CNN: anti-gun rant RE Flight 9525.. though: NO GUN used!


New member
yeh, I had to watch CNN the other day... very, very bad day in my life.. but I was @ this fast food place that only runs CNN, never FOX on their TVx, and there were no other places to go to get a much-needed cup of coffee (and still be able to watch the news), so i was stuck..

This has happened to me b4, but last time, i just declined to watch the news entirely. Can't have FOX, don't want news at all. But I came to see that maybe I was being a little foolish there, because, well, some news is just news...

So I watch this show w/ Anderson Cooper and other folks and they go into this tirade RE Flight 9525 (deliberate crashing of plane, mass murder of 150 people) and start talking about whether pilots should have guns!

ok, maybe they have a point that it should be discussed. But they acted like this discussion was just a natural outgrowth of what happened in the Alps w/ that obviously insane person crashing the plane.

The libs will use ANY excuse to bring up gun control.

(Planes don't kill people; people do. Should we ban people? There's a topic 4 ya)
