CBP Chief Forced To Explain Why ICE Raids Haven’t Targeted Trump’s Companies

The Barbarian

Acting U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan on Sunday had to explain why sweeping immigration raids haven’t affected President Donald Trump’s companies despite multiple reports of those companies hiring undocumented immigrants.

The Washington Post reported on Friday that even as Trump cracks down on immigration through harsh measures, Trump Organization itself currently has undocumented immigrants working on its construction sites.

CNN’s “State of the Union” host Jake Tapper pointed out to Morgan that despite immigration agencies’ major increases in raids, including the ones in Mississippi last week that led to a record 680 arrests, there’ve been “zero raids” at Trump’s businesses.

“It seems like you guys are turning a blind eye to this crime being committed by the President’s own companies,” Tapper told Morgan, who recently served as the head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency before he was tapped as acting CBP commissioner in July.


The Barbarian

The Washington Post reports the Trump Organization has hired companies employing undocumented workers at its resorts, winery and golf clubs.
The Latino construction workers who tended to Trump Organization properties, building rock walls and other regal features at resorts such as these, were known as "Los Picapiedras" — Spanish for "the Flintstones."

That's according to a Washington Post report out Friday. Two former employees of a construction company used by the Trump Organization told the Post they were hired to work at President Trump's properties despite having entered the U.S. illegally and lacking proper papers.

One told the newspaper that a supervisor instructed him and other workers to buy fake Social Security numbers and green cards in New York. A current employee of Mobile Payroll Construction said the crews that worked on President Trump's winery and golf resorts also included unauthorized workers.

The Post report comes two days after sweeping raids targeting undocumented workers at agricultural plants in Mississippi. And those raids followed the El Paso mass shooting, which ramped up criticism of the president's immigration rhetoric; among other statements, he has repeatedly said the U.S. is facing a migrant "invasion."

On Friday, a Trump Organization spokeswoman told Newsy in a statement: "Where an employee is found to have provided fake or fraudulent documentation to unlawfully gain employment, that individual will be terminated. Fortunately, among the thousands of individuals employed by our organization, we have encountered very few instances where this has occurred."

The Post interviewed Jorge Castro, a 55-year-old undocumented immigrant from Ecuador who worked for the same construction firm and at seven resort properties over nine years. He told the newspaper President Trump "doesn't want undocumented people in the country," but added, "At his properties, he still has them."

Edmundo Morocho, another unauthorized immigrant who worked for the construction crew, told the Post a supervisor directed him to a New York street corner to buy fake documents.

And last year, Victorina Morales, an undocumented worker from Guatemala, shared her story with The New York Times about working as the president's housekeeper at the Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey. She stopped working at the club after that story was published.


He's got a long history of this:

President Trump quietly paid $1.375 million in 1998 to settle a class-action labor lawsuit filed by undocumented Polish workers who helped demolish a site for Trump Tower, The New York Times reports. Citing documents recently unsealed after a judge ruled that the public has a right to know of a case involving the “now-president of the United States,” the report says Trump’s payment covered lawyers’ fees and expenses of the laborers, while $500,000 of the overall sum went to a union benefits fund. The laborers were reportedly paid as little as $4 an hour while working 12-hour shifts without hard hats, gloves, or masks to demolish the Bonwit Teller building in 1980. The settlement came after 15 years of litigation, and details were only made public after Time Inc. and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press filed a motion to unseal the deal’s terms. Trump, who has vehemently railed against illegal immigration, reportedly testified prior to the settlement that he had no idea “illegal aliens” were employed on site.