Chumash with Rashi Parshat Tetzaveh, 1st Portion (Exodus 27:20-28:12)


Well-known member
[MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] you are a day ahead on your man made calendar. This tool allows you to see the new moon from Jerusalem:

The tool allows you to view the western sky as seen from the proximity of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, observed at the moment of sunset, at or near the beginning of a Hebrew Month. Select one of three buttons for viewing the new moon in Jerusalem on either the Day Before, the New Moon Day or the Day After the new moon. Then press the View button to see if you can visibly see the new moon.



Well-known member
[MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] look your man made month began on the astronomical new moon which is not how God wants us to calculate when the new moon is:




[MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] you are a day ahead on your man made calendar. This tool allows you to see the new moon from Jerusalem:

The tool allows you to view the western sky as seen from the proximity of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, observed at the moment of sunset, at or near the beginning of a Hebrew Month. Select one of three buttons for viewing the new moon in Jerusalem on either the Day Before, the New Moon Day or the Day After the new moon. Then press the View button to see if you can visibly see the new moon.



As it is right now I do not use my computer or the internet on Rosh Chodesh. Also, my understanding is that you are not a Jew, if I could be informed by you or if someone would authorize my use of my computer on Rosh Chodesh. I do not use my computer on Shabbat (the Sabbath), the Seven Holy Days of Torah, and more. I don't know if this would ever change, but we can start with a discussion about electricity and using a computer on Shabbat, simply if it is okay to do so. You may be wondering. It is my belief that a person can study the laws about Shabbat. Are you already Jewish?




[MENTION=5582]Jacob[/MENTION] look your man made month began on the astronomical new moon which is not how God wants us to calculate when the new moon is:




I do not trust your source and I do not observe the month of February, so I do not know what you are telling me.




Well-known member

As it is right now I do not use my computer or the internet on Rosh Chodesh. Also, my understanding is that you are not a Jew, if I could be informed by you or if someone would authorize my use of my computer on Rosh Chodesh. I do not use my computer on Shabbat (the Sabbath), the Seven Holy Days of Torah, and more. I don't know if this would ever change, but we can start with a discussion about electricity and using a computer on Shabbat, simply if it is okay to do so. You may be wondering. It is my belief that a person can study the laws about Shabbat. Are you already Jewish?



It is not the Sabbath.