Cardboard boxes in The Back Alley


Well-known member
Wow, The Back Alley sure seems to be overrun by Letsargue. What's that all about?


New member
I don't think so... I just hadn't realized there was a, um, resident who'd set up shop in The Back Alley. :plain:

:rotfl: , you got to hit them storez and ask for they empty houses before they crush the houses in the bailers!


Eclectic Theosophist
O my stars.......

O my stars.......

Wow, The Back Alley sure seems to be overrun by Letsargue. What's that all about?

Good question,...I was gonna ask that some time back :)

I've taken him on here in a few threads, where he needed to be addressed by the 'proper authorities' ;) - but you know how unruly he can be :crackup:

Hope all are doing well, even back here in the alleys of TOL .......




New member
I don't think so... I just hadn't realized there was a, um, resident who'd set up shop in The Back Alley. :plain:

Back here in the Back Alley, it’s “No holds barred”. – I thought I’d give these geniuses a chance to prove me wrong with the Scriptures. – All anyone can do is give some philosophy, or some double talk, or bad-mouthing, -- Never any real Scriptural proof that I’m wrong anywhere. – The geniuses run and hide where it’s safe, and I have to chase them down.

Paul – 091911


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I've been complaining about the busted lock on the alley door for some time now. Paul's really given the alley that "lived in" look, which is fine for out here. But he sometimes wanders inside with stories of angels pooping and other such undesirables. So hopefully Knight will get that lock fixed soon.

Gotta get back inside. It's sorta creepy out here.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It would appear, zoo, that you have a real quandary on your mitts. :plain:

An ironic petard in the offing.


Eclectic Theosophist
looking for the duct tape........

looking for the duct tape........

Back here in the Back Alley, it’s “No holds barred”. – I thought I’d give these geniuses a chance to prove me wrong with the Scriptures. – All anyone can do is give some philosophy, or some double talk, or bad-mouthing, -- Never any real Scriptural proof that I’m wrong anywhere. – The geniuses run and hide where it’s safe, and I have to chase them down.

Paul – 091911

The trouble with 'scriptural proofs' is that they're subject to 'interpretation' :crackup:


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Wow, The Back Alley sure seems to be overrun by Letsargue. What's that all about?

You might have said "bats in't belfry" if you was a Yorkshire man, it would seem to be harmless except if you want to post, first you are invading his alley and therefore are asking for a rumble and secondly anything you post is gunna be page 3 in next to no time.

And then people get to say to themselves "uh Back alley that's just screwball stuff"


New member
The trouble with 'scriptural proofs' is that they're subject to 'interpretation' :crackup:


Philosophy goes only so far!! – But to the foolish Philosopher, it is everything!

The TRUTH / the Word of God is not “PHILOSOPHY”, and cannot be disproved in any way!! -- You can ONLY despise it.

Paul – 092511


New member
You might have said "bats in't belfry" if you was a Yorkshire man, it would seem to be harmless except if you want to post, first you are invading his alley and therefore are asking for a rumble and secondly anything you post is gunna be page 3 in next to no time.

And then people get to say to themselves "uh Back alley that's just screwball stuff"

But the stupid FOOLS can't prove any of it wrong, you can add "YOURSELF" to that!! -- I will not, because!!

Paul -- 092511


Eclectic Theosophist
the nexus point.......

the nexus point.......

Philosophy goes only so far!! – But to the foolish Philosopher, it is everything!

My former statement stands.

'Philosophy' is the love of wisdom, by the way. Wisdom actually does, go a long way, possess her is to know life and peace. She is a tree of life to those who heed her. Give Sophia a chance :)

The TRUTH / the Word of God is not “PHILOSOPHY”, and cannot be disproved in any way!! -- You can ONLY despise it.

The former statement applies here, its all about 'translation' and 'interpretation'..which often can distort the original essence and meaning of something. The 'proof' of God is in the existence of that which is by nature,...... pure, true, good, beautiful. 'God' as the 'absolute reality' behind all phenomenal existence, its source and good enough for me :) - 'God' doesnt need to be accredited or approved by any human manual of religious doctrine or mythology. God just 'Is', the reality always already Being. Here. Now. "I" know this, because 'God' is the source of my existence, the 'light' of my being, the One and All.



Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
But the stupid FOOLS can't prove any of it wrong, you can add "YOURSELF" to that!! -- I will not, because!!

Paul -- 092511

Well I've only read a few opening lines of a few of your posts oh great mind is a cultivated garden, I intend to keep it so.


New member
My former statement stands.

'Philosophy' is the love of wisdom, by the way. Wisdom actually does, go a long way, possess her is to know life and peace. She is a tree of life to those who heed her. Give Sophia a chance :)

The former statement applies here, its all about 'translation' and 'interpretation'..which often can distort the original essence and meaning of something. The 'proof' of God is in the existence of that which is by nature,...... pure, true, good, beautiful. 'God' as the 'absolute reality' behind all phenomenal existence, its source and good enough for me :) - 'God' doesnt need to be accredited or approved by any human manual of religious doctrine or mythology. God just 'Is', the reality always already Being. Here. Now. "I" know this, because 'God' is the source of my existence, the 'light' of my being, the One and All.



A Pagan! – You have got to be kidding, but I know you’re not. – You hinted at it there in the start. – You love Wisdom by Philosophy!. – Christians love Christ because He is the Wisdom / Knowledge / and the Understanding that Philosophy is nothing more than a person’s own thoughts that other Philosophers WILL disagree with. – The Word of God IS the TRUTH, and is NOT PHILOSOPHY, and it cannot be disputed without CONSEQUENCES!!

I love it, I eat it up!!

Paul – 092611


Eclectic Theosophist
pagan delights.............

pagan delights.............

A Pagan! – You have got to be kidding, but I know you’re not.

Yes, a born-again, eclectic, neo-gnostic Pagan :)

I wouldn't get concerned over 'labels' though as I'm really beyond 'catagory' ;)

For more on this -

How is freelight a pagan?

– You hinted at it there in the start. – You love Wisdom by Philosophy!. – Christians love Christ because He is the Wisdom / Knowledge /

Wisdom is One, no matter how its dressed (embellish with the religious cult-ure of your upbringing and preference).

and the Understanding that Philosophy is nothing more than a person’s own thoughts that other Philosophers WILL disagree with. –

Wisdom is wisdom. Lets keep it simple.

The Word of God IS the TRUTH, and is NOT PHILOSOPHY, and it cannot be disputed without CONSEQUENCES!!

Thats your 'opinion', as well as the surplus of 'consequences' lol

I love it, I eat it up!!

I love life too, and enjoy a good smorgusboard from time to time ;)



New member
Yes, a born-again, eclectic, neo-gnostic Pagan :)

I wouldn't get concerned over 'labels' though as I'm really beyond 'catagory' ;)

For more on this -

How is freelight a pagan?

Wisdom is One, no matter how its dressed (embellish with the religious cult-ure of your upbringing and preference).

Wisdom is wisdom. Lets keep it simple.

Thats your 'opinion', as well as the surplus of 'consequences' lol

I love life too, and enjoy a good smorgusboard from time to time ;)


But I don’t love life, -- I love this fight of God. – Life is a big nuisance.

AAHH, - it would be the same for “You or I” to argue with a Marxist, or Hitler!

Paul – 092611