Collaborators Project in Oregon

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Collaborators Project in Oregon

This is the show from Thursday March 3rd, 2008.


* Bill Diss: 41 years ago, Denver's Bill Diss spoke up against the "legalization" of abortion by Republican Governor John Love in Colorado, the first state to permit killing a child for health reasons and because her father is a criminal. 41 years later, his son, Portland-area public school teacher Bill Diss, visited Denver this past week and met with Will Duffy, founder of the Collaborators Project to strategize on Bill's great efforts to stop the construction of a proposed abortion clinic in Portland. Bill has mobilized pro-lifers to protests including at the offices of the abortion mill's architect!

* Martin Luther King Blvd & Niece: Planned Parenthood has a penchant for locating abortuaries in minority, especially African American, neighborhoods, which is one reason that Hispanics have surpassed blacks as America's most populous ethnic group, after 10 million black women have killed their children, with Planned Parenthood's cut of the business at a BEL-estimated $2,500 billion in 2008 dollars. Thus it is especially cruel to blacks that the proposed mill site is in Portland on NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Bill Diss has organized, 503 334-6183, and in a pamphlet they quote MLK Jr.'s niece, Dr. Alveda King, speaking in Portland on April 20, 2007 saying, "My uncle would not want an abortion mill on a street named after him!"

* Post-Show Note 1: Please plan to see Ben Stein's movie, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, opening weekend, April 18-21. The film shows the links between Darwinian evolution, Nazism and Planned Parenthood's eugenics founder, longtime president, and never disavowed hero Margaret Sanger! Separately, BEL has often quoted one of Sanger's cruel and false descriptions of the handicapped, people with eternal value, as: "the blind, deaf and mute... the feeble-minded and epileptic... this dead weight of human waste," wrote Margaret Sanger in Pivot of Civilization page 51, available through most public libraries and readable online at


Rare CD's, vinyl, CCM & HM mags, books, photos & misc... 1-800-599-8741

30 years ago, CCM Magazine was started, the same year I graduated from High School. My mail-order business was started in the early Fall of 1995. If you are interested in taking advantage of some great deals on all sorts of items, please contact me. There are a lot of titles, but once they are gone, that will be it! I am chamberock on ebay and a few years ago, I sold a lot of things there and I had a terrific reputation for customer service. Before ebay; I had a number of great customers who found out about my business known then as Rock Revival, through some advertising (including for months on TV in 80 cities from Honolulu to Orlando on Bob Enyart Live). The last few years, I have lost touch with just about all of my customers due to my career changes and other ministries I was focusing on. Consequently, I have not really been in the selling business. I do believe this is time to liquidate everything with the exception of the music library. At some point, that may be sold as well. So, I am here to sell some great items and you will be happy for the bargains along with the fact that I will ship first and then you pay! What business does that?? Please spread the word about the sale as I could use the free advertising! I hope to hear from you soon. God bless!

Kent Chambers


Wilsonville, NE 69046

1-308-349-4912 / Phone & Fax

1-308-350-0508 / Cell 4 list

* Post-show Note 3: CRTL's Friday night Personhood fundraising dinner is SOLD OUT! Wow! Praise God that over 100 people have registered to join Bob in welcoming Judie Brown to Colorado at the evening $100-a-plate fundraiser on April 4! If you'd like to help get signatures, or donate directly to the non-deductible Colorado RTL Issue Committee to help get Personhood on the ballot in November, you can call Donna at 303 753-9394! Our deadline for 76,000 signatures is May 13th! We're at 46,500 and going strong! We need your help! Please, help! (BTW, there are still tickets available for the Colorado Springs dinner with Judie Brown on Saturday night, so if you'd like to join Bob down there, please register with Donna at CRTL and we can even car pool if you live in the Denver area and drive down together!)

* Post-show Note 4: Steve Curtis, president of American RTL Action and, announced this week that Bob Enyart will present the latest sequel in the groundbreaking series. To see Focus of the Strategy III, please attend Steve's 4th Annual Founders Dinner, Saturday April 26 at 6:15 p.m. at the Doubletree Hotel Denver-North at 8773 Yates Drive. The $55-a-plate dinner will further the life-saving work of Life Commercials and also entertain you as you enjoy the comedians' comedian, Daren Streblow! Register online at or call 303 697-7825!

Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? Check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
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