Colorado Republicans Disappear Romney


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Colorado Republicans Disappear Romney

This is the show from Monday, April 16th 2012.


* Delegate Report from the Colorado Republican Assembly: Bob Enyart gives a delegate's report on the Colorado Republican State Assembly including the dramatic upset in Romney's failure to capture a majority of delegates, and the greater applause when Colorado Right To Life president Biff Gore was announced as compared to the subdued support when U.S. Sen. John Thune mentioned Mitt Romney!

* Former Argentine Dictator General Jorge Videla: New book publishes admissions from Gen. Videla on the thousands of people he killed. And Bob remembers the front-page headline in Argentina's big daily newspaper: Dios Existe: "God Exists!"

* Post-show Note: See Bob's Round Two post on pot at

* We're Number One, We're Number One UPDATE: Google: largest sign, and see that our anti-DNC sign made of 2,400 sheets sewn together is #1 out of a BILLION POSSIBLE PAGES! Bob and co-host Doug McBurney googled some of the common subjects and terms discussed on Bob Enyart Live. For many of these subjects, Google highly ranks KGOV and the pro-life websites that we support--many times as the number one site for given topics. Some examples are: Google: Sarah Palin pro-life, and comes up number one out of four million. "Ann Coulter" pro-life: ranks number one out of 14 million! Google: Life of the mother exception: four out of 60 million. And try googling: Romney abortion!

Today's Resource: Meet the Apostle Peter in this important Bible study, our 1 & 2 Peter DVD set. Have you considered why Peter addresses his letters to no well-known recipients? Rather, similarly to James, John, and Jude, he sends them generically to the circumcision believers scattered abroad. Why? Meanwhile, Peter mentions the Apostle Paul, who addresses his epistles to many well-known leaders and specific regional churches. Teacher Bob Enyart demonstrates that understanding the big picture of the Bible, its plot, helps to see even such small books as First Peter and Second Peter in their proper perspectives. Such biblical observations go a long way toward explaining the differences between Peter and Paul. For as Peter himself wrote of, "our beloved brother Paul" who "has written to you as also in all his epistles… in which are some things hard to understand…" This fascinating Bible study is available in a 6-DVD set, on MP3-CD or MP3 download. Just click to order online or call us at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278).