Chimeras - Lab combinations of human and animal tissues to produce living monsters


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Gain-of-function research made Fauci so excited he defied his bosses and funded the research that developed the covid virus with hundreds of millions of American tax dollars for more than a decade. Other researchers with no fear of God and no respect for human moral obligations and restraints are also creating hybrids in labs with the likelihood the research will have strange consequences and, like covid, unknown serious threats to human life on earth.

Concerns about ethical boundaries in scientific research are growing as reports surface about scientists creating three-parent embryos, hybridizing humans and animals and growing human brains.
A new experiment out of the University Hospital Düsseldorf in Germany is raising more concerns after scientists said they grew human brain organoids, or small versions of human organs, that began spontaneously growing eyes, according to Science Alert.
Scientists at the university said the rudimentary eyes recognized light and sent information to the brain.
Though the discovery is disturbing, some scientists celebrated the discovery as a new avenue for research on human development.


Well-known member
We got the covid virus from misguided researchers playing with fire in ignorance. They probably did not realize what a deadly disaster would unfold because of their misguided research. The research attempts to produce gene-changing mRNA vaccines using aborted fetal cells are also beginning to show signs of disaster. And the research that combines human cells with animal cells or that attempts to grow brains in a lab that produce their own eyeballs will not end well.

In the Iliad, the Greek poet Homer describes a fearsome beast known to inhabit Asia Minor, one known as a chimera. The ferocious creature had the head of a lion, the body of goat and the tail of a serpent, and it purportedly breathed fire.
This mythical chimera has been left in the pages of legend. But scientists today are making chimeras of their own, blending together cells from multiple species in a single animal.
The term resurfaced most recently after news broke that a team of researchers had created human-monkey chimeras by inserting human stem cells into cynomolgus monkey embryos at a very early stage of development. The embryos, which were never implanted in the womb and weren’t allowed to fully develop, grew to contain a blend of human and monkey cells.