Conservatism is curable.

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The Barbarian

Well, changeable. Conservatism isn't a mental disorder unless it interferes with normal living.

But there's been a lot of data collected on how brains of conservatives are different than those of other people.

Conservatives, it turns out, react more strongly to physical threat than liberals do. In fact, their greater concern with physical safety seems to be determined early in life: In one University of California study, the more fear a 4-year-old showed in a laboratory situation, the more conservative his or her political attitudes were found to be 20 years later. Brain imaging studies have even shown that the fear center of the brain, the amygdala, is actually larger in conservatives than in liberals. And many other laboratory studies have found that when adult liberals experienced physical threat, their political and social attitudes became more conservative (temporarily, of course). But no one had ever turned conservatives into liberals.

Until we did.

Turns out, it's not all that difficult. Just make people feel safer, and they become more liberal.

In both instances, we had manipulated a deeper underlying reason for political attitudes, the strength of the basic motivation of safety and survival. The boiling water of our social and political attitudes, it seems, can be turned up or down by changing how physically safe we feel.

This is why it makes sense that liberal politicians intuitively portray danger as manageable — recall FDR’s famous Great Depression era reassurance of “nothing to fear but fear itself,” echoed decades later in Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address — and why President Trump and other Republican politicians are instead likely to emphasize the dangers of terrorism and immigration, relying on fear as a motivator to gain votes.




John Stuart Mill had a IQ of 200 which places him amongst the top 10 most intelligent people of all time!


John Kenneth Galbraith was a world renown professor of economics at Harvard University for half a century, and served in the administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson.
He was a prolific author, wrote four dozen books, including several novels, and published more than a thousand articles and essays on various subjects.
His books on economic topics were bestsellers from the 1950s through the 2000s, during which time Galbraith fulfilled the role of public intellectual.
Galbraith was one of only a few few to receive both the Medal of Freedom (1946) and the Presidential Medal of Freedom (2000) for his public service and contributions to science.
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“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”
― George Orwell, Animal Farm


4. Thou SHALL NOT call other TOL members names without cause. Appropriately identifying the wicked is not only allowed but encouraged. Again, TOL is a right-wing Christian forum and therefore our bias is not hidden.

Please be advised that TOL has officially designated itself as a "right-wing Christian forum and therefore our bias is not hidden."

To paraphrase George Orwell in "Animal Farm," all members of TOL are created equal, but some members are more equal than others!
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Well-known member
It's even more telling that this dialectic programming instigating the friction is never questioned other than a murmur by either side , or the obviously emotional political words spoken to a receptive preconditioned mind to defend their own enslavement. Plenty of warnings in past that foretold this systems hidden agenda that brilliantly used the time both sides spent pointing at each other while those privileges disappeared through keeping you distracted with false flags you both fell for and still do. Privilege another word the populace accepts like democracy, the past also shows the end results of people under that style of governments end with dictatorial leadership, 1933 started that ball rolling something both sides should be revealing but ignored like the plague.

Your a smart guy barb but you are just as duped as the right wing zealot who supports Democide while hiding behind their facade of christianity, and supported known skull and bones secret society members as their leader which is nothing new in this bloodline puppet show you both lick the boots of.

Its pathetically getting to the point of insanity that neither side can see that the Demicide is now being implemented on this nation by the very people you both bow down to, worldly christians and Atheist share the blame because ignorance of the past is no excuse. JFK warned you, he was no saint but his concern was real for the people he led, it wasn't made up like the puppets you both follow like lemmings, even though he was selected like they all are he crossed that line to reveal the truth, the last leader this nation had.

If your going to be leemings be a Norwegian one at least they fight back for themselves, instead of dying and murdering for global banksters owned by the Elitist.


The Barbarian

It's even more telling that this dialectic programming instigating the friction is never questioned other than a murmur by either side

There certainly are conservatives, such as George Will, and liberals, such as Joe Biden, who have seen through the propaganda.

And libertarians seem to be pretty much immune to it.

One of the thing you have to realize is that it's not a huge, organized conspiracy. That kind of thing always falls apart, and usually in a relatively short time. Rather, it's "a loose affiliation of millionaires and billionaires" that happen to want the same things, sometimes.

Your a smart guy barb but you are just as duped as the right wing zealot

Me? I'm just a dumb old barbarian. So easily duped...

If your going to be leemings be a Norwegian one at least they fight back for themselves,

That old story about lemmings jumping into the sea is hogwash. I was, as a kid, really disillusioned to learn that Disney faked the whole thing, hiring people to toss lemmings over cliffs into the sea. It's why such grand stories don't move me as much as they move you, I suppose.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, changeable. Conservatism isn't a mental disorder unless it interferes with normal living.

But there's been a lot of data collected on how brains of conservatives are different than those of other people.

Conservatives, it turns out, react more strongly to physical threat than liberals do. In fact, their greater concern with physical safety seems to be determined early in life: In one University of California study, the more fear a 4-year-old showed in a laboratory situation, the more conservative his or her political attitudes were found to be 20 years later. Brain imaging studies have even shown that the fear center of the brain, the amygdala, is actually larger in conservatives than in liberals. And many other laboratory studies have found that when adult liberals experienced physical threat, their political and social attitudes became more conservative (temporarily, of course). But no one had ever turned conservatives into liberals.

Until we did.

Turns out, it's not all that difficult. Just make people feel safer, and they become more liberal.

In both instances, we had manipulated a deeper underlying reason for political attitudes, the strength of the basic motivation of safety and survival. The boiling water of our social and political attitudes, it seems, can be turned up or down by changing how physically safe we feel.

This is why it makes sense that liberal politicians intuitively portray danger as manageable — recall FDR’s famous Great Depression era reassurance of “nothing to fear but fear itself,” echoed decades later in Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address — and why President Trump and other Republican politicians are instead likely to emphasize the dangers of terrorism and immigration, relying on fear as a motivator to gain votes.


Junk Science, what would we do without it, right Barb?

The Barbarian

(Research shows that people are less conservative when they are less frightened)

Junk Science, what would we do without it, right Barb?

You scared of science, Grosnik? :wave:

Not all conservatives are. The above quote explains it:

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.- John Stuart Mill

The Barbarian

There is also neurological evidence for this. Conservatives tend to have more robust amygdalas. This structure is responsible for fear, threat assessment, and emotional responses.

Liberals tend to have a more robust anterior cingulate gyrus, which is involved in evaluating new information, and resolving conflict.

It goes without saying that both of these functions are essential ones for humans. The difference is that conservatives may be controlled by fear when it's not adaptive to do so, and liberals may respond with attempts to reason, when aggression or flight would be a better response.


Well-known member
None of those establishment media pool of talking heads (rarely) ever step out of the spin doctrine on either side, prearranged limits to follow that never speak on the factual reasons behind the mass passive programming that could only be done through years of brainwashing, or the reason the citizen joe public was made collateral for the bankruptcy that illegally without full disclosure or consent made them debt slaves with what Barb? privileges mask under false terminology as being rights of free men, fraudulently placed on the labor of the american people and stole non taxable/unalienable property rights along with the fact they are told they are home owners when only a tenant forced to pay tribute to the real owners of this sharecropper scheme run by corporate Pirates, they throw crumbs to faithful converts who learn the financial game and prosper. That's cricket don't chirp much and if it did it was quickly labeled conspiracy nut or associated with payed opposition to assure the flock it's all nonsense.

That will never be acknowledged by your boys because there to comfy and beyond such silly conspiracies running around outside that box of fake duplicity.

JFK was talking about the very thing you support, so you are either duped or to comfy with your current flow of crumbs to rock the boat.

The Barbarian

I'm pretty sure you have something worthwhile to discuss here, but I think it would be more clear if you were more specific and supported your ideas with some facts and data. Maybe this is really several topics that you might want to cover sequentially.

I do want to see it, but maybe it would be better to organize and take a little more time with it.

The Barbarian


To paraphrase George Orwell in "Animal Farm," all members of TOL are created equal, but some members are more equal than others!

At least, they are honest about it. I've been on boards with left and right bias, whose moderators insisted that they were fair and even-handed when anyone could see that they weren't. If the field wasn't slanted, a lot of people who post here would leave.

I can live with it. If I ever decide that I can't, I'll go elsewhere.


Well-known member
I'm pretty sure you have something worthwhile to discuss here, but I think it would be more clear if you were more specific and supported your ideas with some facts and data. Maybe this is really several topics that you might want to cover sequentially.

I do want to see it, but maybe it would be better to organize and take a little more time with it.

Specifics organized like this- Trump renews the permanent state of national emergency! DONALD TRUMP MAINTAINS THE “WAR ON TERROR”! By AL Whitney, On October 20, 2017 Donald Trump signed Executive Order 13814 extending the state of emergency. Like all of the Presidents since 1933, Trump maintained the unconstitutional powers the state of emergency authorizes. Under federal law, a national emergency declaration lasts for only one year, meaning that the 9/11 terrorist-threat national emergency has now been re-declared 16 times. And the number of agencies the White House has created to deal with the ‘national emergency’ has grown to over 600 – the worst and most insidious being the department of homeland security.

I leave ya alone barb I know you have smaller fish to fry with your left and right wing sitcom:grave:.

The Barbarian

Social scientists have long known how to turn liberals into conservatives in the lab – all they have to do is scare them.

"Research has shown that you can make liberals more conservative by threatening them and making them somewhat afraid," Yale psychology professor John Bargh writes in his new book, "Before You Know It: The Unconscious Reasons We Do What We Do," which was released Tuesday.

Several studies have shown that when social scientists get liberal-leaning experiment subjects to think about their own deaths or make them feel threatened, some left-wingers adopt more conservative values.

This phenomenon played out after 9/11 – researchers found that there was a "very strong conservative shift" in the US after the attacks, with more liberals supporting Republican President George W. Bush and favouring increases in military spending.
A 2011 study looked at MRI scans of self-described conservative young adults and found they had more grey matter volume in the right amygdala than their liberal counterparts.

In 2013, another team of scientists expanded that research to show that conservatives generally have more activity in their right amygdala when taking risks than liberals do.

But while inducing fear might shift a liberal mindset, conservatives have generally been more difficult for social scientists to sway in experiments – until now.

In his new book, Bargh details two separate experiments that he conducted with his colleagues that swayed folks who identified as conservative to express more liberal attitudes.
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