CNN show about OJ simpson trial...


New member
I watched this show last night on CNN (no access to Fox:(:(), didn't learn much of anything b/c I have already read

Marcia Clark's book

Chris Darden's book

and others I can't recall, pertaining to the OJ case..

but it was interesting in 1 place where this idiot juror said he though OJ was innocent. HUH??! :noway:

The thing is (if I heard correctly) he didn't really think so 20 yrs ago. as a juror.. but now...

whatever. Moron alert.

I thought CNN could have interviewed a wider array of witnesses, experts, jurors... etc...

another astounding thing was Goldman's sister saying she couldn't emotionally understand the decision, but "logically..."


what logic?

where? :noway:

there was logic somewhere?

oh yeh... maybe the logic of human idiocy... or, uh... something--meaning that most people (and this case proves it better than most ) just are not smart enough to look beyond the emotional appeals (of amoral [redundancy alert?] attorneys like Barry Scheck.. Cocharan).

If you put all emotion and appeals-to-race aside, which SHOULD be a GIVEN in a "court of law" (ha ha... what a freaking joke)

you have this:

(surprise, surprise) EVIDENCE

and it was OVERWHELMING... the evidence against him...

his blood was at the crime scene... and
BEFORE LAPD had OBTAINED any of OJs blood to allegedly taint the crime scene with!

Nichole's blood was at HIS place, on socks, etc...

but I will say this about CNN: at least they didn't come across like THEY themselves accepted the verdict.

guess that's hard to do even for libs... considering all the...

again... that pesky thing called




New member
hmmm... no one wants to talk about the OJ thing

actually, that kind of makes sense.. Who wants to be reminded that so many people in America are clueless and would rather make some political comment than achieve true justice?

if some poor person had killed those victims... he would be GONE by now... death penalty

but money... Money can buy anything...

except Heaven, of course..

in fact Jesus said it is difficult for the wealthy to get into Heaven...

oh well, who listens to that Jesus guy anyway?


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Just remember....If the glove does not fit, you must acquit.

Perry John W. Mason


New member
Why is the OJ thing relevant?

for one, it shows the propensity for most humans to disregard

again, that pesky little thing called


reminiscent of how a lot of people vote. Oh, the Rs are better at running a businesss and the gov needs that? well, they don't want to up the min. wage, so to heck with them... Oh, the Rs are against torturing and dismembering children? Well, that's a good thing, but hey, I wanna make a HIGH min. wage... don't care if it raises the cost of business and goods/services... long as I get that $15/hr...

gottabe all about me, ya know...:luigi:

