Comments on Under Construction Site

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Comments on Under Construction Site

This is the show from Wednesday November 28th, 2007.


* Creation Research Society: provides evidence against the Big Bang from a lack of stars and even starlight from Population III stars which are supposedly the first generation of stars after the Big Bang which by BB cosmology would have had almost no elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. Also, the snapping shrimp possess an amazing function to obtain food, it creates a cavity bubble underwater which collapses with such force that it produces a cracking sound of about 200 decibels, a tiny flash of light, and enough shock to stun or even kill its prey such as worms and goby fish.

* Leader on Preview of ARTL Site: Eve Silver, ABC Link researcher formerly with the Komen Foundation, wrote about her preview of the under construction American Right To Life website:
I LOVE THE SITE!!!!! "The Personhood Wing of the Pro-Life Movement" Ohhh! It's so cool I can hardly stand it!! :) The tabs are terrific: Home, Who We Are, Who They Are (AWESOME!!) Principles, etc. ... Colors are great; eye-popping layout! :) Great list of Pro-Life heavies ... hey! WHERE'S MY NAME??! :) I LOVE it! :) Bob, National RTL has been weak for years! I hope their real pro-lifers will jump their ship now! I am so excited about ARTL!! For my money COLORADO RIGHT TO LIFE ROCKS THE CRADLE!!!! :) and AMERICAN RIGHT TO LIFE will RULE!!! :)

Eve, thanks so much! Until now, I didn't realize adrenaline could be sent via email :)
-Bob Enyart

* Colo Petition Training Session: Are you in the Denver area and excited to gather signatures but don't know where to start? Do you have questions? Want to talk to the Colorado for Equal Rights staff in person? Now is your chance! Join them tomorrow for Petition Circulation Training, pizza, and pop! A master of petition gathering, Cal Zastrow, will be showing us the ropes and getting us geared up for collecting signatures immediately! Can you come?
When: Thursday, Nov. 29, 4:30 p.m.

Where: Maranatha Christian Center: 7180 Oak St, Arvada

For more information, or to RSVP, please call 719-749-2164!

Today's Resource: The Plot is making its debut as a bound book! After a decade of sales of thousands of copies of Bob's unbound, best-selling manuscript, now as of December 1st, just in time for Christmas gifts, The Plot will be bound! If you get The Plot, and want the bound version, please just let us know when you call 800-8Enyart or in the Comments field when you order through the Literature Department of our online KGOVStore. com!
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