Christ miraculously heals but we can’t hold on to that.


Christ miraculously heals but we can’t hold on to that.

Our Indian Islampur area’s water is arsenic contaminated. Many poor rural people have various types of cancer mainly due to it. Though government has arranged to supply pure piped water in some places, that is becoming polluted too due to rising level of arsenic. For agriculture purpose much water is pumped out allowing air down that arsenic bearing stones to release arsenic.
In a village 12 kilometers from here a poor family was liver cancer affected. Both parents died from it leaving four orphan children to fend for them. The elder married and separated. Symptoms of liver cancer appeared in next to younger boys. Poor they had no money even for food let alone costly medicines. The free rural hospital has no facility for cancer treatment. In desperation the older one evicted the younger one from house telling than he can’t spend anything on him. He warned that if he comes back he will throw him in the nearby river. As the six year old stunted boy was crying upon the road, a neighbor had pity. He offered to carry him on his cycle to our Islampur free dispensary. He told that christians are kind people. They may give him shelter and treatment.
So in this way Golam Murteza came to our Islampur center and pleaded for shelter in tears. He was accepted and sent to a cancer expert for diagnosis. Doctor told that he can survive at most two months with expensive medicines. Other experts and our experience also confirmed it.
As is our custom in desperate cases, we submitted him to the greatest doctor Jesus. We prayed and told nearby churches to pray for him. They all prayed together on consecutive Sundays. There was a lady healer in Jiaganj London mission. She was healed from terminal illness by Jesus coming down from a cross-picture. Christ commanded her to heal others in his name. Many were healed through her. We also brought him to her to be prayed over.
Christ healed him. He was a very docile sweet nature child loved by all. In his newly admitted school, teachers gave him books and free tuition. He excelled in study. After 6 years he was so grown up that his deformed liver was not noticeable. But due to the influence of Muslims with few Christians around, he couldn’t be brought to Christian faith, though he loved Christ and prayed. Besides he had a little inherited land due to his share. If he had deeper faith in Christ, he wouldn’t have sought that land in poor brothers’ custody. But, when he sought, brothers became alarmed. They say they put a spell on him. It is not improbable as we often see such cases here. If he had fully believed in Christ he would have been protected.
His cancer relapsed. We sent him to metropolitan hospital and attended to him on night and days. People around contributed money for his costly treatment, as my society runs only on my meager resources. Though Catholic church sent me to start this ministry, but instead of helping they misappropriated my property by forged deed.
Eventually doctors gave up and he died. I had tried to get him baptized but he being a minor, I couldn’t override objections of his senior brother. Many people joined in our mourning. I deserved to suffer because I couldn’t bring him or his brothers to Christ’s faith. It is said that failures are pillars of success. May this be our pillar to future success.
He loved Jesus who healed him. He can draw him to himself excusing his insurmountable blocks against faith. I loved him so dearly that my heart pains whenever I remember him, though children’s death was not uncommon in our orphanage. It is because we got him by much prayer and penance. Now nothing but an adult size skeleton lies in his grave. This size is due to Christ’s healing action. But we failed to keep that healing as Christ warned in Mt12-43.
An excerpt from my book "Christ, my refuge from Jehadists' swords"



New member
Christ miraculously heals but we can’t hold on to that.

Our Indian Islampur area’s water is arsenic contaminated. Many poor rural people have various types of cancer mainly due to it. Though government has arranged to supply pure piped water in some places, that is becoming polluted too due to rising level of arsenic. For agriculture purpose much water is pumped out allowing air down that arsenic bearing stones to release arsenic.
In a village 12 kilometers from here a poor family was liver cancer affected. Both parents died from it leaving four orphan children to fend for them. The elder married and separated. Symptoms of liver cancer appeared in next to younger boys. Poor they had no money even for food let alone costly medicines. The free rural hospital has no facility for cancer treatment. In desperation the older one evicted the younger one from house telling than he can’t spend anything on him. He warned that if he comes back he will throw him in the nearby river. As the six year old stunted boy was crying upon the road, a neighbor had pity. He offered to carry him on his cycle to our Islampur free dispensary. He told that christians are kind people. They may give him shelter and treatment.
So in this way Golam Murteza came to our Islampur center and pleaded for shelter in tears. He was accepted and sent to a cancer expert for diagnosis. Doctor told that he can survive at most two months with expensive medicines. Other experts and our experience also confirmed it.
As is our custom in desperate cases, we submitted him to the greatest doctor Jesus. We prayed and told nearby churches to pray for him. They all prayed together on consecutive Sundays. There was a lady healer in Jiaganj London mission. She was healed from terminal illness by Jesus coming down from a cross-picture. Christ commanded her to heal others in his name. Many were healed through her. We also brought him to her to be prayed over.
Christ healed him. He was a very docile sweet nature child loved by all. In his newly admitted school, teachers gave him books and free tuition. He excelled in study. After 6 years he was so grown up that his deformed liver was not noticeable. But due to the influence of Muslims with few Christians around, he couldn’t be brought to Christian faith, though he loved Christ and prayed. Besides he had a little inherited land due to his share. If he had deeper faith in Christ, he wouldn’t have sought that land in poor brothers’ custody. But, when he sought, brothers became alarmed. They say they put a spell on him. It is not improbable as we often see such cases here. If he had fully believed in Christ he would have been protected.
His cancer relapsed. We sent him to metropolitan hospital and attended to him on night and days. People around contributed money for his costly treatment, as my society runs only on my meager resources. Though Catholic church sent me to start this ministry, but instead of helping they misappropriated my property by forged deed.
Eventually doctors gave up and he died. I had tried to get him baptized but he being a minor, I couldn’t override objections of his senior brother. Many people joined in our mourning. I deserved to suffer because I couldn’t bring him or his brothers to Christ’s faith. It is said that failures are pillars of success. May this be our pillar to future success.
He loved Jesus who healed him. He can draw him to himself excusing his insurmountable blocks against faith. I loved him so dearly that my heart pains whenever I remember him, though children’s death was not uncommon in our orphanage. It is because we got him by much prayer and penance. Now nothing but an adult size skeleton lies in his grave. This size is due to Christ’s healing action. But we failed to keep that healing as Christ warned in Mt12-43.
An excerpt from my book "Christ, my refuge from Jehadists' swords"

To your statement!!

There is NO WAY you can prove that!! – It’s Truth, - according to the Scriptures, Jesus and the Apostles, and the Old Testament Prophets did Heal Miraculously according to the Scriptures!!! -- But there cannot be any “Historical, or Scientific Evidence, to PROVE such healing!!! - There is NONE of that today, in any form. Just a bunch of Lying Wonders by False Prophets of many false christs. – And you, and no one else can prove otherwise!!!! There is nothing Carnal now that is of Christ; - in teaching or doing ( period ).

Paul – 041812

Burning Bush

New member
@ Stephen.....IGNORE this whited sepulcher that replied to you.....he knows not what he does, obviously.


I personally have prayed for people that have been healed (including of leukemia), and I PERSONALLY have documented proof that I was healed of terminal cancer that had spread to most of my internal organs IN A WEEK'S TIME, without ANY medical intervention.

In addition to that He healed my crushed elbow, 4 ruptured discs causing partial paralysis (so well sophisticated tests couldn't even find the scar tissue, and the shocked neurologist said that was just not possible, that it wasn't there), damage from a heart attack, blown knees and lung damage from severe respiratory illness, from which I was told I had 3-4 months to live. That was 3 years ago. ALL of these have before and after tests on file. To God be the glory.

The boy did not lose his healing because of you, he lost it because Satan comes immediately to steal the word from our hearts, and most of the "church" does not know the priniciples for healing, much less for keeping it once you have it. Blessings to you and your people, and may God show Himself strong to all of you.


New member
@ Stephen.....IGNORE this whited sepulcher that replied to you.....he knows not what he does, obviously.


I personally have prayed for people that have been healed (including of leukemia), and I PERSONALLY have documented proof that I was healed of terminal cancer that had spread to most of my internal organs IN A WEEK'S TIME, without ANY medical intervention.

In addition to that He healed my crushed elbow, 4 ruptured discs causing partial paralysis (so well sophisticated tests couldn't even find the scar tissue, and the shocked neurologist said that was just not possible, that it wasn't there), damage from a heart attack, blown knees and lung damage from severe respiratory illness, from which I was told I had 3-4 months to live. That was 3 years ago. ALL of these have before and after tests on file. To God be the glory.

The boy did not lose his healing because of you, he lost it because Satan comes immediately to steal the word from our hearts, and most of the "church" does not know the priniciples for healing, much less for keeping it once you have it. Blessings to you and your people, and may God show Himself strong to all of you.

There is no showing some of you anything that God has SAID. - You don't know all of what God has said, therefore, you are short in the Knowledge of God who said it. - So you all must add your take on it, so you can believe it, --- AND THAT'S COOL ALSO!!

Paul -- 060212

Burning Bush

New member
That is the most caloused reply you made to that man above sharing about losing a boy, I have ever seen. The LORD rebuke you.

Either you're off your meds and you need some, or you're not on any to begin with, but need some; which is it?


New member
That is the most caloused reply you made to that man above sharing about losing a boy, I have ever seen. The LORD rebuke you.

Either you're off your meds and you need some, or you're not on any to begin with, but need some; which is it?

Why did they crucify Jesus??

Paul -- 060212


New member
Because He claimed to be the Son of God.

You know that's not the only reason!!

Weren't there just a little doctrine, and other events that took place, and other things that Jesus taught, that ANGERED THE FOOLS!!!!! - What about casting them out of the Temple, and MANY other things. Seems you may have minimized things just a little. - Is that the way to fight the devil, by simplifying your Sword?

Paul -- 060312
Last edited:


miracles are true

miracles are true

You know that's not the only reason!!

Weren't there just a little doctrine, and other events that took place, and other things that Jesus taught, that ANGERED THE FOOLS!!!!! - What about casting them out of the Temple, and MANY other things. Seems you may have minimized things just a little. - Is that the way to fight the devil, by simplifying your Sword?

Paul -- 060312

You are correct to say that Jesus was killed for many causes, but miraculous healings are truth too. May be you have not experienced or witnessed them. You may be a loner. But I being widely involved have seen numerous ones. It enriched my faith. You should be involved too. Love


New member
You are correct to say that Jesus was killed for many causes, but miraculous healings are truth too. May be you have not experienced or witnessed them. You may be a loner. But I being widely involved have seen numerous ones. It enriched my faith. You should be involved too. Love

You may have seen a little “Supernatural” stuff, that the religions today CALL “Miracles”, but, just because you or anybody sees or hears of something that is ( extremely rare ), doesn’t mean that it’s a ( Miracle )!!! -- Miracle means “( IT” can’t happen )”. - There are just as many non-religious related “very rare” events as there are your god giving miracles of ~healing~. -- Legs and arms and eyes and lungs and hearts ARE “NOT” BEING “REPLACED” - HHHUUUHHH!!! --- IF you all can heal, or know some great miracle worker of your GOD, by all means GO help the soldiers ( REGAIN ) THEIR LIMBS BACK, INSTEAD OF TEACHING such phony trash as, “GOD WILL DO ALL THAT”!! – NOOO!! – YOU will never see God replace any soldiers’ LIMBS. WHYYYY??? – It’s a bunch of false doctrine to get some of you who can believe in such nonsense to be a money source, like the Swaggarts DO!!!

Paul – 060712


Why Love-God would heal killer soldiers, devil's slaves?

Why Love-God would heal killer soldiers, devil's slaves?

You may have seen a little “Supernatural” stuff, by all means GO help the soldiers ( REGAIN ) THEIR LIMBS BACK, INSTEAD OF TEACHING such phony trash as, “GOD WILL DO ALL THAT”!! – NOOO!! – YOU will never see God replace any soldiers’ LIMBS. WHYYYY??? – It’s a bunch of false doctrine to get some of you who can believe in such nonsense to be a money source, like the Swaggarts DO!!!

Paul – 060712

Heal them to kill!! I cant afford to be blind to numerous obvious miracles often involving me. That would be suicidal. For that we are ready even to die, let alone be ridiculed


New member
Heal them to kill!! I cant afford to be blind to numerous obvious miracles often involving me. That would be suicidal. For that we are ready even to die, let alone be ridiculed

HEY MAN!!! - I don't care what you want to believe!! -- Believe all the lying wonders that that fool wants to show you!! -- That's who you're dealing with NOW!!! - I'm sure you don't care, none of your brothers in your place care.

Paul -- 060812


HEY MAN!!! - I don't care what you want to believe!! -- Believe all the lying wonders that that fool wants to show you!! -- That's who you're dealing with NOW!!! - I'm sure you don't care, none of your brothers in your place care.

Paul -- 060812
So, I shouldnt beleive my own eyes too!! That is suicidal! I m not going to do it.


New member
So, I shouldnt beleive my own eyes too!! That is suicidal! I m not going to do it.

If it's looks good, and if it sounds good, and if you want it, and if you like it, and if it's contrary to the truth the good fruit; sure, drink, and gobble it in like all the rest of your so called truth loving, so called Christ loving, if you like it do-it angels!

Paul -- 062312


If it's looks good, and if it sounds good, and if you want it, and if you like it, and if it's contrary to the truth the good fruit; sure, drink, and gobble it in like all the rest of your so called truth loving, so called Christ loving, if you like it do-it angels!

Paul -- 062312
What tells us me that a thing is contrary to truth the good fruit? Our own reason tells that, not Catholics’ reason or any ones reason. Going against reason is suicidal in every sphere of life.


New member
What tells us me that a thing is contrary to truth the good fruit? Our own reason tells that, not Catholics’ reason or any ones reason. Going against reason is suicidal in every sphere of life.

You don't have to tell me that! - I know that you go by your own reasoning!!

Paul -- 062912