Climate Change? What Climate Change?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

How scientists got their global warming sums wrong — and created a £1TRILLION-a-year green industry that bullied experts who dared to question the figures​

The scientists who produce those doomsday reports for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change finally come clean. The planet has stubbornly refused to heat up to predicted levels.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
As a professional scientist myself, educated in one of the basic sciences, trained and experienced in working in pure research in my field, I knew this was all nonsense. The field of "climate science" was as respected among pure scientists as the field of "social science". It relied on unprovable assertions and assumptions and deliberately avoided addressing aspects of the systems under study that were unpredictable and unknowable.

I wonder at the timing of this admission. Unknown to most and ignored by the mainstream media is the fact that we are entering a period of solar minimum activity, a recurring period in which the radiant energy supplied by the sun diminishes.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
from the article:

This scare story, we now know, was at best an exaggeration, at worst a disgraceful fabrication. But while a handful of reviled and derided sceptics have been saying this for years, it’s only this week that those scientists have fessed up to their mistake.

In a new paper in the prestigious journal Nature Geoscience, the scientists who produce those doomsday reports for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have finally come clean — the computer models they’ve been using to predict runaway global warming are wrong, the planet has stubbornly refused to heat up anywhere near as much as they’d warned.

The report’s authors say it is now much more likely that the world will meet its CO2 reduction targets agreed at the UN’s Paris summit in 2015. Back then, Professor Michael Grubb of University College London said that the goal — keeping the rise in global temperatures below 1.5C — was so hard that achieving it would be “incompatible with democracy”.

According to research by Dr Bjorn Lomborg, former director of the Danish government’s Environmental Assessment Institute (EAI) in Copenhagen, using the UN’s own figures, even if every country in the world sticks to its Paris carbon reduction targets, the result will be, at best, a drop in global temperatures by the end of the century of about one fifth of a degree. All that money, all that effort to — maybe — reduce “global warming” by less than the temperature difference between getting up and having breakfast.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
One scientist has described the implications of the new Nature Geoscience report as “breathtaking”. He’s right. What it effectively does is scotch probably the most damaging scientific myth of our age — the notion that man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) is causing the planet to warm at such dangerous and unprecedented speeds that only massive government intervention can save us.

For a quarter of a century now — it all really got going in 1992 when 172 nations signed up to the Rio Earth Summit — our politicians have believed in and acted on this discredited theory.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
In the name of saving the planet, war was declared on carbon dioxide, the benign trace gas which we exhale and which is so good for plant growth it has caused the planet to “green” by an extraordinary 14 per cent in the last 30 years.

This war on CO2 has resulted in a massive global decarbonisation industry worth around $1.5trillion (£1.11trillion) a year. Though it has made a handful of green crony capitalists very rich, it has made most of us much poorer, by forcing us to use expensive “renewables” instead of cheap, abundant fossil fuels.


Well-known member

How scientists got their global warming sums wrong — and created a £1TRILLION-a-year green industry that bullied experts who dared to question the figures​

The scientists who produce those doomsday reports for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change finally come clean. The planet has stubbornly refused to heat up to predicted levels.

Global warming: Fake crisis invented by crooks, thieves, and liars for the sole purpose of seizing money and power from tens of billions of people, governments, and businesses for their own personal gains.

Climate change: Lying leftist 'rain dancing savages' to fix the weather if given sufficient amounts of billions of dollars to invest in their proposed efforts.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Global warming: Fake crisis invented by crooks, thieves, and liars for the sole purpose of seizing money and power from tens of billions of people, governments, and businesses for their own personal gains.

Climate change: Lying leftist 'rain dancing savages' to fix the weather if given sufficient amounts of billions of dollars to invest in their proposed efforts.
The article refers to Bjorn Lomborg who is a centrist, often attacked by the climatistas who claim that he is a rightist. I was first introduced to him through Jordan Peterson and have posted lectures that Lomborg has presented. He's a brilliant man with a brilliantly analytical approach to climate change and the potential aspects of mediation especially financial.


Well-known member
As a professional scientist myself, educated in one of the basic sciences, trained and experienced in working in pure research in my field, I knew this was all nonsense. The field of "climate science" was as respected among pure scientists as the field of "social science". It relied on unprovable assertions and assumptions and deliberately avoided addressing aspects of the systems under study that were unpredictable and unknowable.

I wonder at the timing of this admission. Unknown to most and ignored by the mainstream media is the fact that we are entering a period of solar minimum activity, a recurring period in which the radiant energy supplied by the sun diminishes.
I hope you are right.
It was 103 in Phoenix today, and going up this week.
And it hasn't rained since March.
(But we are a desert area.)

Gary K

New member
As a professional scientist myself, educated in one of the basic sciences, trained and experienced in working in pure research in my field, I knew this was all nonsense. The field of "climate science" was as respected among pure scientists as the field of "social science". It relied on unprovable assertions and assumptions and deliberately avoided addressing aspects of the systems under study that were unpredictable and unknowable.

I wonder at the timing of this admission. Unknown to most and ignored by the mainstream media is the fact that we are entering a period of solar minimum activity, a recurring period in which the radiant energy supplied by the sun diminishes.
Ask the WEF why this was published now.

Gary K

New member
I worked in HVAC and from the very first it was a very apparent money grab. In less than a year costs of anything related to do with refrigerants more than doubled and it was all taxation. Now those costs are multiples higher than then and the largest cost driver is still taxation.

It raised the cost of doing business for grocery stores tremendously and ran a lot of small businesses out of business. We see exactly the same tactic today in the designation of "essential" and non essential businesses. Nothing ever changes they just run the same play book over and over again.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
It's going to take a loooong time to change the course of this Titanic, with so many captains determined to steer it into the iceberg

New Zealand has revealed plans to tax burps and farts from livestock in an attempt to reduce its emissions of methane gas.

Roughly half of New Zealand’s carbon emissions come from its agricultural sector, a major pillar of its economy. The nation is a major exporter of meat and dairy products: roughly 5 million people live in New Zealand compared to 10 million cattle and 26 million sheep.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's going to take a loooong time to change the course of this Titanic, with so many captains determined to steer it into the iceberg

New Zealand has revealed plans to tax burps and farts from livestock in an attempt to reduce its emissions of methane gas.

Roughly half of New Zealand’s carbon emissions come from its agricultural sector, a major pillar of its economy. The nation is a major exporter of meat and dairy products: roughly 5 million people live in New Zealand compared to 10 million cattle and 26 million sheep.
Good. Let em. Who cares. They certainly don't.


Well-known member
It's going to take a loooong time to change the course of this Titanic, with so many captains determined to steer it into the iceberg

New Zealand has revealed plans to tax burps and farts from livestock in an attempt to reduce its emissions of methane gas.

Roughly half of New Zealand’s carbon emissions come from its agricultural sector, a major pillar of its economy. The nation is a major exporter of meat and dairy products: roughly 5 million people live in New Zealand compared to 10 million cattle and 26 million sheep.
Obama started that cow fart nonsense when he directed the EPA to waste millions of taxpayer dollars studying the issue. I suspect Obama knew some people with cows that he could reward with handsome government contracts in that inane methane study.



Well-known member
This is the price we pay for bad science - retarded politicians making bad policy

Maybe Biden is just doing his part to redistribute the wealth of poor Americans into the hands of tyrannical billionaire foreign leaders by forcing poor Americans to buy oil from those foreign tyrants instead of buying American oil that is in such short supply now.
