cattyfan's POTD 11-07-08

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It seems as though people are beginning to get the message. That's what California's prop 8 was all about. I empathize with those of you who live in Massachusetts and Connecticut where Gays and Lesbians have the right to be married under the LAW. The majority of Californians have now voted twice and passed measures to ban gay marriage. The ACLU and Gay Activist Organizations have immediately filed suit to overturn what is now law within the state constitution. Though it is now illegal in California under the state constitution for those marriage to take place the city of San Francisco has vowed to continue to issue marriage licenses to Gay and Lesbian couples until stopped by court order. What don't they get about a government of the people, by the people and for the people. The people have spoken. It is not about rights. Gays and Lesbians have every civil right that a married person has. It is about changing the definition of marriage and promoting a lifestyle. Will democracy prevail or will Judaical activism and legislation from the bench continue?

Very well said.

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