

New member
These quotes are from the Encyclopedia Americana,1961 edition.

"Words are frequently changed in an entirely arbitrary way, just for the sake of change, as is the case with taboo, and cant. The purpose is to deform the word in any possible way and render it unrecongnizable."

"Cant ,the secret language of a corporation or class of persons, such as criminals, hoboes, students, soldiers, railroaders, conspirators, and the like."
This quote should have also included secret societies.

"Canopus. In Egyptian mythology, a water god, represented on vessels of a spherical shape."
That is, the shape of a serpent.

"Cannibalism, Kan/i/bal/ism, a customary, socially approved practice, among certain barbarous peoples, of eating human flesh." "The fact that the older, learned term "anthropophagy" derives from the classic Greek anthropos (man) , and phagein (eat), suggests that from ancient times barbarous peoples were known to eat human flesh, or at least were accused of doing so."

Here is a list of proper names of some snakes.

Acanthophis: Adder's.
Canna, Pseudaspis: Mole snake.
Candidus, Bungarus.
Candoia: #1. Aspera, #2. Bibroni, #3. Carinata.
Caninus, Corallas: Emerald tree boa.
Cantherigerus, Alsophis.
Cantil, Agkistrodon bilineatus.
Cantori, Trimeresurus.
Canum, Gyalopion: Western hook-nosed.
Canus, Tropidophis.

Origin of the domestic dog
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The origin of the domestic dog is the history of the ancestry and the domestication of the dog (Canis lupus familiaris).

The earliest fossil carnivores that can be linked with some certainty to canids are the Eocene Miacids some 55 to 38 million years ago. From the miacids evolved the cat-like (Feloidea) and dog-like (Canoidea) carnivores. Most important to the ancestry of the dog was the canoid line, leading from the coyote-sized Mesocyon of the Oligocene (38 to 24 million years ago) to the fox-like Leptocyon and the wolf-like Tomarctus that wandered around North America some 10 million years ago. From the time of Tomarctus, dog-like carnivores have expanded throughout the world.

Latin Canidae Can´id`ae
n. 1. a natural family of doglike mammals including the domestic dogs, wolves, jackals, foxes, hyenas, and coyotes. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.

The word Vatican is a compound word, but you will not find a dictionary that tells you that. Have you ever given any thought to the term, social engineering?

Additional notes.
Vatican is an Etruscan word used in Latin also. The Vatican palace is for the popes in Rome. It has been their principal residence since 1377AD. It includes administrative offices, a library, and a museum. It is also attached to the basilica of St Peter's.

Vatis. Latin. Noun. vātis. genitive singular of vātes.
'Vatis' = 'prophetic' or 'diviner'
'Can' = 'serpent/snake'

These two words combined make:
Prophetic or divine serpent'

The crest of the Vatican; the pagan Babylonian god 'Marduk'...
In the Vatican-museum the crest of the Vatican is the oldest and central piece of their collection. Underneath you can see a photo of this icon.

Link to Vatican Crest image:

The crest of the Vatican: 'the serpent-dragon'; it represents the pagan god Marduk from Babylon; Roman Emperor Heliogabalus introduced it to the Roman Empire in the 3rd Century. Just before the Vatican had been formally established by Emperor Constantinus in the early 4th Century with the crest of Marduk.


Cancun means Nido de Viboras in Maya, or Nest of Vipers.

The Mayan word kan means serpent. Kan is a letter of the Mayan alphabet represented by the face of a snake. Kukulkán means The Plumed Serpent.

Kukulkán is associated with the planet Venus. Kan may also be a generic term for king or great leader.

The Mongols also called their national leader Khan.

1968, the Mexican national seal was changed to that of the rattlesnake.
The word ( Mex i co ) means, "mix of company."

Canary Island
It is said that the Fortunate Isles are called Canaria after the multitude of huge canines who live there.
So why is a bird named after a dog? A person might think that the islands were named after the birds, but according to Pliny such is not the case. "Canary" derives rather from the Latin word canis, "dog", and the name Canaria was given to one of these islands because of its population of fearsomely huge canines.

According to the chamber of commerce there never was a population of wild dogs. The Island was known for its snakes that would leap from tree limbs to catch little bird in flight. That means that the story Pliny told is a fabrication. Now what do you think of that?
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New member
Refutation of James Bernstein
First Bernstein says it was the church, not the councils that set the canon, then two pages later he says the church determined the canon. Yet Bernstein tries to prove his point by telling us the canon was determined by the Council of Laodicea A.D 363 and third Council of Carthage in A.D 397. Obviously then Bernstein contradicts himself. First he says it was not the councils, then he refers to two church councils to prove the church had the authority to set the canon.
The first council accepted only 26 books and rejected the book of Revelation, while the second council accepted all 27 books including Revelation. The obvious question: What good is the "authority of the church" if it contradicts itself? One council rejects the book of Revelation the other council accepts Revelation. Which "authority" was right?
What does it mean for the Catholic Church to canonize scripture?

Note: The Book of Enoch was accepted a scriptural from 167BC to about 700 AD.

khan (kän, kăn)
From Persian khān means house, from Middle Persian.

From ancient times people would remark while in the Vatican dungeon, that they were in the belly of the beast or serpent, or, in the can. And that is where the word can comes from. Even to this day people in prison or jail will say they are "in the can."

Jeremiah 51:34
"Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has devoured us, he has thrown us into confusion, he has made us an empty jar. Like a serpent he has swallowed us and filled his stomach with our delicacies, and then has spewed us out.

The word "canon" is derived from the Greek noun κανών "kanon" meaning "reed" or "cane," or also "rule" or "measure," which itself is derived from the Hebrew word קנה "kaneh" and is often used as a standard of measurement.

Reed Snake.

American. African. Arkansas. Kansas. Mexican. Canada. Canary. Vatican = Vaticanus.

can - "Definitions: endowed, imbued with; possess, have (Tibetan).

Can - Definitions: seed; progression; energy; serpent; 4th calendar glyph (Mayan). Associated.

Chan ['sky, serpent'], Kan, Khan; Kan ['3rd calendar glyph'] (Yucatec, Maya).

CAN - Definitions: vessel for liquid; have learned, come to know. Associated spellings/words: canna, kunnan.

With the Hawaiians, Kanaloa is the personified spirit of evil, the origin of death, the prince of Po, or chaos, and yet a revolted, disobedient spirit, who was conquered and punished by Kane.

Cant is an example of a cryptolect, a characteristic or secret language used only by members of a group, often used to conceal the meaning from those outside the group.

CAN addition
Organized as a U.S. territory 1819 (admitted as a state 1836), named for the Arkansas River, which was named for a Siouan tribe.
The spelling of the term represents a French plural, Arcansas, of a name applied to the Quapaw people who lived on the Arkansas River; their name was also written in early times as Akancea, Acansea, Acansa (Dickinson, 1995). This was not the name used by the Quapaws themselves, however. The term /akansa/ was applied to them by Algonquian speakers; {NOT TRUE} this consists of /a-/, an Algonquian prefix found in the names of ethnic groups, plus /kká:ze, a Siouan term refering to members of the Dhegiha branch of the Siouan family. This stem is also the origin for the name of the Kansa tribe and of the state of Kansas; thus the place names Arkansas and Kansas indirectly have the same origin. [William Bright, "Native American Place names of the United States," 2004]

From French variant of Kansa, native name of the Siouan people who lived there (1722). It is a plural (see Arkansas). Established as a U.S. territory in 1854, admitted as a state 1861.

Title Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History
Editor Frank Wilson Blackmar

Publisher Standard Publishing Company, 1912
Quote: The first mention of the Kansas Indians in the white man's history was about the beginning of the 17th century, when Juan de Oñate gave them the name of Escansaques. It will be noticed that the second, and third syllables of this word form the name "Cansa," which is one of the numerous forms later used.
George P. Morehouse of Topeka, who has made a rather exhaustive study of Indian lore and tradition, says "The famous historic word Cansa or Kansa is neither of French or Indian origin.

Title The Kansa or Kaw Indians and their history: and the story of Padilla
Author George P. Morehouse

Publisher State Printing Office, 1908
Original from Harvard University
Digitized Oct 22, 2008
Length 52 pages
Subjects Kansa Indians

Quote: The word is plain Spanish, and as such has a well-defined and expressive meaning when applied to an Indian tribe. Cansa or Kansa means 'a troublesome people, those who continually disturb or harass others.' It comes from the Spanish verb cansar, which means 'to molest, to stir up, to harass,' and from the Spanish noun cansado, 'a troublesome fellow, a disturber,'

In other words, there never really was a tribe called Kansa.
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New member
That means that the story Pliny told is a fabrication.

Now what do you think of that?
Why would PLINY Fabricate his historical Roman treatise ?

What did he have to gain from it ?


It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman Empire to the modern day and purports to cover all ancient knowledge. The work's subject area is thus not limited to what is today understood by natural history; Pliny himself defines his scope as "the natural world, or life".[1]
The work is divided into 37 books, organised into ten volumes. These cover topics including astronomy, mathematics, geography, ethnography, anthropology, human physiology, zoology, botany, agriculture, horticulture, pharmacology, mining, mineralogy, sculpture, painting, and precious stones.
The Natural History became a model for later encyclopedias and scholarly works as a result of its breadth of subject matter, its referencing of original authors, and its index. The work is dedicated to the emperor Titus, son of Pliny's close friend, the emperor Vespasian, in the first year of Titus's reign. It is the only work by Pliny to have survived and the last that he published.



New member
That means that the story Pliny told is a fabrication.

Now what do you think of that?
Why would PLINY Fabricate his historical Roman treatise ?

What did he have to gain from it ?


It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman Empire to the modern day and purports to cover all ancient knowledge. The work's subject area is thus not limited to what is today understood by natural history; Pliny himself defines his scope as "the natural world, or life".[1]
The work is divided into 37 books, organised into ten volumes. These cover topics including astronomy, mathematics, geography, ethnography, anthropology, human physiology, zoology, botany, agriculture, horticulture, pharmacology, mining, mineralogy, sculpture, painting, and precious stones.
The Natural History became a model for later encyclopedias and scholarly works as a result of its breadth of subject matter, its referencing of original authors, and its index. The work is dedicated to the emperor Titus, son of Pliny's close friend, the emperor Vespasian, in the first year of Titus's reign. It is the only work by Pliny to have survived and the last that he published.

Secret Societies have been around for thousands of years.
Can you say social engineering boys and girls?


New member
Rosicrucianism , Free Masons, Skull and Bones etc.

Rosicrucianism is a philosophical secret society said to have been founded in late medieval Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz. It holds a doctrine or theology "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm."Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross

Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest;

neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.


New member
When John wrote the book of Revelation, the Roman soldiers were painting in blood a dragon on their shields.


New member
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An incantation or enchantment is a charm or spell created using words. An incantation may take place during a ritual, either a hymn or prayer, and may invoke or praise a deity. In magic, occultism, witchcraft it may be used with the intention of casting a spell on an object or a person. The term derives from Latin "incantare" (tr.), meaning "to chant (a magical spell) upon," from in- "into, upon" and cantare "to sing".

In medieval literature, folklore, fairy tales and modern fantasy fiction, enchantments (from the Old French "enchantement") are charms or spells.
The term was loaned into English since around AD 1300. The corresponding native English term being "galdor" "song, spell". It has led to the terms "enchanter" and "enchantress", for those who use enchantments.

The weakened sense "delight" (compare the same development of "charm") is modern, first attested in 1593 (OED).


New member

Definition of canard

n. - An extravagant or absurd report or story; a fabricated sensational report or statement; esp. one set afloat in the newspapers to hoax the public.


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Definition of cancan

n. - A French dance, accompanied by indecorous or extravagant postures and gestures.


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noun: cantrip; plural noun: cantrips

a mischievous or playful act; a trick or deception.


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Definition of cannabis

n. - A genus of a single plant species belonging to the order Uricaceae; hemp.


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Volcano / Vulcano

In ancient Roman religion and myth, Vulcan (Latin: Volcānus or Vulcānus; pronounced [wɔl.ˈkaː.nus], [wul.ˈkaː.nus]) is the god of fire including the fire of volcanoes, also god of metalworking and the forge. Vulcan is often depicted with a blacksmith's hammer. The Vulcanalia was the annual festival held August 23 in his honor. His Greek counterpart is Hephaestus, the god of fire and smithery. In Etruscan religion, he is identified with Sethlans.


New member
Rosicrucianism , Free Masons, Skull and Bones etc.

Rosicrucianism is a philosophical secret society said to have been founded in late medieval Germany by Christian Rosenkreuz. It holds a doctrine or theology "built on esoteric truths of the ancient past", which, "concealed from the average man, provide insight into nature, the physical universe and the spiritual realm."Rosicrucianism is symbolized by the Rosy Cross

Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest;

neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Secret Societies have had a major impact in history, but yet, it is not taught in schools. Example: All of the America presidents have been a member of a Secret Society.


Is this serious?

If so, how can you be sure of anything recorded in the past? Who knows how many "can" words in other languages were used to translate the Bible. This conspiracy of yours casts doubt on just about everything that is known


New member
Is this serious?

If so, how can you be sure of anything recorded in the past? Who knows how many "can" words in other languages were used to translate the Bible. This conspiracy of yours casts doubt on just about everything that is known

No need to exaggerate. Anyway, the writing of history goes to the victor.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Is this serious?

If so, how can you be sure of anything recorded in the past? Who knows how many "can" words in other languages were used to translate the Bible. This conspiracy of yours casts doubt on just about everything that is known

it just casts doubt on cherubram