Christ's "WAY":

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One cannot be Justified, or Saved, or In Christ / in the Body of Christ and be "Divided" In Any Spiritual "WAY" at all; - other than Christ's "WAY".

If you are Divided in Christ's Doctrine in Any "WAY" from any other person who says they believe the Word of God also, and is Saved; "Both" of you cannot be Saved!! - Any Division at all Separates you from GOD, if either of you are wrong!! - "However", it is Now Impossible for ANYONE to be Saved, ( BECAUSE ) Everyone IS "Divided" from Everyone else in Some "WAY" or another. There are Not two people who call themselves "Christians", that believe the Exact same thing of the Word of God / Christ / God; when that is SO EASY!! -- Even IN ANY church that teaches anything of God, there is Not two Members that believe totally alike, - and If Not; They all are LOST!!

(( IF YOU )) do nor describe Christ the exact same "WAY" Christ describes Himself, THEN THAT FOOL Cannot BE Justified!! AND I have Never Found the first person that Describes Christ, the SAME "WAY" Christ describes Himself!!! -- That makes everyone of you worshiping a DIFFERENT False Christ!! -- You ALL Are Lost, and nothing can change that; - not your Spit, or your Cursing me, or saying how much you LOVE YOUR FALSE CHRIST to other phony "christian"!! -- None of YOU have the slightest Idea who Christ "IS"!!! - AND None of You can PROVE you know Christ by Using other Wisdoms than God's Wisdom, the WORD of GOD!!!

Christ "IS" Who and What He says He "IS", and Not what YOU Know it Alls say who or what Christ "IS"!!! Christ "IS" the Exact Fulfilled Word of God - as WRITTEN in the Spirit, and Nothing ELSE!!! Just the LAW of the Universe!!

( You ALL Commit THE Greatest ( SIN of ALL ) with "Every Word" you teach about the Christ ). You Blaspheme Christ, You Bear False Witness of Christ; (( And That Is the Greatest SIN There CAN BE ))!!! -- ( And I don't CARE what you say, you are Wrong, - and I don't CARE!!! -- I'll still tell you who Christ "IS", and You can do and say anything You Choose!!!

PAUL, DAVID, - LETSARGUE!!! -- 102314

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