Christ! Turn poison me into life-food of children.


Christ! Turn poison me into life-food of children.

We have fallen from a pride-poisoned disintegrating heaven like Adam and Eve. Every organization and society is destroyed in that way by pride in material and spiritual world. We could have resisted the pride-devil by repentance (acts of rectification), but we obeyed pride-devil instead. As Adam and Eve became poison to their children making them suicidal murderers, we also have become so. So, the fratricidal wars continue and the atomic holocaust is coming. If our fruits perish we also perish with them.

Let us understand by another analogy. In our charitable dispensaries some mothers come whose milk has turned poison to their infants. It is due to AIDS, Syphilis, T.B., hyperacidity, breast abscess etc. In case of poor parents who can’t afford alternative milk the baby dies or permanently emaciated. To cure that takes much self-control and long treatment.
If parents lead dissolute life children also turn dissolute. We have seen too that open sex of parents devastates children psychologically even resulting in mental disorder. No use of preaching to them that sex is natural as they know innately that is for animals, not for humanity. If it was natural then humanity wouldn’t feel shame to hide that-Why sex passion is so irresistible and perverted in humanity?
But Christ-followers like me chose celibacy and opt for spiritual children instead. But creating spiritual children and nourishing them to make heaven worthy is far more difficult than creating carnal children. In my 53 years effort to create and nourish spiritual children I have dismal record. When I appeal to heavenly Father, He says “you have fallen from heaven turning poison to self and others. Though repenting now, you can’t suddenly turn into life-food. If you created carnal progeny worthy of hell-death then it would be easier. But to create and become life-food for them like Christ involves long love-purification, perseverance and cross. It applies to even those parents trying to make their carnal children heaven-worthy. I help persistent souls, not flattering people. If you persist, then if you don’t succeed in becoming life-food here, you shall succeed when in heaven as Christ became.”