Carson has climbed to Number 1 spot on my List (w/Cruz)


New member
I listened to Ben Carson on "Special Report" w/ Bret Baier and was so impressed with Carson's candor, the way he uses (HELLLOOO some of you folks out there) logic to look @ our country's problems..

For example, he says what I have been thinking for years now: Y are we giving aid to countries when we don't HAVE money to give? we have to borrow it.. makes no sense to borrow money to give to other countries.

And worse, Y are we giving money to countries that hate us? He said he would consider continuing aid to Israel. Oh, wait, I think he said he would continue, not just consider..

Anyway, even more important than that is that Ben Carson is TRULY pro life... truly against ALL abortions... and for all the right reasons... Well, there is only one right reason: Murder is wrong. The End

He and Cruz are probably the only ones we know for absolute sure are "100% pro life" meaning don't believe some babies (those conceived in rape/incest) are OK to abort..



New member
so my top ten looks like this

  • Cruz / Carson / Jindal / Walker / Santorum (assuming he is truly pro life?)
  • Perry
  • Trump? I don't know... Is he truly pro life?
  • Fiorina
  • Huckabee (need to learn more about his views on balancing the budget... etc)


New member
the list looks like this b/c Rubio just made points with me by bringing to our attn the way libs and others

Cruz Carson Jindal



Rubio brought up that.. people are just SOO distraught over that lion being killed... and yet
when it comes to having a normal response to BABIES being killed... not so much..

Thank you, Rubio... for standing up for the unborn when it isn't always popular to do so... but then, we don't care whether we are popular w/ some folks... dont care if the libs like us, now do we???

not the true Rs anyway... rinos... another story..

(and yet it's the same old story!!!)

Please, America, wake up... we don't need another Democrat.. we don't need another rino... We need a REAL conservative

this country will Fail if we don't get that... it is already 90% "failed"..

That should SCARE us all. If it doesn't, you aren't paying attn



New member
I was in a hurry when I made my list. Now I can focus on it better

Cruz Jindal Walker Carson







I have to learn more about Kasich... all of them, of course... need to learn more about all of them. But I know enough about the top 4 already.

well, when u think about it... Y would one need more time to learn RE some candidates but not others? I mean, if a person has integrity (is pro life, pro secure borders, etc)... you don't need to know much more than that...

The problem is there are so many to choose from...

But still... I am t hinking i won't learn anythig about the others (the not-#1-on-the-list ones) that could possibly change my mind about the #1s on the list.
