candidates who created most jobs (while governor). Bush leads


New member


also of interest is that Jeb Bush is Catholic. He wasn't raised Catholic, of course, but I guess he converted b/c of (essentially b/c of) his wife ?

Wow... I like the guy more and more.. wonder why we had not heard about him being Catholic before (heard a rumor but that was about it).

He, unlike some virulent anti-Catholics I have "known" was able to see reason vis a vis Catholicism



New member

That's an extremely simplistic analysis. It doesn't take into account state size. Certainly, it's easier to produce a larger absolute number of jobs in Texas or Florida than it is in almost any other state, other factors being equal. It also doesn't examine the beginning state of employment, which makes a huge difference in terms of job creation. And it falls for the ad hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy of assuming that because a governor was in office during a period of job creation, that their policies must have had something to do with it, without examining how. Maryland had a generally lower unemployment rate than Florida since 1990, including while Bush was governor. Also, O'Malley's term as governor began essentially when Bush's ended, and as a result, his numbers mostly come from the Great Recession, while Bush's come from the years before the wheels came off the economy.

There are a lot of ways to parse the numbers, and you can bet that each camp will push out their own chosen analysts to read the tea leaves the way that looks best for them. But we should always remain skeptical of these politically-motivated readings.

For the curious:

also of interest is that Jeb Bush is Catholic. He wasn't raised Catholic, of course, but I guess he converted b/c of (essentially b/c of) his wife ?

Not especially of interest to me, but to each their own.

Wow... I like the guy more and more.. wonder why we had not heard about him being Catholic before (heard a rumor but that was about it).

I'm gonna go with, you weren't paying attention. It's been discussed nationally as part of his general bio since the announced at least.

He, unlike some virulent anti-Catholics I have "known" was able to see reason vis a vis Catholicism

I'm guessing he's not going to be using that line of reasoning in his campaign.


New member
That's an extremely simplistic analysis. It doesn't take into account state size. Certainly, it's easier to produce a larger absolute number of jobs in Texas or Florida than it is in almost any other state, other factors being equal. It also doesn't examine the beginning state of employment, which makes a huge difference in terms of job creation. And it falls for the ad hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy of assuming that because a governor was in office during a period of job creation, that their policies must have had something to do with it, without examining how. gn.

how idiotic. If one of your libs was gov at the time all the jobs happened you'd be spoutating pro-(whoever) like boiling water in a kettle on a hot burner



Well-known member
Nice dodge.

It's tough sometimes deciding whether or not she's for real. I usually think she's for real, but then every once in a while I think no way, this has to be a put-on.

Either way, it works out pretty well as far as marginalizing goes. I wish she, aCW and serpentdove would get together with some other folks here and host some sort of convention.


New member
It's tough sometimes deciding whether or not she's for real. I usually think she's for real, but then every once in a while I think no way, this has to be a put-on.

Either way, it works out pretty well as far as marginalizing goes. I wish she, aCW and serpentdove would get together with some other folks here and host some sort of convention.

Yeah, I'm in about the same place. It's hard to tell if its trolling.


New member
it shouldn't be all about jobs though

I absolutely DEPLORE Jeb's ideas RE immigration

well, actually, I wouldn't deplore them if the illegals were made to go to prison before getting their legality...

after all, if an American citizen broke the law by breaking and entering...
