Chicago - An Organized Commmunity?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Vote for me and then I'll forget all about you and let you go back to rioting and killing each other

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and where's bammy?

promoting the book he co-wrote with child molester #creepyunclejoe biden

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
blacks shooting blacks in Chicago?

Not my problem anymore, eh Biden?


keep your hands where i can see them!


New member
chicago's shootings and murders in the last couple weeks:
Which neighborhoods? Not every area in Chicago is bad.
I have a colleague who does entrepreneurial training and provides micro loans to those who make it through the program. He does his work on the south side in the Woodlawn neighborhood. It's a pretty tough neighborhood. What they find is that people with no jobs end up being on the street and in harms way. If the kids can get jobs and be inside at night, they can survive.
Lack of money and the promise of quick money in drug sales leads to gang violence. Since Indiana sells guns for cheap, people just drop down to Gary and purchase.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
another stellar weekend in chicago

Chicago's bloody weekend sees at least 40 people shot, 4 of them killed

A bloody weekend in Chicago saw at least 40 people shot, four fatally, officials said, in a city that earlier had touted its decreasing crime and violence numbers. Some 15 of the 40 people shot were teenagers, according to the reports. Officials said 25 people were shot within 2 and a half hours Sunday. Investigators continued their search for some of the shooters. Chicago Police Chief of Patrol Fred Waller at a news conference Sunday afternoon said: “We know that some of these incidents were targeted, and are related to gang conflicts in those areas.” “If they [the shooters] shoot you they don’t even run,” a man told the Chicago Tribune. “They just walk away, they ain’t trying to run.”'s-bloody-weekend-sees.html

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
'We Need the President's Help': Amidst Violence, Chicago Dem Asks Trump to Ignore Emanuel's 'Ban'

A Democratic Illinois state lawmaker who represents part of Chicago's West Side that has been heavily impacted by an increase in shootings asked publicly on "Fox & Friends" for President Donald Trump's help.

State Representative La Shawn Ford said three of the 63 people shot over the weekend in Chicago were victimized within steps of his church.

Ford said he was not opposing Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) outright, but clarified that the president should not consider the city a "Trump-Free Zone" -- which Emanuel declared it in 2017.

"We have to make sure that President Trump recognizes that not everybody believes that Chicago is a Trump-Free Zone," Ford said.

rahm Emanuel is, of course, bammy's former chief of staff, who is totally disinterested in the carnage that young black men are wreaking upon bammy's home town of Chicago
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New member
rahm Emanuel is, of course, bammy's former chief of staff, who is totally disinterested in the carnage that young black men are wreaking upon bammy's home town of Chicago
Emanuel is hardly disinterested. He has been working with the aldermen in the areas affected by crime. He has been speaking with pastors, non-profits and businesses in these areas to help stop the violence.
We have people who are in what they feel is hopeless poverty. They live in survival mode where only the strongest make it out. The police force meant to keep the peace ends up unjustly killing people which leads to distrust of the very government force that might help. Kids have no jobs and the schools do not provide the kids with livable skills. The end result is people doing whatever is right in their own eyes in order to keep lliving...even if it means killing others.
Now, Emanuels attempts at solving the problem have failed because his core worldview is incorrect and therefore his solutions are incorrect. But, you cannot say that Emanuel is disinterested. That is not true.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Now, Emanuels attempts at solving the problem have failed because his core worldview is incorrect and therefore his solutions are incorrect.

forced sterilization of the chronically impoverished might be a good start


New member
Don’t look for a pattern. Gun violence in Chicago is random the way destructive wind gusts are random. You can brace yourself but still not anticipate the location or severity of a blast. Monday easily could have been the quiet after the storm. We know of no connection between a man killed at bus stop Monday and a 17-year-old girl killed at block party Sunday, except that both were homicide victims in a city awash in illegal guns, and tormented by gang activity and the drug trade.

But why Chicago?,amp.html


like marbles on glass
Which neighborhoods? Not every area in Chicago is bad.
I have a colleague who does entrepreneurial training and provides micro loans to those who make it through the program. He does his work on the south side in the Woodlawn neighborhood. It's a pretty tough neighborhood. What they find is that people with no jobs end up being on the street and in harms way. If the kids can get jobs and be inside at night, they can survive.
Lack of money and the promise of quick money in drug sales leads to gang violence. Since Indiana sells guns for cheap, people just drop down to Gary and purchase.

That bolded part: exactly. But you'll never catch a fear-and-loathing conservative bringing that up when they talk about Chicago, they panic when the guns they want to be so available aren't in the hands of white people (which is why they start pointing at Chicago...)


like marbles on glass

"“One of the ways Chicago is different is that our social conditions are not anything like those now in New York City and Los Angeles,” Jens Ludwig, director of the Crime Lab, told a City Club audience early this year. “We are not just the most segregated city in America, but the level of concentrated poverty we have in our neighborhoods is unlike anything in Los Angeles or New York. You would not find an Englewood or Garfield Park anywhere in Los Angeles and New York.”

The dynamics at play, the ones Chicagoans want to understand to end the bloodshed, are complex. Gang life is a substitute for hope in isolated neighborhoods. Every shooting invites a retaliatory attack. In a city of 2.7 million people, a relatively small number of criminals — perhaps 5,000 to 10,000 thugs and drug dealers — are driving a large share of the violence. “It’s the same individuals that continuously commit these crimes,” Chicago Police Department Superintendent Eddie Johnson said.

One positive development is this year’s 20 percent decline in the number of homicides and shooting incidents. New CPD crime-fighting tactics, based in part on U. of C. Crime Lab data, get some credit. But so much more has to be done to stop the shooting, punish offenders and save neighborhoods."


like marbles on glass
i know this isn't Chicago, but it's so representative of the deliberately ignorant black culture - scroll to 1:35

"and he also cut me on both sides of my arms where my shoulders is..."

Your post immediately following the above:

why are idiots like this allowed to vote?

and reproduce?

There are avowed racists, and then there are racists who pretend they're not, by using euphemisms and weasel words.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"idiots like this"

no mention of race

there are undoubtedly more white idiots than black in america

heck, half of 'em voted for hillary :darwinsm:

and i don't think any of them should be allowed to vote

or reproduce