Contraception program that reduces abortion not funded by GOP


Well-known member
A privately funded program that gave IUDs to low income teens in Colorado is now out of money. Should government pick up the slack?

Birth rates dropped and abortions dropped in the served population.

But the Republican controlled senate in Colorado killed a bill to extend funding for the program. Surprise, surprise . . . not.

In July the governor’s office issued a glowing press release, crediting the program with a 40% statewide drop in teen birth rates between 2009 and 2013 – and a 35% drop in abortions.



A privately funded program that gave IUDs to low income teens in Colorado is now out of money. Should government pick up the slack?

Birth rates dropped and abortions dropped in the served population.

But the Republican controlled senate in Colorado killed a bill to extend funding for the program. Surprise, surprise . . . not.

In July the governor’s office issued a glowing press release, crediting the program with a 40% statewide drop in teen birth rates between 2009 and 2013 – and a 35% drop in abortions.


I thought that you liberals didn't want government in people's bedrooms?

But if you can spend tax dollars and tell kids (even against their parents wishes: ) that out of wedlock sex is good, then that's a good thing, right?
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New member


New member
They are not forcing people to use it. Just offering it.
Let's recap the situation.

An organization that received money from people that donated to a cause they believed in is now unable to convince people to continue donating to them.

Your solution is to forcibly take money from people in order to continue funding this organization, whether the people believe in the cause or not.

I, on the other hand, could care less whether you think the cause is worthy enough for you to spend your money supporting it, because you are trying to take away my choice on which causes I will support with my dollars and which causes I will leave alone.

Yes, when it comes to my money, you liberals are anti-choice.


Well-known member
A privately funded program that gave IUDs to low income teens in Colorado is now out of money. Should government pick up the slack?

Birth rates dropped and abortions dropped in the served population.

But the Republican controlled senate in Colorado killed a bill to extend funding for the program. Surprise, surprise . . . not.

In July the governor’s office issued a glowing press release, crediting the program with a 40% statewide drop in teen birth rates between 2009 and 2013 – and a 35% drop in abortions.


"Our constitution will only work if there is a measure of godliness and reverence in the population; in fact, it may damage the country if those are missing." (abridged)--signator

The government should not be doing education because it secularizes. It should not be doing medical care or subsidy because it bypasses the most vital human lesson: you are responsible for your actions.

Transportation infrastructure to support the market and defense are the only functions of government.


New member
Let's recap the situation.

An organization that received money from people that donated to a cause they believed in is now unable to convince people to continue donating to them.

Your solution is to forcibly take money from people in order to continue funding this organization, whether the people believe in the cause or not.

I, on the other hand, could care less whether you think the cause is worthy enough for you to spend your money supporting it, because you are trying to take away my choice on which causes I will support with my dollars and which causes I will leave alone.

Yes, when it comes to my money, you liberals are anti-choice.

Yeah, because I agree with everything republicans want to to spend my money on...


New member
Contraception is only one step away from abortion because it teaches kids, yes kids to demean sex.

Such is the moral status of the US today.


Well-known member
You missed the most important function of the government.

The government's primary duty is to protect private property rights.

Mmm not what the constitution says.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Private property rights aren't mentioned.

Reducing unplanned pregnancies would seem to promote the general welfare in a number of ways.

Contraception is only one step away from abortion because it teaches kids, yes kids to demean sex.

Such is the moral status of the US today.

So it's really all about making sure sex has big negative consequences. You're not really anti-abortion.


Well-known member
"Our constitution will only work if there is a measure of godliness and reverence in the population; in fact, it may damage the country if those are missing." (abridged)--signator

The government should not be doing education because it secularizes. It should not be doing medical care or subsidy because it bypasses the most vital human lesson: you are responsible for your actions.

Transportation infrastructure to support the market and defense are the only functions of government.

And it's this kind of thinking that has nearly destroyed western society at least once and may well destroy it again.

Markets are not God. They don't take into account external factors such as clean water, air and climate.

Medical needs are not purely a function of your actions. Humans frequently get diseases and disorders through no fault of their own.

Without market regulation, inequality and environmental disruption reach unbridled levels leading to destabilization and societal collapse.

We're heading in that direction again because we keep forgetting the lessons of the great depression and the environmental movement.


Well-known member
the first thing you do in a market is boycott companies whose ethics or standards you despise.

When ever was our society nearly destroyed?

Churches can resume their role of helping the poor (medically poor) instead of building buildings.

The imposition of affordable housing to make a politically correct statement is what will ruin an economy.

Today in eastern Canada a national weather man was "arrested" (spoof) for "stealing" summer. It has been the coldest summer in 22 years. The past two winters were records. The north Atlantic could easily be turning into one of its little ice age phases again. Dr. Geiger of the American Physical Union, quit that organization because "it is such a religion" about climate change, which it now calls global warming, because global warming was not happening. Except in models.

Any government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything away.


Well-known member
the first thing you do in a market is boycott companies whose ethics or standards you despise.
And if the company's products kill you, it's kind of hard to boycott them. We put regulations in place because waiting for people to die before you figure out which companies have bad practices is stupid.

When ever was our society nearly destroyed?
The great depression.

Churches can resume their role of helping the poor (medically poor) instead of building buildings.
You think the church has hundreds of thousands of dollars for each desperately ill person?

The imposition of affordable housing to make a politically correct statement is what will ruin an economy.
Nope. Perhaps you speak of the last crash. The problem there was an incorrect assessment of risk and a perverse incentive by bankers to sell mortgages they knew were unsound. An example of regulatory failure, not a problem with affordable housing.

Today in eastern Canada a national weather man was "arrested" (spoof) for "stealing" summer. It has been the coldest summer in 22 years. The past two winters were records. The north Atlantic could easily be turning into one of its little ice age phases again. Dr. Geiger of the American Physical Union, quit that organization because "it is such a religion" about climate change, which it now calls global warming, because global warming was not happening. Except in models.
Except it is and 97% of climate scientists agree it is.

2014 was the warmest year on record, globally. Yes there are points in time and places that are cold. But on average, worldwide the climate is heating up rapidly. It's silly to walk outside say "it's cold out" and assume that's true for the globe. The northeastern region of North America was unusually cold last year despite the record setting year overall.


Any government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take everything away.
True, but a government you can drown is a bathtub can't protect you from anything. I'd rather have a government that CAN do right than one that can't do anything.

What you're talking about is the articles of confederation. We tried those, they didn't work. Weak governments around the world breed weak and unstable economies.