Child soldiers still dying fighting for Iran


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I hope either that story or the following will help you realize how much there is to be thankful for about America's dissociation of state and church. Also please note the extent to which names in these Islamic circles are not throw-away. 'Muhammed Ali' is a historical tribal affiliation there; in America it has been innocuously placed to have almost no effect other than as a sports star name.

In 2009 in Moldova, I met a missionary who had been able to work in Iran until the Revolution. I can't recall the name of the city with a key nuclear industry, but the same has one of the important seminaries for imams. The reason for this was so that the spiritual leader of the country--the Ayatollah--would be present to bless the writing of Qu'ran surahs on the bombs being assembled. Each bomb has a distinct surah printed on it.