Canadian Parents Want Genderless Baby


New member

It is so unfortunate that our society has moulded the recent generations in such a way that makes "gender" and acting out gender one of the mst important parts f a person's identity.* You did not put details in your original post so I guess I can take this thread as open at the moment.

I think that many people these days in our westernized and individualistic society, that "sex" and "gender" are very different things. where a person's "sex"is referring to certain undenyable physical characteristice (genetalia is the most noteable) that a person is born with, and where "gender" is 100% culturally constructed.* Our society has certain ideologies that benefit the ruling clas (and in my opinion that ruling class of today are the wealthy and famous).* The media over time has perpetuated thi verty strict idea of what it is to be a "real man" and what it is to be a "real woman" and these gender stereotype have been slowly but deeply engrained into every single aspect of our lives that slowly and subconconciously our society has come to believe are more important than ever.

It is funny to think that the stereotypical girls wear pink and boys wear blue etc etc has only become prominent within the last 50 or so years.* Where 100 years ago or less, little boys and little girl BOTH wore dresses and nobody batted an eyelash because it was no important and these gender terms are in no way static and in no way "Truth."*


New member

It is even crazier and kind of mind boggling when I take a look at even my own ideaa of gender that society and the media hav implanted into my subconcious.* This whole idea of "woman's work" inside the home and "mens work" where the an goes out and earns the money and proovides for the family has only existed AT MOST 150 - 200 years out of the entire time of human kind and mostly just since the "modern world" as we know it has existed.* Before this both men and women and even children ALL worked with equal time being spent on upkeeping the family and keeping eachother alive.

I am not even sure that the Bible has much to say about a man's work vs a woman's work and what "gender roles" were supposed to be.* If it does pleae let me know but we just take it for granted and believe that what our culture says gender means RIGHT NOW is what is ordained in the BIble but that is so off base.* Ithink the only thing the Bible has to really command or direct toward gender identities is that men and women should not dress the same ad that women (for obvious God ordained physical reasons) carry, give birth to and nurse babies.* But other than that there is not much said about the roles of husbands and wives in the work they do in the family.*


New member

In fact, in Proverbs 31 a good woman is described as taking care of the land and doing business by buying and selling the land..
Proverbs 31 is a mother with authoity to teach her children the correct path and to educate the children about how to live a God fearing life.* The mother and woman is the SOURCE of WISDOM in which she give to Solomon (the wisest king).. now THAT cultural gender rule has clerly een forgotten in modern times and actually flipped where women are seen as not being allowed to impart wisdom.

Proverbs 31 also describes a good woman and a good wife as one who:
-works hard for her family
-is fearless even in hard times
-buys ad sells property (fields)
****" She considers a field and buys it;
*** out of HER EARNINGS SHE* plants a vineyard" - proverbs 31:16
-work with eager hands
-provides food for her family and her servants
-has full confidence from her husband
-has strong arms for her tasks
****" She sees that HER trading is profitable,
*** and her lamp does not go out at night." - proverbs 31:18
-does any and all kind of work for her husehold
*****" SHE is clothed with STENGTH and DIGNITY;
*** she can laugh at the days to come.
*She speaks with wisdom,
*** and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
*She watches over the affairs of her household
*** and does not eat the bread of idleness.
*Her children arise and call her blessed;
*** her husband also, and he praises her:
*“Many women do noble things,
*** but you surpass them all.”
*Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
*** but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
*Honor her for all that her hands have done,
*** and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." - Proverbs 31:25-28


New member

It seems to me what the Bible tells us is a good and real Man and Woman depends on if they live their lives and fear (repenct and honor) the Lord.* NOT what OUR culture has defined gender and gender roles as.* It is not about the size of a womans breast and how flat her abs and how red her lips are and how shiny her hair is that makes a woman a woman.* In the same way it is not how tall or strong or how big the muscles and how emtionless a man is that makes him a good Man....that is what our society defines GENDER as but the BIBLE tells us that what makes a good man and a good woman is the way they lives their lives bringing honor to the name of our Lord!

So I hope that these Parent who want a "genderless" child realize that gender is cmpletely socially constructed and that if they raise their child to fer the Lord and realize that gender i what one mkes it.....maybe they will get a "genderless" baby after all... but until then the child will still be born with a set of body arts that define their "sex" but does not define them as a human being!


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Hall of Fame
Look at the picture, does it really bother that pervert that bad to be a woman? Clearly not, since shes breast feeding. If "it" hated its female body so much, it sure wouldnt be doing that.



Well-known member
It is even crazier and kind of mind boggling when I take a look at even my own ideaa of gender that society and the media hav implanted into my subconcious.* This whole idea of "woman's work" inside the home and "mens work" where the an goes out and earns the money and proovides for the family has only existed AT MOST 150 - 200 years out of the entire time of human kind and mostly just since the "modern world" as we know it has existed.*

And how about that crazy behavior where men mate with women, and women mate with men?

That only came about in the last 500,000 years or so, at most! Just another wacky social construct!