Christanity starves "demon possessed" toddler to death - tries to resurrect body


Active member
Christanity starves "demon possessed" toddler to death - tries to resurrect body

Texas church members accused of starving ‘demon-possessed’ toddler and then trying to resurrect him

A Texas couple fled to Mexico after a failed attempt to raise a starved toddler from the dead, police said.

Officers received an anonymous tip March 26 that the 2-year-old boy had died nearly a week earlier but was not reported, according to NBC News.

Police went to a Balch Springs home, which also operated as a church, where they were told a “rising ceremony” had been performed four days earlier in an attempt to resurrect him, the network reported.

The child’s body was taken to Mexico the next day by his parents and other members of the Congregacional Pueblo De Dios, police said.

Investigators have not yet located the parents or church congregants.

Video of the ceremony appears to show Aracely Meza, the church’s secretary, praying and speaking in tongues over the toddler’s body, which she anoints with oils, as other congregants gather around.

Meza, who is not the child’s mother, was charged with injury to a child by omission.

A woman who knew the boy’s mother said pastors believed the child was possessed by demons, and she said the boy went 25 days without food before he died.

After the ceremony fails to bring the boy back to life, Meza breaks down crying.

Congregacional Pueblo De Dios, which was formed in 2007, is affiliated with the Hispanic Conference of the Congregational Holiness Church, a Georgia-based Pentecostal denomination, reported NBC News.

Sickening :( - you'd think after the boy's body looked like a Nazi concentration camp prisoner, someone would've thought "maybe we should give him something to eat" - the horrors of religious delusion know no bounds.


Active member
We're not talking about Muslims, right? If we are, why not change
your thread topic then?

We are talking about potential double standards and "no true Scotsman" fallacy - you are the one that brought up the idea of "not a TRUE Christian".

Regardless, it sounds like they were under deep delusion influenced by a Pentecostal variety of Christianity.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We are talking about potential double standards and "no true Scotsman" fallacy - you are the one that brought up the idea of "not a TRUE Christian".

Regardless, it sounds like they were under deep delusion influenced by a Pentecostal variety of Christianity.

There's plenty of "religious fanatics" that commit heinous crimes!
Need I mention David Koresh and Jim Jones? There's also a
myriad of Atheists that commit horrendous crimes! Neither one
of these groups are; True Christians!


Active member
Your "Scotsman" analogy is unknown to me? I never heard about that one?

No True Scotsman is a logical fallacy by which an individual attempts to avoid being associated with an unpleasant act by asserting that no true member of the group they belong to would do such a thing.

Instead of acknowledging that some members of a group have undesirable characteristics, the fallacy tries to redefine the group to exclude them.

The term was coined by Antony Flew, who gave an example of a Scotsman who sees a newspaper article about a series of sex crimes taking place in Brighton, and responds that "no Scotsman would do such a thing." When later confronted with evidence of another Scotsman doing even worse acts, his response is that "no true Scotsman would do such a thing," thus disavowing membership in the group "Scotsman" to the criminal on the basis that the commission of the crime is evidence for not being a Scotsman. However, this is a fallacy as there is nothing in the definition of "Scotsman" which makes such acts impossible. The term "No True Scotsman" has since expanded to refer to anyone who attempts to disown or distance themselves from wayward members of a group by excluding them from it.


Hall of Fame
That poor baby ... his parent's need to be locked away. Forever.


Active member
By the way, I don't blame all of Christianity or all Christians on this incident - I used that as a provocative title to get people to think about why the title might be wrong and whether or not those reasons might also apply to other thread titles and claims made in this forum.

I do, however, blame the tenancy for Christianity and religion in general to rely upon faith and unfalsifiable claims, encourage absolute certainty, and discourage doubt and questioning - opening the chasm for people to fall into the intellectual black hole of delusion, with sometimes horrific consequences. When one gets sucked in to an intellectual black hole, it can be extremely difficult to think your way clear again. Religion in general not only fails to provide the tools needed to think your way clear again, but it provides the structure that allows one to fall into the black hole in the first place.


Well-known member
By the way, I don't blame all of Christianity or all Christians on this incident - I used that as a provocative title to get people to think about why the title might be wrong and whether or not those reasons might also apply to other thread titles and claims made in this forum.

I do, however, blame the tenancy for Christianity and religion in general to rely upon faith and unfalsifiable claims, encourage absolute certainty, and discourage doubt and questioning - opening the chasm for people to fall into the intellectual black hole of delusion, with sometimes horrific consequences. When one gets sucked in to an intellectual black hole, it can be extremely difficult to think your way clear again. Religion in general not only fails to provide the tools needed to think your way clear again, but it provides the structure that allows one to fall into the black hole in the first place.
"After" it was reported. It wasn't provocative and was libelous against a people group. You did it on purpose. You have warped ideas in your attacks against Christianity that reveal a lot of personal problems against Christianity. We don't, however, have to put up with it.
The remaining adherents of a dying religion always get defensive. They are ignorant of history and the real causes of events. Soon, thinking takes on a paranoid, conspiratorial bent, as the whole world seems to be against them. They clutch desperately to the last empty hope that they have: "my God will show you that I'm right, just wait." Soon after, as their God fails to appear, as He always does, it takes its last, dying breath.


[The homophobic version of Christianity will soon have it's own tombstone.

For your purposeful provocation, you received a purposeful infraction.

It is against TOL rules to name-call without cause (this is just a huge libelous name-calling against the majority of people in the United States).

Your 'desire' to kill off Christianity should not be done on a Christian board. We don't have to 'go quietly' and it is well beyond the majority of the United States. Try not to be so excited/gung-ho that you forget what website you are on nor troll us with drive-by hatred. This whole thread is wrong for a lot of horrible reasons, all yours and you. Do you really think ANY TOL member would condone this atrocity? Really? Really? Why did you imply it? Think before accusation please. Come back better than this.


Need I point out that the atheist that coined the term destroyed its use (at least the way you want to apply it) by becoming a theist? No true atheist admits there is a God....

Check out what he thought of your particular god. "I'm thinking of a God very different from the God of the Christian and far and away from the God of Islam, because both are depicted as omnipotent Oriental despots, cosmic Saddam Husseins".from Wiki