CNN refuses to cover arrests of elite pedophiles

Gary K

New member
This is another Liz Crokin article. This time it is on the epidemic of pedophila that is not only here in the US but is world wide in its scope. In this article Liz chronicles how she asked Jake Tapper why he wasn't covering the arrests of pedophiles that belong to the so-called elites of this country. You can see his response to her questions in the short video embedded in the article.

The follwing is an excerpt from that article. The entire article can be found at .

There’s not only a widespread censorship of President Donald Trump’s record high sex trafficking arrests from the mainstream media, there’s an active movement in the media to cover up the country’s massive pedophilia problem especially with elite pedophile rings.
As I’ve extensively reported before, the MSM refuses to cover Trump’s war on pedophiles and this year’s record breaking number of sex trafficking arrests. CNN has gone out of its way to censor the pedophile epidemic plaguing this country and they particularly cover for elite pedophiles. For example, authorities recently arrested CNN guest and former Mayor Bill de Blasio staffer Jacob Schwartz for child porn. Schwartz downloaded thousands of images and videos of child porn including the rape of a six-month-old baby. CNN not only has refused to cover this, to this day haven’t even disavowed the abhorrent behavior of one of their network’s on-air guests.

The Barbarian

This is another Liz Crokin article. This time it is on the epidemic of pedophila that is not only here in the US but is world wide in its scope.

It's always been out there. One of the greatest Christians in modern times, William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, exposed the corruption of Victorian England where young girls were bought and sold for prostitution. He was persecuted for his efforts, being jailed at one point.

It's not a new thing. The practice was far more common and available in Booth's day than ours. Not that we shouldn't go after these monsters whenever they are exposed. While the stories about pedophile dungeons under a pizza restaurant were absurd, there's plenty of people like Epstein and Roy Moore out there.

The Horn

Hmmmm . . . . . . Trump is "trying to fight pedophilia rings ." However, he may be a child rapist himself ! There is credible evidence of our so-called "president " having raped a 13 year old girl at one of the parties, or more accurately orgies he attends several years ago. A judge found sufficient evidence to have him investigated for the rape of a child .
His victim is grown now, but she withdrew charges when Trump set her death threats .
Such a paragn of virtue and a true Christian !

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's always been out there. One of the greatest Christians in modern times, William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, exposed the corruption of Victorian England where young girls were bought and sold for prostitution. He was persecuted for his efforts, being jailed at one point.

It's not a new thing. The practice was far more common and available in Booth's day than ours. Not that we shouldn't go after these monsters whenever they are exposed. While the stories about pedophile dungeons under a pizza restaurant were absurd, there's plenty of people like Epstein and Roy Moore out there.

Roy Moore certainly doesn't seem to be pressing much these days...