cattyfan's POTD 3-23-08

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I rarely choose a POTD, but I found this response striking, especially given that it was posted Easter morning:

IF God really exists, and IF He then left us a record of His revelation, and IF those records were collected into a book ... all of which has been done ... then it doesn't matter whether what that book teaches "feels" good or not. The God of the universe wrote it, and we can either accept it (and Him) or reject it (and Him).

I believe that the Bible shows itself, by examination and evidence, to be the Word of God. This isn't something I was spoonfed as a child, I grew up completely and totally unchurched, spent 20 years of my life as an atheist. I have read and studied, and I believe wholeheartedly in the Scriptures. I take God at His Word.

That's one of the most concise, complete, and welcome smackdowns I've seen in some time.

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