Clinton Foundation Hit With Racketeering Charge

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The newly released financial files on Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton's growing fortune omit a company with no apparent employees or assets that the former president has legally used to provide consulting and other services, but which demonstrates the complexity of the family's finances.
Because the company, WJC, LLC, has no financial assets, Hillary Clinton's campaign was not obligated to report its existence in her recent financial disclosure report, officials with Bill Clinton's private office and the Clinton campaign said. They were responding to questions by The Associated Press, which reviewed corporate documents.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to provide private details of the former president's finances on the record, said the entity was a "pass-through" company designed to channel payments to the former president.

But Hillary, being the most naive first lady ever, knew nothing about it. If for no other reason, she's too dumb to be president, just like our current imbecile and chief, and the brain-dead who voted for him.


New member
Hellary is rather dense in another way also: Did she really think that it would never come out that she was jeopardizing the country's security RE the way she handled her emails while Sec of State?


But then again, the Clintons have been able to duck and dive a lot of scrutiny
