation started when one of the officers said they would split up the family to talk with them about what happened inside the store, Fanning said.

But the father, 55-year-old Peter Gaver, and one of his sons stepped in and told police they wouldn't allow them to separate the family, Fanning said.

Another officer approached the mother, 52-year-old Ruth Gaver, and her 11-year-old daughter when one of the brothers ran in between them. Police Sgt. Jeremy Daniels grabbed the man and the melee was on, Fanning said.

The family utilized tactics that had to be "taught," Fanning said. For instance, they knew that punching officers on the body was futile because of their protective vests. Instead, the fought officers by grabbing at their eyes, ears and mouths and pulling hard.

They also had been taught to roll after they were shot with stun guns in order to break the wires and stop the shock, and to appear to give up by putting their hands in the air in order to get close to attack again.

The family refused orders to "get on the ground" and eventually overpowered Daniels. Two of the suspects, including Enoch Graver, battled the officer for his gun, which went off and wounded him in the leg.

Four more officers arrived and Enoch Graver, 21, was shot to death and his 18-year-old brother David Graver was shot in the abdomen.

Even with eight officers on the scene, nothing the officers tried appeared to stop the family, including the use of stun guns, pepper spray and police batons. In almost every instance, the suspects continued to fight the officers.

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patrick jane

Will your stupidity ever cease?

absolutely, so far . i haven't read the story or watched the video. no need really, police are called for a reason. the "real" reason becomes clear on the scene. ANYTIME ANYONE struggles, attacks, refuses commands or attempts to "evade", the "process" continues and compounds; avalanche/snowball effect. when emotions dictate behavior it's all "unpredictable" - :patrol:


New member
Cops are paid to investigate assaults. That's what they were attempting to do. The family did not comply.

Right from the beginning the cops just piled in and demanded that everyone get handcuffed.

Thats not investigation.
They had already decided what they were going to do.
Namely use force to 'protect' WALMART's interests.

Cops don't investigate anything anymore.
And lawyers are worse.

The family refused orders to "get on the ground"

Cops have no credibility or authority.
Why should anyone "get on the ground" and be handcuffed without the cops even investigating?

I wouldn't get on the ground and be handcuffed.
I recommend no one else who believes they have Constitutional rights do so either.


New member
absolutely, so far . i haven't read the story or watched the video. no need really, police are called for a reason. the "real" reason becomes clear on the scene. ANYTIME ANYONE struggles, attacks, refuses commands or attempts to "evade", the "process" continues and compounds; avalanche/snowball effect. when emotions dictate behavior it's all "unpredictable" - :patrol:

Thats just what the Nazis said.

Thats just what the Soviet Secret Police said.

I don't think anyone believes this BS in the USA,
unless they are already bought by large multinational corporations,
or work for 'law enforcement' which doesn't enforce anything
even resembling God's law.


New member
You didn't even watch it or you had the sound off.

One good turn deserves another, cop-bootlicking fag.




New member

The family had gathered outside their older model Chevrolet Suburban when officers arrived. The confrontation started when one of the officers said they would split up the family to talk with them about what happened inside the store, Fanning said.

But the father, 55-year-old Peter Gaver, and one of his sons stepped in and told police they wouldn't allow them to separate the family, Fanning said.

Another officer approached the mother, 52-year-old Ruth Gaver, and her 11-year-old daughter when one of the brothers ran in between them. Police Sgt. Jeremy Daniels grabbed the man and the melee was on, Fanning said.

The family utilized tactics that had to be "taught," Fanning said. For instance, they knew that punching officers on the body was futile because of their protective vests. Instead, the fought officers by grabbing at their eyes, ears and mouths and pulling hard.

They also had been taught to roll after they were shot with stun guns in order to break the wires and stop the shock, and to appear to give up by putting their hands in the air in order to get close to attack again.

The family refused orders to "get on the ground" and eventually overpowered Daniels. Two of the suspects, including Enoch Graver, battled the officer for his gun, which went off and wounded him in the leg.

Four more officers arrived and Enoch Graver, 21, was shot to death and his 18-year-old brother David Graver was shot in the abdomen.

Even with eight officers on the scene, nothing the officers tried appeared to stop the family, including the use of stun guns, pepper spray and police batons. In almost every instance, the suspects continued to fight the officers.

Read more:

What nonsense.

Nice way to reverse the truth.

Its the COPS who are trained and constantly RE-train for streetfights.
Also, they regularly practice their techniques on the public.

They choose this career because they imagine themselves good at it.

And they look so bad in this video that the excuse/explanation is
that a handful of Christian preacher hicks must be secretly
trained at fighting cops!

Let me get my hip-waders. The BS is rising past my waist.


Okay. Ready for more of your BS


New member
The psycho-liberatian's mind is made up. Video shows him only what he wants to see.

Don't blame a blind man if he is blind.

But beware:

Jesus said to them,
“If you were blind, you would have no sin;
but now you say, ‘We see.’
Therefore your sin remains.

John 9:41

Also, what is a "liberatian" ? Did you just make that word up?


New member
Originally Posted by musterion
Cops are paid to investigate assaults.
I also 'agree': At what point in the video did they do any investigation at all?

They arrived to a peaceful gathering,
where no one was fighting or even gesturing in anger
or provoking a fight,
and then started grabbing people and trying to handcuff them.

These cops work for WALMART.

They obviously have decided that people traveling in vehicles
can't wash up in their restrooms.

Now one man is dead and another wounded.

And cops EARLY ON tried to spin this story:

Supposedly a cop was shot so they returned fire.

But actually, two civilians were shot
one shot dead and another wounded in the abdomen.

Cops lie. Its awesome.