Character assassination success: Woman who alleges Trump raped her has dropped suit


New member
this woman who lied about trump raping her has finally dropped her politically motivated lawsuit. I'm not making excuses for Trump on any of the other issues like allegations of groping or his potty mouth towards women but this particular lawsuit was nonsense and garbage from beginning to end. Every single reoprter that has tried to verify her story has come out poking numerous holes in her fake rape encounter. Calling her allegations a "rape" is an understatement, in fact her allegations are completely over the top.
here is an excerpt
After achieving sexual orgasm, the Defendant, Donald J. Trump put his suit back on and when the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, in tears asked Donald Trump what would happen if he had impregnated her, Defendant Trump grabbed his wallet and threw some money at her and screamed that she should use the money “to get a ******** abortion

like I said every single reporter that has tried verify her story has come out poking numerous holes.
I talked to the woman accusing Donald Trump of rape and I'm more confused than ever.
Hearing her answers that night, I had to remind myself that PTSD from sexual trauma is known to damage victims' memories — and that the parties she recalled allegedly happened more than two decades ago. But Mike Fisten, a retired Miami-Dade detective who conducted research for several of Epstein's victims, denied such parties ever even took place.

"Jeffery never had parties like described in their complaint," Fisten told me. "Jeffery had sex parties, for sure, with two or three girls … but never with other guys."

There were men in attendance at Epstein’s more large, lavish affairs, Fisten said, but nothing illicit ever happened at such events.

"He loved having these young girls around him," Fisten acknowledged. "…But at these parties, with everyone around, nothing ever happened."
But Mike Fisten, a retired Miami-Dade homicide detective who worked as a private investigator in several Epstein-related cases, is skeptical about the new claims.
Fisten says Epstein had in effect two lives: “a business life and deviant pedphile life.” To find out which friends were involved in which life, Fisten carried a book with photos of Epstein’s contacts. In hundreds of interviews with hundreds of witnesses, he said no one has ever identified Trump as being involved in any kind of sexual activity with underage girls. In fact, Fisten recalls learning in the early 2000s that members of Trump’s private Palm Beach club, Mar-a-Lago, complained that Epstein was often accompanied by very young girls–“a different girl every week”—each of whom he would refer to as “his niece.” Fisten says he offered to look at Tiffany Doe’s book to vet her free of charge, but Taylor and Meagher declined.
Donald Trump once barred child molester Jeffrey Epstein from his famed Mar-a-Lago club after the presidential candidate caught him hitting on young girl, has learned.

The bombshell revelation about the fractured relationship between the two billionaires casts more doubt over the rape allegations made against Trump in an explosive lawsuit filed by a model in California court....

What’s more, Brad Edwards, a lawyer for Epstein’s favorite underage sex slave Virgina Roberts, subpoenaed Trump to give a deposition in the civil case against the sleaze bag.

But it was eventually withdrawn because Trump voluntarily provided information.

“Around 2008 or 2009, Brad was issuing subpoenas to a lot of people who’d met Epstein,” the source told Radar. “He got a call back from Mr. Trump’s lawyer to say there was no need to subpoena him — Mr. Trump would call him immediately.”

The call followed quickly, Radar has been told.

“During the conversation, Mr. Trump was open and forthright,” Edwards said. “I cannot discuss the substance of the conversation. But I will say that it was obvious to me that he was in no way involved in any untoward activity.”


According to Donald Trump that makes it around 12 or so women that have lied about his sexual misconduct ey Jeffrey? (Please correct me if I'm wrong, there is probably many more, just like sexual predators Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton, there always is).

Its' funny how multiple death threats to the victim and having her attorney's website hacked and business receiving a bomb threat can make one think that living instead of being murdered is a priority in this matter.


New member
According to Donald Trump that makes it around 12 or so women that have lied about his sexual misconduct ey Jeffrey? (Please correct me if I'm wrong, there is probably many more, just like sexual predators Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton, there always is).

Its' funny how multiple death threats to the victim and having her attorney's website hacked and business receiving a bomb threat can make one think that living instead of being murdered is a priority in this matter.

I have zero sympathy for a women who fabricates false accusations of sexual assaults, the alleged death threats and hacks are a direct result of telling obviously false lies for political gain. Secondly, this woman has hid behind a handler that has violently and sexually harassed reporters that try to uncover the truth.


Well-known member


I have zero sympathy for a women who fabricates false accusations of sexual assaults, the alleged death threats and hacks are a direct result of telling obviously false lies for political gain.

I'm curious how you know what the motivation behind those death threats and bomb threat were?

Secondly, this woman has hid behind a handler that has violently and sexually harassed reporters that try to uncover the truth.

Keep in mind that this isn't an isolated incident when it comes to your moral degenerate candidate Jeffrey. Accused child rapist Donald Trump has a long history of sexual assault and two rape allegations against him.

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored

What kind of a man jokes about having sex with Princess Diana (with SMUT jockey Howard Stern) just months after her death and somewhat recently said that he would "date"* his daughter if he weren't her father (the same daughter he talked about posing nude for Playboy magazine).

Trump isn't a man, as men don't do such things. He's a sleazy moral degenerate that has no respect for God, women or decency in general.

*"date" in Donald Trump's world is having sex and then buying his latest conquest something nice to show off.


New member
That is so deeply weird.

honestly it gets much worse, I only quoted portions that disprove her account but the people pushing this false rape story are deeply disturbed and are highly politically motivated
At that point in the conversation—and several times thereafter—I expressed strong reservations about Johnson’s story, even wondering whether a woman by that name existed. Baer wasn’t offended.

“Even if it’s an elaborate hoax, it’s kind of interesting, right?” he said, amiably. “But I don’t think it is.”

In a followup email, he was more unequivocal.

“My bride and I believe Katie, if I had to bet my house on her claims being true or false, I’d bet true,” he wrote. “But even were it to turn out that we’ve been hoaxed (I don’t think so), it’s still an incredibly elaborate hoax, and a story unto itself.”


New member
I'm curious how you know what the motivation behind those death threats and bomb threat were?

Keep in mind that this isn't an isolated incident when it comes to your moral degenerate candidate Jeffrey. Accused child rapist Donald Trump has a long history of sexual assault and two rape allegations against him.

stop it, aCultureWarrior , we both don't like Trump but inexcusable to continue associating Trump with Epstein after I cited numerous sources involved in his conviction that show zero connection to his underage prostitution ring.


New member
glad to read that at least none of republican leadership fell prey to this Woman's and her handlers lies during the primaries.
Trump Rape Accusers Turn On Each Other
Meanwhile, Taylor was shopping the video of Johnson to outlets like Gawker, with a suggested price tag of $1 million, and a promise to spend any funds on Johnson’s protection—to keep her safe from Trump and Epstein, whom Taylor contends will have her killed if they can find her. As of this writing, no one has purchased it....

Driven by an extreme distaste for Donald J. Trump–“He’s a liar, a letch, a pornographer, and possibly a child rapist,” Baer said—the Riverside, Illinois father of 10 has couriered unpixelated versions of the film (thereby exposing Katie Johnson’s face) to Ted Cruz, Charles Koch, Paul Ryan, John Kasich, and other conservatives and journalists, in the hope that the allegations would gain national attention.

When little response came, Baer sent follow-up emails. Lots and lots of follow-up emails.

It was, in fact, some 1,200 emails to Speaker Ryan and his staffers that Baer says brought an FBI special agent and a police officer to his door. (The FBI would not confirm that any agent had visited Baer.)

In a July 15 email to Ryan, copied to hundreds of Republican congressmen and conservative journalists, Baer wrote: “We had a very nice visit on our front porch this morning with a great guy ... a local FBI Special Agent...who came over with a friendly policeman, each well-armed, to ask me and my bride—today on our 33rd wedding anniversary—to stop sending you emails and visiting Janesville.”


Well-known member
stop it, aCultureWarrior , we both don't like Trump but inexcusable to continue associating Trump with Epstein after I cited numerous sources involved in his conviction that show zero connection to his underage prostitution ring.

ACW exemplifies textbook Leftism: Make the opponent argue a false point. As soon as you argue a lie with a liar, you give both the lie and liar validity. By you entertaining their false argument, they win it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
ACW exemplifies textbook Leftism: Make the opponent argue a false point. As soon as you argue a lie with a liar, you give both the lie and liar validity. By you entertaining their false argument, they win it.

aCW's about as 'left' as a right angle. Considering you argued a 'false point' recently and were shown to be in complete error on the matter (Your judge thread) you're hardly one to talk about 'textbook' anything unless you acknowledge you're just as guilty of doing it yourself.


Well-known member
aCW's about as 'left' as a right angle. Considering you argued a 'false point' recently and were shown to be in complete error on the matter (Your judge thread) you're hardly one to talk about 'textbook' anything unless you acknowledge you're just as guilty of doing it yourself.

Did I not acknowledge my false assumption and stand corrected, you hypocrite?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Did I not acknowledge my false assumption and stand corrected, you hypocrite?

Yes you did, not that you had any choice in the matter but yet you still come out with tripe like 'textbook leftism' so you didn't learn much from that unfortunately.


Well-known member
aCW's about as 'left' as a right angle. Considering you argued a 'false point' recently and were shown to be in complete error on the matter (Your judge thread) you're hardly one to talk about 'textbook' anything unless you acknowledge you're just as guilty of doing it yourself.

Is this the first time you've come to the defense of ACW?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
His positions are now revealed to be purely Leftist. We know now that he has more in common with you than with us.

You really don't learn from your mistakes do you? When I asked you why you presumed I would be against the judges decision in your thread your response was: "You're a leftist".

Now you may have acknowledged that you were completely wrong on that thread (although, again, you really had no choice) but yet you persist with the same silly little 'leftist' soundbites as if it means anything.

Intelligent people don't compartmentalize others based purely on a differing of political ideology and if they do they soon drop embarrassing clangers as you did with your own thread. This isn't to say that fanatical liberals aren't just as guilty of it as you are where it comes to blanketing conservatives, it's all asinine.

From this point if you persist in it then it only shows you're willfully dishonest or simply not very bright. Your call I suppose...

Now you may think aCW is liberal on the matter of Trump but then he considers Trump to be a liberal himself so hey. I think he's bonkers but to class him as a 'leftist' is simply a joke in itself. No liberal would campaign for gays to be locked up (as he does) or executed (as others do). That kind of thing only emanates from the far right.


Well-known member
Pay attention, Artie. I'm going to pretend for the moment you don't already know this as well as I do.

Someone who claims to be conservative can distrust and even refuse to vote for Trump.

But that's not the issue here. Never has been.

The issue is: someone who claims to be conservative cannot support Clinton and want to see her in the White House.

ACW didn't merely say he doesn't want Trump in the White House.

ACW said he wants Clinton in the White House.

That makes him a leftist, not a conservative.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Pay attention, Artie. I'm going to pretend for the moment you don't already know this as well as I do.

Someone who claims to be conservative can distrust and even refuse to vote for Trump.

But that's not the issue here. Never has been.

The issue is: someone who claims to be conservative cannot support Clinton and want to see her in the White House.

ACW didn't merely say he doesn't want Trump in the White House.

ACW said he wants Clinton in the White House.

That makes him a leftist, not a conservative.

Even if your above is true (have you got a quote where aCW has expressly said he wants Clinton in the White House as oppose to it simply being preferable to Trump being there?) it only underlines the asininity in using labels. At best you could say that he's conservative on some issues and left leaning in others. Once again, it's in no way a liberal position to re-criminalize homosexuality by way of.