Catholic Bishops Blamed for Court's Decision


[Catholic Bishops Blamed for Court's Decision Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] :eek:linger: "The U.S. Catholic bishops must step up and own the disastrous decision by the Supreme Court to allow homosexuals to marry. The society turned gay, first culturally and then legally, after the Catholic Church leadership had already blazed the trail. The culture turned gay because the Catholic clergy turned gay first. According to a report by Michael Voris of Church Militant Serving Catholics, "Many bishops and loads of priests have known for years about the dominance of the so-called gay mafia in the Church. Even Pope Francis acknowledged it after his election." His report continues in the following paragraphs.

We have the well-known case of Rembert Weakland, archbishop of Milwaukee, who was blackmailed by his gay lover for half a million dollars and was eventually outed by him anyway. Or Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago under whose tenure homosexual clergy ran wild in the Windy City - and still do. He even had the Chicago Gay Men's Chorus sing at his wake. Then there are scads of bishops who allow or instituted gay Masses, gay clubs, gay social groups all over their dioceses, all in the name of "compassion" and "mercy."

In truth, it is because many of them either are gay themselves, support the gay agenda, or are friendly to the cause for various reasons. Bishop after bishop has turned a blind eye to recruiting of active homosexual men into seminaries. Even to this day, multiple dioceses and archdioceses still have gay Masses said by gay-friendly priests exclusively for a gay congregation. This is beyond scandalous. The people who attend these Masses don't accept the Church's teachings. They scoff at them, ignore them, and work to blunt them. Read more." Ro 1


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
you can blame the bishops

I blame the bishops

we don't know how bad this problem is
it is being addressed

it will take many years to correct it
it may never be corrected
the pope does not focus on it

User Name

Greatest poster ever
One could just as easily blame Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Charlie Crist, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, Earl Paulk, etc...


New member
I think it's the whole progressive agenda in this country, beginning with radical feminism and then giving rise to a host of other issues, gay marriage being one of them. Catholics and Protestants alike have not helped, or not enough, but the secular trends are going to win the day in any case.


Nobody can say that the influence of homosexuals in the Catholic Church is greater now than in previous times because it is such a secretive organization and we have no objective means of comparison.

The real problem is not the homosexuals in the Church but the pedophiles, and the Church's predisposition to protect its priests at the expense of the vulnerable children under their care.

We are all well aware of these transgressions in Western Europe, Australia and North America in recent years, but is there any reason not to believe that its just as prevalent in South America, Africa and Asia where the traditional status of the clergy is such that it prevents its victims from going public.

Here again, we have no way of knowing how widespread the sexual abuse of innocents was at different times in the Church's history because it was never documented or addressed.

Dan Emanuel

Active member
Why don't you offer something constructive, like a daring and creative way out of the mess, rather than just pointing to the problem? My pet vacuum can tell me when they'res a problem; I expect that people are going to recommend solution's.



New member
One could just as easily blame Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Charlie Crist, Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, Earl Paulk, etc...

They've never been on the Supreme Court.

Right now there are 6 Roman Catholic judges, and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court.

That means that means Protestant America has no representation at all.

The result is free abortions and sodomy.

Thats what atheist Jews and apostate Catholics bring to the table.

They serve their Illuminati pedophile-murderer overlords.

The Supreme Court needs to be elminated, and replaced with Christian judges.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
They've never been on the Supreme Court.

My point exactly, as neither have those mentioned in the OP.

Right now there are 6 Roman Catholic judges, and 3 Jews on the Supreme Court. That means that means Protestant America has no representation at all.

Whose fault is that?

The result is free abortions and sodomy.

Quite a bit of free abortions and sodomy taking place among those in "Protestant America".

Thats what atheist Jews and apostate Catholics bring to the table.

What do you bring to the table?

The Supreme Court needs to be elminated, and replaced with Christian judges.

Good luck with that, Canadian.
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New member
I do not blame Catholics for this. It is a symptom of a general decline in moral values in this country. I believe Catholic schools have at least taught morals, and provoked kids to think about their morals even if it is only in a relative way.
I personally believe it is more a symptom of becoming a rich nation while at the same time not having a parent at home teaching our children. So our children learned from the media, a secularized school system, the street, gangs, etc. While it was admirable that our women went to work to support our nation in the second world war, their children became the hippie generation and started the "sexual revolution" which brought a lot of single-mother families, abortion, and the other ills "republicans" rail against when they probably have no one to blame but themselves as a group. And for the most part it has only continued as new generations have been raised.
When people become rich they generally need to be more diligent about their morals in order to retain them, but I think Americans have become less diligent as a nation, and as a consequence, morality has largely become scorned. I don't blame that on the minority Catholics.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How do you know this? They're must be a document of some sort, from the Holy See?


good question
homosexuals were never officially approved for ordination
you have to go back 20 to 30 years to find anything about that
the directives were never really enforced
the bishops didn't think they had to
until it started costing them money
we have some idea as to what they had to pay out
we can only guess as to what stopped coming in
that is when they knew they had a problem
they knew exactly what they had to do about it


New member
:eek:linger: It's not moral to be an idolater (1 Pe 4:3). :dizzy:


No Mary Worship

I'm just saying Protestants need to pluck the moat from their own eye before making gay marriage the fault of Catholics.
I don't believe it is all the fault of Catholics that Protestant kids have premarital sex, abortions, and are gay.
Trying to pin that all on "Mary worship" is just looking for a scapegoat imo....

Dan Emanuel

Active member
good question
homosexuals were never officially approved for ordination
you have to go back 20 to 30 years to find anything about that
the directives were never really enforced
the bishops didn't think they had to
until it started costing them money
we have some idea as to what they had to pay out
we can only guess as to what stopped coming in
that is when they knew they had a problem
they knew exactly what they had to do about it
Was the Holy Catholic Church clergy the worlds 1st really large equal opportunity employer of homosexual's? And if so, did this grand experiment yield any interesting result's?



New member
See: No Mary Worship



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Was the Holy Catholic Church clergy the worlds 1st really large equal opportunity employer of homosexual's? And if so, did this grand experiment yield any interesting result's?


yes and yes
it cost the church about 2 and a half billion not counting the reduction in money coming in

Dan Emanuel

Active member
no but it did tell the church that you can't trust a homosexual in a priesthood environment
Interesting . . . . I suppose that if we knew what particularly about the "priesthood environment" rendered homosexual's untrustworthy, we might know something about how to think about them in non-priesthood environment's as well? :idunno:
