Closing in on 5,000

Nathon Detroit

TOL is less than 200 registered members away from reaching the 5,000 registered members mark. Very impressive indeed.

A big thanks to all of you who make TOL the greatest website in the world! :up:

The Berean

Well-known member
Knight said:
TOL is less than 200 registered members away from reaching the 5,000 registered members mark. Very impressive indeed.

A big thanks to all of you who make TOL the greatest website in the world! :up:

Does the 500 include banned members as well?


BillyBob said:
Can I register a possum?

I don't see why not...he's smarter than some of the commie liberal members. Plus he's cute.

Who bought him that little beer mug?

the Sibbie

New member
Knight said:
TOL is less than 200 registered members away from reaching the 5,000 registered members mark. Very impressive indeed.

A big thanks to all of you who make TOL the greatest website in the world! :up:
I thought you were going to say that TOL is closing in on 5,000 bannings! :ha:

Truth Hunter

New member
I'm a new member, still finding my way around this site. What do the stars mean that show up under your name? or where can I find the answer? :help:
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New member
Truth Hunter said:
I'm a new member, still finding my way around this site. What do the stars mean that show up under your name? or where can I find the answer? :help:

The stars indicate how many posts you have made.
Yellow Star=10 posts
Blue Star = 100 posts
Green Star = 1000 posts
Purple Star = Too much free time


I'm calling him Little Joe...unless there's a better suggestion.


Aww, gee, thanks, Knight.

BillyBob's been training me as a bartender. And all the rednecks have been lending a hand. Would you like a beer to go with your fish tacos?

There's so much to remember though. Hot sauce in BillyBob's beer, vaseline on taoist's motorcycle seat, always stir Zakath's drinks with my tail ... but I'm learning fast.