chrysostom and ok doser (aka sod): Desperately Seeking Town Heretic


like marbles on glass
This will be a fun thread, meant to track all occasions that chrys and sod mention TH while they pretend not to be obsessed by all things Town Heretic.

All their posts are about TH after he left.

Stay tuned. :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond



like marbles on glass
good morning

good morning

so what's new?

town is out of town because his thread was deleted

didn't they do that to you?

it really upset me

did you leave?


do you think town will be back?

oh yes

what can we do in the mean time?

use his thread to explain don quixote

he will like that


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Hall of Fame
town doesn't like my explanation of don quixote
the more I explain it
the more likely he will come back to make fun of me
that is what he likes to do